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Design of all kinds of pneumatic system is becoming constant mission faced by designer of production instrument. It is very important to research and develop very efficient and applicable computer aided design software for designer of pneumatic system to improve the level and efficiency of pneumatic system design.
    After the analysis of function requirement of current pneumatic system design and trait of current 2D CAD software of pneumatic system, this paper finished three aspect of research.
    (1) Pneumatic system CAD software configuration that is very applicable to the current and future development requirement. 2D schematic diagram design is integrated with circuit analysis by the configuration, component moulding with 3D parametrization component library, CAD software with database, and it is applicable to development requirement of rapid design of 2D schematic diagram and virtual design of 3D pneumatic system structure.
    (2) Several item of key technology about pneumatic system CAD software: composing of pneumatic component parameter database and parametrization 3D geometry moulding technology; 2D design technology of pneumatic schematic diagram and circuit analysis technology; 3D virtual design and simulation technology of pneumatic system. Design efficiency is improved prominently, and these technologies adapted to development requirement of 3D design reduce design misplay, shorten system development cycle.
    (3) A prototype system is developed, and a pneumatic system CAD software architecture that is applicable to 3D virtual design is constructed by the prototype system.
    It is indicted through system running that these technologies are very efficient and practical, and offer technical reference for the consummation of pneumatic system CAD technology and the development of commercial pneumatic system CAD software.
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