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Study Background and Purpose
     Dysbolism pigment skin diseases(such as chloasma,vitiligo),high incidence of serious impact on quality of life of patients,clinical efficacy of the lack of ideals are related to pigment regulation of the key influencing factors,mechanism and laws of science have not been thoroughly expounded.Melanocortin(melanocortin) are derived from precursor pro-opiomelanocortin(POMC) neuropeptide hormones, including a-MSH,ACTH,etc.,produced mainly in the pituitary.Skin-derived melanocortin neuropeptide hormone is mainly involved in regulation of skin pigmentation process,and this role mainly through the MC-1R-mediated.MC-1R are excellent synthetic melanocyte melanocytes,pigment Diablo key mediator, regulation and control are the important skin pigmentation gene.In the process, tyrosinase is the key rate-limiting pigment synthesis enzyme.MC-1R activation,or high expression of tyrosinase synthesis would increase,thus increasing melanin synthesis.TCM Pathogenesis of pigment awareness are responsible for many disorders of the blood,while the proposed rule is to reconcile qi and blood,mainly with Huoxue Qufeng,the organic combination of Bushen Ways law.In recent years, Chinese medicine and pigment-related metabolic disorders studied are limited to observation of single herbs on tyrosinase activity or melanin cells,rarely from the perspective of MC-1R pigment metabolism mechanism of its stated,and thus have a practical application of less significance.Our previous preliminary study results show that the thorn Tribulus terrestris has a bi-directional regulation of melanocyte proliferation and tyrosinase activity in the role,based on this,according to our clinical use of high frequency of melanocyte metabolic regulation has had a thorn Tribulus terrestris on the pigment metabolism in some studies to observe the different amount of water thorn Tribulus terrestris extract on C57BL/6J mice hair follicles MC-1R expression,preliminary study thorn Tribulus terrestris epidermal melanocytes in the skin cell activation and proliferation process;for clinical treatment of pigment metabolism skin barrier provides an effective drug reference and experimental evidence.
     Methods and contents
     48 C57BL/6J mice were randomly divided into 4 groups,each 12,were given water extract of Tribulus terrestris stabbed the 3 test groups and one group given distilled water control group,experimental group of mice 2 days after pre-dependent, beginning in the first three days,gill medicinal herbs Tribulus terrestris Health at 9:00 am and 16:00 pm on two consecutive give the experimental group of mice fed with aqueous extract of Tribulus terrestris stabbed twice to mice orally each 0.5ml,the control group contour and distilled water.The 30th day in the morning 1 hour after administration of 4 groups of mice 3%pentobarbital 45mg/Kg intraperitoneal anesthesia,conventional fixed,scraped back hair,with scissors cutted Organize size 2cm×2cm skin,10%neutral formaldehyde fixed standby.
     Random selection at each of the same number of specimens,dewaxing to water, antigen retrieval,the use of streptomycin avidin - peroxidase Connect(SP) staining of conventional MC-1R expression in the epidermis,the buffer with the first alternative to do the negative control antibody,using known positive biopsy as a positive control. And the specimens were 200 times with random selection under the microscope observation field of vision 20 epidermal MC-1R-positive cells distributed by the JVC color camera image input cells photographed Mias system.
     Finally the use of secondary method of calculation of the expression of MC-1R positive cells scoring statistics to the normal black mouse skin as a control,the application of statistical software SPSS13.0,specimens in each group between the positive rate of adoption of W ilcoxon rank sum test statistical analysis.The experimental results of the analysis,areα=0.05,P<0.05,when the contractor for the difference was significant;
     MC-1 expression is positioned at the bottom of Table Picchi melanocyte, keratinocyte cytoplasm,yellow or brown granules,MC-1R in normal mouse skin black hair follicles were scattered in the focal distribution,in the experimental group was focal or diffuse distribution of epidermal basal layer in the formation of brown stripe.MC-1 at different dosage thorn Tribulus terrestris group and normal skin of mice hair follicles have a positive expression of the film,MC-1R in the test group the expression of skin tablets and skin compared to normal control group,the difference has statistical significance(P = 0.004<0.01;X2 = 13.515) and MC-1R in the test group than in the normal control group was significantly increased,and the test group thorn Tribulus terrestris dosage,the more obvious the higher the expression,that is, high doses thorn Tribulus terrestris when used to express the strongest capacity of 225g(average rank = 34.21 ).
     The full text of the conclusions
     1,different doses thorn Tribulus terrestris can effectively increase both MC-1R expression level.
     2,MC-1R in the thorn Tribulus terrestris expression under possible biological effects through the amplification of the way makes Melanin synthesis enhanced,in order to play a regulating rode of melanin metabolism.
     3,in high and low doses should not barbed bi-directional regulation of Tribulus terrestris melanocortin 1 receptor expression.
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