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As the most sophisticated international criminal code, the Rome Statute has been put into practice through judicial activities of the ICC and judicial cooperation from contracting states. Also, many contracting states, especially those from the EU, have enacted their national implementing legislations. These legislations have come into force for over ten years, the investigation and analysis of them is necessary for their improvement and instructive for other states' possible legislations. On this basis, the present paper intends to provide a comprehensive research on the basic issues in relation to national implementing legislation of the Rome Statute from a main perspective of the EU states.
     The present paper consists of introduction, the text of five chapters and epilogue.
     The introduction firstly briefs the background of the research, then the thesis and perspective is elaborated, which is the issue of national implementing legislations from the main perspective of the EU states, especially those challenges from domestic law and relevant solutions for the party states of the Rome Statute. Meanwhile, some key terms and their abbreviations are defined. Second, the research status of the thesis in both China and foreign states are summarized, which draws forth the meanings of this research, i.e. to grasp the status of existing legislations, to enlighten future legislations and to enrich the theory about the application of criminal treaties. The approach taken by this paper:from the general to the specific, first describing the main forms of national implementing legislation and the advantages and defects thereof in general before coming to the analysis of the actual legal questions involved through the study of the legislations of the EU states with a purpose of offering reference for similar problems that other states may encounter. By the empirical, comparative and historical analysis, this paper provides a deep study of the basic issues of the national implementing legislation, reveals the general methods and fundamental differences between the civil law and common law states on questions such as the model of implementing legislation and the triggering mechanism of universal jurisdiction.
     Chapter1provides an outline of the Rome Statute, particularly its making process, norm system and ratification status. Firstly, the thought of the statute can be traced back to the middle of the19th century when the development of international humanitarian law brought the demand for international prosecution of the grave breach of laws and regulations of war, however the complicated international politics and capricious international relations suppressed the materialization of international criminal law. The post-World War Ⅱ trials in Nuremberg and Tokyo greatly promote the process international criminal legislation, the UN Genocide Convention and other treaties hence came into being and the international society once again took the idea of establishing a permanent international criminal court and drafting its code seriously. Nevertheless, the start of the cold war saw the halt of the making of the statute once more. With the end of the cold war in1989, the UN reopened the agenda of establishing the ICC, and nearly ten years'effort made the dream come true:the Rome Statute was finally passed in June,1998at the Rome diplomatic conference. Secondly, the Rome Statute is a unified system of norms from the perspective of its legislation structure, including the institutional norms, substantial norms and procedural norms in relation to the ICC and its judicial activity. Among them, the institutional norms are mainly about the composition of the ICC and its relations with other international organizations, which are necessary for the establishment of an independent international criminal court and the assuring of justice. The substantial norms stipulate the jurisdiction of the ICC, the definitions of core crimes, general legal principles and punishment. The procedural norms provide rules for the investigation, prosecution, trial, enforcement and judicial cooperation relating to the ICC. Thirdly, as regards its ratification, the Rome Statute has been accepted by122states on the one hand, but on the other hand, three permanent members of the UNSC, namely, China, the US and Russia, and India have not ratified the statute and therefore almost one half of the population of the whole world remains outside of the jurisdiction of the ICC, which heavily damaged the universality of the statue and questioned the generality and fairness of the international criminal justice. So the future of the statute will depend largely on the change of the great powers' attitude toward the ICC.
     Chapter2generally analyses the basic issues of the national implementing legislation of the Rome Statute, mainly including the definition, meaning and model of the national implementing legislation. The first section explains the meaning of the national implementing legislation from different point of view. From the standpoint of the ICC, the implementing legislation focuses on the cooperation, although it also gives consideration to the making and perfection of substantial norms. From the standpoint of the contracting states, the implementing legislation focuses on jurisdiction and substantial norms and cooperation legislation is the second goal. From the standpoint of the non-contracting states, the cooperation legislation is the only concern. This paper takes the main position of the contracting state while the ICC and the non-contracting state are also taken into consideration so as to make a full analysis of the specific issues and avoid unnecessary misunderstanding or objections. The second section explores the significance of the national implementing legislation. Firstly, it means the enrichment of national law that prevents and punishes international crimes, those who have abused the fundamental rights of individual, of the group and of the human beings as a whole will no longer slip away because of the lack of law. Secondly, it improves the national criminal law and enhances national criminal jurisdiction so as to maintain the judicial sovereignty. The third section discusses the model of national implementing legislation from the different respective of universal jurisdiction, core crimes and judicial cooperation. Some common practice and different characters can be found out with regard to the national implementing legislations involved.
