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     W型火焰锅炉燃烧过程的检测研究。通过使用基于图像处理的炉内燃烧过程检测技术,对Foster Wheeler (FW)技术W型300MW和600MW级的锅炉进行检测。对一台300MW级W型火焰锅炉进行了沿炉膛高度方向的温度和火焰发射率的检测,得到了炉内火焰温度和发射率沿炉膛高度方向上分布的主要规律。对一台600MW级W型火焰锅炉进行三维温度场重建的研究,并将三维重建温度分布的信息与采用便携式图像温度检测系统以及红外高温计的检测结果进行了比较,结果显示检测结果的差别在10%以内,表明检测结果的可靠性。检测结果表明W型火焰锅炉目前存在的飞灰含碳量高,NOx排放超标等问题与实际燃烧过程中火焰中心偏上,煤粉停留时间不足,炉内空气分级燃烧不足有直接关系。
     对FW技术的W型火焰锅炉燃烧过程进行数值模拟研究并提出一种提高NOx预测准确性的方法。通过建立适合W型火焰锅炉特点的贴体网格,采用Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)方法对一台310MW W型火焰锅炉内的燃烧过程进行了模拟,得到了典型的炉内温度分布,速度场和颗粒轨迹等,并通过将模拟得到流场和沿炉膛高度方向的温度分布结果与试验结果进行对比,表明了模拟方法和结果的可靠性。以此为基础分析了目前炉内燃烧中存在的一些主要问题和原因。通过将CFD燃烧过程模拟得到燃烧器出口的升温曲线,结合具有氮释放预测能力的化学渗透脱挥发分(Chemical Percolation Devolatilization) CPD模型,计算得到煤粉在燃烧过程中挥发分氮和焦炭氮的比例,以及挥发分中NOx的前驱物HCN和NH3的份额。用这些参数取代传统的经验参数,取得了对NOx生成的预测的更高精度。
The development of coal combustion technology to optimize the coal combustion to improve the efficiency and reduce NOx emission of arch fired boilers, is an important and urgent issue in the combustion utilization of low-volatile coal. Detailed tests and accurate numerical simulation of combustion process is the key point to accurate grasp coal combustion process in furnaces, reveale the mechanism of NOx formation, and comprehensively understand the effects of various factors on the combustion characteristics. They are the the guidance and basis to optimize the coal combustion and develop new high efficiency and low NOx emission combustion technology. This work, based on the analysis of combustion process in the arch fired furnaces by detailed flame detection technology employing image processing technology and numerical simulation, studied a pratical technology to improve the combustion in the arch fired furnace. The detailed description is as below:
     Combustion detection technology by image processing technique has been applied to study the combustion process in two typical Foster Wheeler (FW) technology arch fired furnaces, each of which is representive for 300MW and 600MW grade boilers. The measurements of the 300MW furnace, show general rules of temperature distribution and flame emissivity along the height of the furnace. Three-dimensional temperature field reconstruction study on a 600MW grade boiler has been performed. The three-dimensional temperature distribution measurements have been verified by a portable image temperature detection system and an infrared pyrometer test results. The comparison shows the temperature measurement differences between the three instruments are within 10%, which indicates the reliability of the mesurements. Numerical simulation method reliability and results are also confirmed by the temperature measurements. The analysis based on above results, shows that the high unburnt carbon and NOx emissions are mainly caused by the actual high flame center in the furnace, which reduce the residence time of pulverized coal and decrease the staged air combustion.
     A numerical simulation is applied to a FW technology arch fired boiler combustion process, and a method to improve the prediction of NOx emission is presented as well. By the establishment of body-fitted grid of a 310MW FW arch fired furnace, the CFD method is performed to simulate the combustion characteristics in the furnace, and the typical furnace temperature distribution, velocity field and particle trajectory have been presented. The comparison of simulated flow field and temperature distribution along the furnace height with the experimental results, shows the reliability of the simulation methods and results, and the prediction reveal the reasons account for the bad combustion in the furnace. By the CFD combustion results, the heating progress of coal particles in the furnace can be account to predict the nitrogen release by Chemical Percolation model for Devolatilization (CPD) model. Then, the volatile nitrogen and char nitrogen ratio and the proportion of volatile NOx precursors in form of HCN and NH3 are able to be calculated for the actual combustion process in the furnace. Using these computed parameters instead of the traditional experiential parameters, the NOx emission prediction accuracy is improved.
     On the basis of the above results, four combustion optimization methods for FW arch fired furnace are researched by numerical modeling and field tests. The effects of the proportion adjustments of vent air, C air (oil gun air) and the method to burn blended coal in the furnace on coal combustion process and NOx emission are studied, by comparasions of the momentum ratio, coal igniton, flame depth, coal burnout and NOx emission variations, and optimal operation are suggested. As the conventional combustion optimization methods are not able to fundamentally solve the shortage of the high NOx emission as a reason of lack air-staged combustion. So deep air combustion method by the independent over fire air (OFA) set above the arch of furnace is presented. The numerical simulation is employed to study the effects of the independent OFA strategy on the combustion characteristic, and introduce high-speed OFA above the arch to guarantee the coal burnout with effective reduction of NOx emission.
     As the conventional optimization methods not only play a limited role to improve combustion efficiency and reduce NOx emission for the arch fired furnace, but also hard to maintain stable combustion while achieve high efficiency and low NOx emission. So a technology to improve the combustion is studied by set guide vanes in the F layer secondary air box to decline the 60-70% secondary air with a certain angle into the furnace. The method is able to increase the downward/horizontal momentum ratio without any change of the flow on the arch. The declination of the secondary air also plays an injection effect on the down-flow primary air, this ensures that the main secondary air gradually offer oxygen for the coal flame along the flame path, not directly impacts the down-flowing primary air. As a result, the flame path is extended and the reduction zone in the down furnace is enlarged, which improve the coal burnout and reduce the NOx emission. Numerical simulation of combustion optimization of different F layer secondary declined angles shows the best angle is 25°. The industrial application of this technology on a FW furnace shows that this method effectively reduces unburnt carbon in fly ash, and increases combustion efficiency more than 1% with more than 20% NOx emission reduction on high load.
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