     Chapter3discourses upon the first specific issue relating to national implementing legislation, namely the jurisdiction system and charges system required by the Rome Statute. The first section expounds the establishment and perfection of national criminal jurisdiction system for international crimes, discusses the statute stipulation of the complementary jurisdiction and national jurisdiction for the core crimes, especially the universal jurisdiction, and discusses the main practice of national criminal jurisdictions. The second section discusses genocide and the issue of its domestic legislation, including criminalization of genocide, the statute rules regulating genocide, three major legislation modes in different countries and their specific content. The third section expounds crimes against humanity and the issue of its domestic legislation, including the historic development of this crime, the statute rules regulating it and differences of legislation in different countries, namely the existence of the charges of crimes against humanity in domestic law, the regulating way and the specific contents of crimes against humanity in criminal law. The fourth section discusses war crimes and the issue of its domestic legislation, including the establishment of war crimes in international law, the statute rules regulating it and three major issues relating to different national legislations, namely the legislation mode, dualization of war crimes and its specific sphere of crimes.
     Chapter4expounds the second specific issue relating to national implementing legislation of the Rome Statute, i.e. the principles of international criminal law, especially the principle of command responsibility, principle of Ne Bis in Idem, principle of irrelevance of the official capacity and principle of non statute limitation. This paper dose a comprehensive analysis and exposition on statute provisions and national legislations about these principles and discovers that although there are mature and the detailed legal principles in national criminal legislations, states still have to bridge the gap between the domestic law and the Rome Statute.
     Chapter5discusses the last specific issue relating to national implementing legislation of the Rome Statute, i.e. the states' duty to cooperate with the ICC. The first section presents a survey of the national implementing legislations on cooperation and highlights three issues in this regard, i.e. the cooperation legislation mode, the establishment of institutions and the recognition and privileges of the ICC. The second section analyses the national law of arresting and transferring of the accused from the contracting states to the ICC, the contracting states'procedural law, safeguard of the rights of the related personnel and the denial of the ICC's requests. The third section studies the contracting states' legislations on other forms of cooperation, analyses other kinds of request for cooperation that states may be confronted with. The fourth section explores the duty to cooperate with the ICC regarding the enforcement of judgments, analyses the national cooperation mechanism on enforcement, particularly the states'different attitudes toward the enforcement of imprisonment and that of fines and confiscation, the reasons for such a attitude division are also considered.
     The epilogue probes into national implementing legislation of the Rome Statute from China's perspective. Firstly, China's non-contracting party position and its reason are analyzed. Second, based on such a non-contracting party position, this paper determines three situations that the statute may apply to China and concludes that non-contracting parties, including China, are not totally beyond the influence of the statute. On this basis, this paper studies the foremost legislation task for China as regards the cooperation with the ICC, especially the establishment of the principle of cooperation in China's law and the choice of cooperation legislation mode. Lastly, being convinced of China's ratification of the statute in the future, the author holds the point that the research on national criminal legislations from the angle of the Rome Statute will be a long-term project.
①例如,自1996年至2007年,德国司法机关回应了600多件来自前南国际刑庭的协助请求,在国内进行了100多件与前南事件相关的调查,德国法院也审判了包括灭绝种族罪在内的一些犯罪。参见[德)格哈德·韦勒:《国际刑法学原理》,王世洲译, 商务印书馆2006年版,第101页。
    ①莫滕·伯格斯默凌岩主编: 《国家主权与国际刑法》,北京:Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher,2012, p.3.
    ② Ilias Bantekas, Reflections on Some Sources and Methods of International Criminal and Humanitarian Law,6 International Criminal Law Review.128 (2006).
    ③从国际法上看,国家实施立法也可称为国家执行立法或适用立法,因为条约的“实施”、“执行”和“适用”具有相同的实质含义,即国家采取措施以履行条约义务,从而使条约在其国内法中得以贯彻。参见李浩培: 《条约法概论》,法律出版社2003年版,第379页;[奥]阿·菲德罗斯: 《国际法》,李浩培译,商务印书馆1981年版,第229页。
    ④ Theodor Meron, Is International Law Moving towards Criminalization? 9 EJIL 18 (1998).
    ① See Max Du Plessis, South Africa's Implementation of the ICC Statute:An African Example,2 Journal of International Criminal Justice 460-479(2007); Olugbuo, Benson Chinedu, Implementation of the Rome Statute In Africa: An Analysis of The South African Legislation,1 Eyes on the ICC 219(2004); Rishav Banerjee, Rome Statute and India: An Analysis of India's Attitude towards the International Criminal Court A Journal of East Asia & International Law 457-476 (2011); Usha Ramanathan, India and the ICC,3 Journal of International Criminal Justice,627-634 (2005).
    ② Conference on Implementing Legislation of the Rome Statute of the ICC in African Indian Ocean countries, available at httpL//www.pgaction.org/home.html, last visited Feb.5,2012.
    ③ See Bassiouni, M. Cherif, Introduction to International Criminal Law. New York:Transnational,2003; Bassiouni, M. Cherif, ed. The Statute of the International Criminal Court:A Documentary History. New York:Transnational,1998.
    ① The International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, International Criminal Court:Manual for the Ratification and Implementation of the Rome Statute.3rd edition, available at http://www.international.gc.ca/court-cour/assets/pdfs/PDF/ICC%20Implementation%20Manual%202008.pdf, last visited July 22,2008.
    ② See Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook, of International Law,235-257(2005); Gillian Triggs, Implementation of the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court:A Quiet Revolution in Australian Law,25 Sydney. L. Rev.507-534 (2003); Robert Cryer and Olympia Bekou, International Crimes and ICC Cooperation in England and Wales,5 Journal of International Criminal justice,441-459 (2007).
    ③ Eser, Albin/Kreicker, Helmut (ed(s).):Nationale Strafverfolgung volkerrechtlicher Verbrechen-National Prosecution of International Crimes. Vol.1-7, Berlin 2003-2006.
    ① See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon et al., Implementation of the Rome Statutey,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 76-253 (2005).
    ②黄芳: 《国际犯罪国内立法研究》,中国方正出版社2001年版。
    ①参见杨立军: “论《国际刑事法院罗马规约》中的补充性原则对国内立法的规范作用”, 《武大国际法评论》2006年第1期,第35-42页; 屈学武、周振杰: “《罗马规约》在亚洲的批准与实施研究”,《河北法学》2007年第8期,第20-28页。
    ②参见涂小雨: “论缔约国对《罗马规约》的执行”,湘潭大学2007年硕士毕业论文。
    ①王勇: 《条约在中国适用之基本理论问题研究》,北京大学出版社2007年,第170-171页。
    ① M.C. Bassiouni, Introduction to International Criminal Law, New York:Transnational Publishers,2003,p.493.
    ② See Gregory S. Gordon, The Trial of Peter Von Hagenbach:Reconciling History, Historiography, and International Criminal Law, p.35. Electronic copy available at:http://ssrn.com/abstract=2006370, last visited May 5,2011.
    ③ See ibid, p.3.
    ①瑞士人,与亨利·杜南(Henry Dunant)等人在1863年共同创立了国际红十字会,曾长期担任红十字国际委员会的主席。
    ② Christopher Keith Hall, The First Proposal for a Permanent International Court,322 International Review of the Red Cross.60(1998).
    ③ Christopher Keith Hall, The First Proposal for a Permanent International Court,322 International Review of the Red Cross.61(1998).
    ④ See Ibid. pp.62-63.
    ③参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上》,北京大学出版社2006年版,历史回顾第8页。
    ① See M.C. Bassiouni, Introduction to International Criminal Law, New York:Transnational Publishers,2003,p.441.
    ②参见黄风、凌岩、王秀敏: 《国际刑法学》,中国人民大学出版社2007年版,第374页。
    ③ See L.Oppenheim, International Law:A Treatise, Vol. I, London:Longmans, Green and Co.,1912, p.170.
    ① See M.C. Bassiouni, Introduction to International Criminal Law, New York:Transnational Publishers,2003,D.449.
    ② U.N.Doc. A/RES/49/53.
    ③ U.N.Doc. A/RES/50/46.
    ②参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,历史回顾,第15-17页。
    ③李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,前言。
    ④参见[英]菲利普·桑斯: 《无法无天的世界:当代国际法的产生与破灭》,单文华、赵宏、吴双全译,人民出版社2011年版,第49页。
    ⑤[德]格哈德·韦勒:《国际刑法学原理》,王世洲译, 商务印书馆2006年版,第54-55页。
    ①李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第18页。
    ⑤具体而言,联合国要保证国际刑事法院及其官员具有与《公民权利和政治权利公约》第14条、《有关联合国司 法机构独立性的基本准则》和《联合国检察官作用指南》等法律文件所确立的独立性之标准。参见李世光,刘大群,凌岩主编:《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》, 北京大学出版社2006年版,第36-38页。
    ① See Peter J. van Krieken, The Hague:Legal Capital of the World, London:Cambridge University Press,2005,pp.3-9.
    ④李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第29页。平等中的首位(primus inter pares)原则来源于基督教的教义。“长老们在会中一起行动并分担领导教会的权柄和责任,但是他们的恩赐、圣经知识、领导能力、经验或献身上是不同的,因此那些在特别有恩赐的长老自然就会在这个领导群体中突显出来”。这种思想最初出现在主耶稣对十二使徒的身上。“耶稣拣选了十二位使徒,给了他们讲道和医治的能力,但却对其中三位——彼得,雅各和约翰(平等中的前几位)给予特别的关心。在重要的场合中耶稣只拣选了彼得、雅各和约翰陪伴,见证他的全能、荣耀和苦难”。参见Alexander Strauch:“按照圣经做长老”,http://www.book.edzx.com/Book/B1278N2916.aspx,2011年6月22日最后访问。
    ③李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编:《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第375页。与规约不同,前南国际刑庭和卢旺达国际刑庭的书记官处是法庭的独立机关,其书记官长均由联合国秘书长任命并对其负责,位同助理秘书长。由此形成了书记官处与分庭、检察官办公室分庭抗衡的局面,并引发了有关人员雇佣、国家不合作报告的提交和部门利益冲突等方面的一些争执,影响了法庭的运作效率。参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第339页、第375页。
    ⑥参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第44页。
    ⑥参见(德]格哈德·韦勒: 《国际刑法学原理》,王世洲译,商务印书馆2006年版,第109页。
    ②应该肯定的是, 《罗马规约》对死刑的禁止代表了国际法上废除死刑的趋势,对于在国内法上死刑的废除有着示范意义和推动作用。同时,对于已经与国际刑事法院签订执行协议的国家则有必要从刑罚执行的角度审查和解决本国法与规约规定的可能冲突。
    ③其中, 《罗马规约》第六编“审判”主要规范法庭审理程序,包括审判庭的职能、被告人权利的保障、受害人与证人的保护和诉讼参与:第八编“上诉和改判”主要规定被定罪人或检察官上诉理由和改判问题。从国家实施立法的角度看,这两编所规定的审判程序规则与国内法缺乏司法实践意义上的互动性,故在此限于篇幅不再具体展开。
    ③ See M. Bachrach, The Permanent International Criminal Court:An Examination of the Statutory Debate,5 ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law.155 (1998).
    ②该数字截止2013年3月1日,Available at www.icc-cpi.int, last visited March 1,2013.
    ④ Robert Cooper, The Breaking of Nations:Order and Chaos in the Twenty-First Century, London:Atlantic Books,2003, p.155.
    ①David J.Scheffer,A Negotiator's Perspective on the International Criminal Court,167 Mil.L.Rev.3(2001).
    ②See Willian H.Taft,Eighteent,Waldemar A.Solf Lecture in International Law,184 Mil.L.Rev.141-145(2005).
    ② See Usha Ramanathan. India and the ICC,3 Journal of International Criminal Justice,629 (2005).
    ②参见宋杰: “国际关系中的司法干涉:新干涉时代来临”, 《世界经济的政治》2011年第7期,第119页。
    ④ Antonio Cassese, On the Current Trends towards Ciminal Prosecution and Punishment of Breaches of International Humanitarian Law,9 EJIL 12 (1998).
    ⑤ Antonio Cassese, On the Current Trends towards Ciminal Prosecution and Punishment of Breaches of International Humanitarian Law,9 EJIL 13 (1998).
    ⑥ Antonio Cassese, On the Current Trends towards Ciminal Prosecution and Punishment of Breaches of International Humanitarian Law,9 EJIL 13 (1998).
    ① See Detlev Vagts, Hegemonic International Law,95 AJIL 843(2001).
    ②《犯罪要件》对国际刑事法院并无严格的法律约束力, 《罗马规约》第9条第1款规定,“本法院在解释和适用第六条、第七条和第八条时,应由犯罪要件辅助。”美国认为罪刑法定原则要求有法律约束力的犯罪要件,大多数国家则认为犯罪要件并无必要,规约本身对法院管辖的罪行已作详细规定,法院也可以象前南和卢旺达两个国际刑庭那样通过审判实践发展国际罪行的有关规范。规约第9条第1款正是上述两种主张的折衷。
    ② Usha Ramanathan, India and the ICC 3 Journal of International Criminal Justice,633(2005).
    ⑤李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第12页。
    ① BBC:"Libya trial for Saif al-Islam Gaddafi'would damage ICC'.available at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-19899572, last visited Oct.15,2012.
    ②在这方面,日本是一个典型的例子。虽然一直积极参加《罗马规约》的谈判和议定,但是考虑到海外派遣自卫队(SDF,Self Defence Force)执行国际行动问题,日本对于规约的签署和批准一直持犹豫态度。尽管如此,日本最终还是于2007年11月1日批准了《罗马规约》。
    ①参见(德)格哈德·韦勒: 《国际刑法学原理》,王世洲译, 商务印书馆2006年版,第61页。
    ① See ICC Implementing Legislation, available at http://www.iccnow.org,last visited July 2,2012.
    ② See ibid.
    ①其中包括“国际犯罪(international crime) "、“违反国际法的犯罪(crime against international law) "、“违反各国公共利益的犯罪(offenses against the law of nations) "、‘跨国犯罪(transnational crime)、“域外犯罪(transterritory crime) "和“涉外犯罪(external crime) "等众多称谓。由于“国际犯罪”这一用语在国际社会的说法文献和各种著作中广为使用,笔者认为可以用这一术语统一指称国际犯罪行为。
    ②我国学者就国际犯罪的概念提出了七种不同观点,具体参见赵秉志主编: 《新编国际刑法》,中国人民大学出版社2004年版,第79-80页。
    ③赵秉志主编: 《新编国际刑法》,中国人民大学出版社2004年版,第80页。
    ④参见黄风、凌岩、王秀敏: 《国际刑法学》,中国人民大学出版社2007年版,第109页。
    ⑤参见黄风、凌岩、王秀敏: 《国际刑法学》,中国人民大学出版社2007年版,第109页。
    ⑥参见赵秉志主编: 《新编国际刑法》,中国人民大学出版社2004年版,第81页。
    ①参见黄风、凌岩、王秀敏: 《国际刑法学》,中国人民大学出版社2007年版,第111页。
    ④ See Andrew Ashworth, Human Rights, Serious Crime and Criminal Procedure, London:Sweet & Maxwell,2002, pp.76-77.
    ⑤梅汝璈: 《远东国际军事法庭》,法律出版社、人民法院出版社2005年版,第25页。
    ① See M.C.Bassiouni, Introduction to International Criminal Law, New York:Transnational Publishers. 2003,pp.397-398.
    ④参见高燕平: 《国际刑事法院》,世界知识出版社1999年版,第34页。
    ⑤参见黄芳: 《国际犯罪国内立法研究》,中国方正出版社2001年版,第55页。
    See ②M.C.Bassiouni, Introduction to International Criminal Law, New York:Transnational Publishers,2003,p.400.
    ④张智辉: 《国际刑法通论》,中国政法大学出版社1999年版,第253页。
    ⑤黄芳: 《国际犯罪国内立法研究》,中国方正出版社2001年版,第61页。
    ③See "Sovereignty", available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereignty, last visited October 6,2010.
    ①参见金应忠、倪世雄: 《国际关系理论比较研究》,中国社会科学出版社1992年版,第112页
    ③ Henry Kissinger, On China, London:Allen Lane,2011, pp.454-455.
    ④ Manauela Melandri, Relationship between State Sovereignty and the Enforcement of International Criminal Law under the Rome Statute (1998):A Complex Interplay,9 Int'l Crim. L. Rev. p.534 (2009).
    ②王光亚: “在罗马外交大会上的讲话”, 《法制日报》1998年6月18日第4版。
    ⑥参见黄芳: 《国际犯罪国内立法研究》,中国方正出版社2001年版,第86-87页。
    ③参见[德]格哈德·韦勒:《国际刑法学原理》,王世洲译, 商务印书馆2006年版,第454页。
    ④王光亚:“在罗马外交大会上的讲话”, 《法制日报》1998年6月18日第4版。
    ⑤参见黄风、凌岩、王秀敏: 《国际刑法学》,中国人民大学出版社2007年版,第71页。
    ⑥其他强行法上的国际犯罪还有海盗罪、奴役罪和酷刑罪。其法律基础在于:(1)国际宣言,或者也可称为国际法律确信,反映了对这些犯罪视为习惯国际法的认可:(2)适用于这些罪行的条约序言或条款的语言表明该等罪行在国际法上具有更高的地位(higher status); (3)批准这些罪行相关条约的国家数量众多;(4)对这些罪行实施 者的特别(ad hoc)国际调查和起诉。这一法律基础是统一的,即上述叫个方面都能满足才能使一项国际犯罪取得强行法地位。See M. Cherif Bassiouni, International Crimes:Jus Cogens and Obligatio Erga Omnes,59 Law and Contemporary Problems,121 (1996).
    ① See M. Cherif Bassiouni, The Sources and Content of International Criminal Law, NY:Transnational Publishers, 1999,p.267.
    ③ Antonio Cassese, On the Current Trends towards Ciminal Prosecution and Punishment of Breaches of International Humanitarian Law,9 EJIL,17(1998), p.13.
    ①Malcolm N. Shaw, International Law, London:Cambridge University Press,2008, p.668.
    ① Sec.51(2)(b),Sec.58(2)(b),ICC Act 2001.
    ② See Sec.67(1),ICC Act 2001;Sec.6(1),ICC(Scotland) Act 2001;Sec.68,ICC Act 2001,Sec.6 ICC(Scotland)Act 2001.
    ③ See Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 237 (2005).
    ⑤ C David Turns, Aspects of National Implementation of the Rome Statute:The Untied Kingdom and Selected Other statuts, in Dominic McGcdrick, Peter Rowe and Eric Donnelly(eds.), The Permanent International Criminal Court:Legal and Policy Issues, Oxford:Hart Publishing,2004, p.386.
    ① See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 135 (2005).
    ④ See Larry Charles Dembowski, The International Criminal Court:Complementarity and Consequences, in Jane E.Stromseth(ed.), Accounability for Atrocities:National and Internatinoal Responses, NY:Transnational Publishers,Inc., 2003,p.158.
    ①李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第16页。
    ②参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第16页。
    ③ See Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 235-236 (2005).
    ① See Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 240 (2005).
    ② Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 240 (2005).
    ③该法的生效日期比《国际刑事法院规约》早了21个月,所以,新西兰政府发现它面临一个根据新西兰法律,《国际刑事法院规约》可能溯及适用的问题,因为它可能要在规约生效以前对犯有规约所述罪行的人提出起诉,这显然构成了对禁止刑法溯及既往适用的一般原则的例外。See C David Turns,ispects of National Implementation of the Rome Statute:The Untied Kingdom and Selected Other statuts, in Dominic McGcdrick, Peter Rowe and Eric Donnelly(eds.), The Permanent International Criminal Court:Legal and Policy Issues, Oxford:Hart Publishing,2004, pp.344-345.
    ④参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释》(上),北京大学出版社2006年版,第18页。
    ①例如,由于政治抵制,《罗马规约》无法全面反映习惯国际法对国际犯罪的规定。See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law, 136-137(2005).
    ③ See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,137-138 (2005).
    ① See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,138 (2005).
    ③ See Helmut Satzger, German Criminal Law and the Rome Statute-A Critical Analysis of the New German Code of Crimes against International Law,2 Int'l Crim. L. Rev.266 (2002).
    ① See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,2005, p.152; Jussi Ohisalo, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Finland,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,2005, p71.
    ② See Ellen S. Podgor, International Criminal Law:Cases and Materials, LexisNexis US,2010, pp 126-127.
    ① See Rain Liivoja etc., Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law, 2005,p.98.
    ②参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第116页。 ①参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第16-17页。
    ④ Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,148 (2005).
    ⑤ See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,148 (2005).
    ⑥这意味着审查过程中自由裁量的缺失,《国际刑事法院合作法》也没有规定引渡法上传统的拒绝理由,例如国民不引渡、互惠、政治犯、政治迫害、军事犯或死刑等等,由此,拒绝国际刑事法院的移交请求几无可能。这集中体现了垂直型合作的特点。See Peter Wilkitzki, The German Law on Co-operation with the ICC,2 International Criminal Law Review 200-201 (2002).
    ⑥ See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,149 (2005).
    ① See Ibid.
    ③ See Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,244-245 (2005).
    ③《国际刑事法院(特权与豁免)第1号令》第15条,See Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,246-247 (2005).
    ① See National Implementation of International Humanitarian Law:Biannual Update on National Legislation and Case Law,85 International Review of the Red Cross,660 (2003).
    ② See Bartram S. Brown, U.S Objections to the Statute of ICC:A Brief Response,31 N.Y.U. J. INTL L.& POL.878 (1999).
    ③参见陈泽宪: “国际刑事法院管辖权的性质”, 《法学研究》2003年第6期,第124页。
    ④ Gillian Triggs, Implementation of the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court:A Quiet Revolution in Australian Law,25 Sydney. L. Rev.511 (2003).
    ③ Kenneth C. Randall, UniversalJurisdiction under International Law,66 Texas Law Review 785-788 (1999).
    ④参见赵秉志主编: 《新编国际刑法学》,中国人民大学出版社2004年版,第57-58页。
    Xavier Philippe,The Principles of Universal Jurisdiction and Complementarity:How Do the Two Principles Intermesh?, 862 International Review of the Red Cross 385(2006).
    ③ See William A. Schabas, An Introduction to International Criminal Court, London:Cambridge University Press,2007, p.62.
    ④ UNGA Sixth Committee:"The Scope and Application of the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction", available at http://www.un.org/en/ga/sixth/66/ScopeAppUniJuri/shtml, last visited April 9,2012.
    ①荷兰《国际犯罪法》第2条第1款。See Alper Cinar, Sander van Niekerk, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the Netherlands, available at www.ssrn.com/abstract=996521, last visited July 2,2012.
    ② See Reuters, Duch Court Jails Rwandan Woman for Incietment of Genocide, available at http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/01/us-rwanda-genocide-dutch-idUSBRE9200MR20130301?feedType=RSS&fee dName=worldNews&utm source=feedburner&utm medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Reuters%2FworldNews+ %28Reuters+World+News%29, last visited March 6,2013.
    ③ See Luc Reydams, Universial Jurisdiction:International and Municipal Legal Perspective, Oxford:OUP,2004, pp.221-222.
    ① Decision of the Spanish Supreme Court concerning the Guatemala Genocide Case, February 25,2003, Decision No. 327/2003, available at http://www.derechos.org/nizkor/guatemala/doc/stsgtm.html, last visited June 27,2012.
    ③ See Jann K. Kleffner, The Impact of Complementarity on National Implementation of Substantive International Criminal Law,1(1) J. INTL Crim. Just.109 (2003).
    ④ See Richard A. Falk, Gabriel Kolko, Robert Jay Lifton, eds., Crimes of War:A Legal, Political-Documentary, and Psychological Inquiry into the Responsibility of Leaders, Citizens, and Soldiers for Criminal Acts in Wars,NY:Random House,1971, p.534.
    ⑤ Leo Kuper, Genocide:Its political use in the Twentieth Century,New Haven:Yale University Press,1981, p.12.
    ①参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩等: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第57页。
    ②Prosecutor v. Kambannda, Judgement and Sentence, ICTR-97-23-S,4 September 1998, para.16.
    ③Claus Kreb, The Crime of Genocide under International Law,6 International Criminal Law Review 464-465 (2006).
    ①See Claus Kreb, The Crime of Genocide under International Law,6 International Criminal Law Review 473 (2006).
    ②Claus Kreb, The Crime of Genocide under International Law,6 International Criminal Law Review 475 (2006).
    ① Prosecutor v. Akayesu, ICTR-96-4-T, paras.16-18.
    ② ICC Elements of Crimes, Genocide by Killing, first element and footnote 2.
    ③ Prosecutor v. Kayishema, Judgement, ICTR-95-1-T,4 May 1999, para.109.
    ④ ICC Elements of Crimes, Genocide by Causing Serious Bodily or Mental Harm, first element and footnote 3.
    ①See Helmut Kreicker, National Prosecution of Genocide,5 International Criminal Law Review 315 (2005).
    ① See Helmut Kreicker, National Prosecution of Genocide,5 International Criminal Law Review 322(2005).
    ② See Helmut Kreicker, National Prosecution of Genocide,5 International Criminal Law Review 323-324 (2005).
    ① Helmut Kreicker, National Prosecution of Genocide,5 International Criminal Law Review 325 (2005).
    ② Helmut Kreicker, National Prosecution of Genocide,5 International Criminal Law Review 325 (2005).
    ③ See Marco Roscini, Great Expectations:the Implementation of the Rome Statute in Italy,5 Journal of International Criminal Justice 505 (2007).
    ⑤ See Marco Roscini, Great Expectations:the Implementation of the Rome Statute in Italy,5 Journal of International Criminal Justice 506 (2007).
    ⑤[日]大琢仁: 《刑法概说·总论》,冯军译,中国人民大学出版社2003年版,第184页。
    ⑦ Prosecutor v. Kayishema, Judgement, ICTR-95-1-T,4 May 1999, para.116.
    ⑧ See Helmut Gropengieber, The Criminal law of Genocide:The German Perspective,5 International Criminal Law Review 339 (2005).
    ②目前,国际社会正在讨论制定一部禁止危害人类罪公约。See Leila Nadya Sadat Edited, Forging a Convention for Crimes Against Humanity, Cambirdge:Cambirdge University Press,2011, p1-3.
    ①参见劳特派特修订: 《奥本海国际法(第一分册)》,王铁崖、陈体强译,北京:商务印书馆1981年版,第119页。
    ③《纽伦堡宪章》第2章第6条第3款。此外, 《东京宪章》第5条第3款也规定了危害人类罪。
    ④事实上,同盟国担心《宪章》中规定危害人类罪会牵涉到其国内少数民族待遇和海外殖民地问题,所以在起草过程中一直使用“灾难”(atrocities) "迫害”(persecution)和“驱逐”(deportations)等词,直到最后时刻才改用危害人类罪一词,并要求该罪与战争罪或和平罪的关联性。从而使其成为一种不独立的“从属”罪或“附加”罪。SeeMauro Politi Giuseppe Nesi,The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, London:Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2002, p.76; William A. Schabas,An Introduction to the International Criminal Court, London:Cambridge University Press,2001,p.35.
    ⑤参见(德]格哈德·韦勒: 《国际刑法学原理》,王世洲译,商务印书馆2006年版,第257页。
    ① Robert Lansing, Notes on World Sovereignty,13 Am.J.Int'l L (25) 1921转引自Mauro Politi Giuseppe Nesi.The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, London:Ashgate Publishing Limited,2002, p.77.
    ② See Robert Lansing, Notes on World Sovereignty,13 Am.J.Int'l L (25) 1921转引自Mauro Politi Giuseppe Nesi,The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, London:Ashgate Publishing Limited,2002, p.77.
    ③《纽伦堡宪章》第6条第3款, 《前南国际刑庭规约》第5条, 《卢旺达国际刑庭规约》第3条。
    ②参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第79页。
    ①芬兰《刑法典》存在同样的情况,其第11章标题为“战争罪与危害人类罪行”(War Crimes and offences against Humanity).其中包括第1—3条(战争罪),第4—5条(紧急状态下的人权违反),第6-7条(灭绝种族罪),第7a条(违反化学武器之禁止)、第8条(种族煽动)和第9条(歧视)。除了第8条和第9条与《罗马规约》第7条有些相近外,该章并没有危害人类罪的具体罪行。
    ② See Amnesty International,Universal Jurisdiction;The Duty of States to Enact and Implement Legislation,September 2001,p.48. Available at http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engior5301120017OpennDocument, last visited May 6, 2011.
    ① See Canelaria,Implementation of the Rome Statute in Lativa, PINIL PROJECT,6 (2007).Available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=998333,last visited June 22,2011.
    ② See Canelaria,Implementation of the Rome Statute in Bvlgria, PINIL PROJECT,4-5 (2007).Available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=996515, last visited June 22,2011.
    ③ See Canelaria,Implementation of the Rome Statute in Czech. PINIL PROJECT,3 (2007).Available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=996513, last visited June 22,2011.
    ① Canelaria,Implementation of the Rome Statute in Spain, PINIL PROJECT,3(2007).Available at http://ssrn.com/ abstract=996525, last visited June 22,2011.
    ③ See Canelaria,Implementation of the Rome Statute in Spain, PINIL PROJECT,3(2007).Available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=996525, last visited June 22,2011.
    ① See Leslie C.Green, International Regulation of Armed Conflict,in M.Cherif Bassiouni,e.,International Criminal Law,2nd ed,Vol.1, NY:Transnational Publishers,1999,p173.
    ③ Mauro Politi Giuseppe Nesi,The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, London:Ashgate Publishing Limited,2002,P113.
    ④ Prosecutor v.Tadicc,IT-94-A,2000.1.26.
    ①Prosecutor v.Kayishema and Ruzindana,ICTR-95-1-T.
    ②参见朱文奇等著: 《战争罪》,法律出版社2010年版,第27页。
    ①事实上,前南刑庭在在Tadic一案中处理战争罪问题时表现出来的大胆的司法造法使各国深受震动并促使他们在《罗马规约》中采用了一个详尽而冗长的条款,从而使国际刑事法院几无通过审判实践发展战争罪的空间。See William A. Schabas,An Introduction to the International Criminal Court, London:Cambridge University Press,2001,p.42.
    ②国际刑事司法合作的实践表明,一国核心罪行立法的有无及其完善与否右能会对具体的合作事项产生根本影响。例如,在Bagaragaza一案中,卢旺达国际刑庭上诉庭于2006年5月30日做出决定,拒绝将Bagaragaza移交给挪威方面,因为挪威没有灭绝种族罪的国内立法,而按照故意杀人罪审理的话则体现不出灭绝种族罪对民族、种族、人种或宗教等团体生存权所特有的保护价值,从而被认为是对此类行为的犯罪化不足。See Morten Bergsmo, Mads Harlem and Nobuo Hayashi, Importing Core National Crimes into National Law, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher,2010, p.3. Available at www.fichl.org, last visited July 5,2011.
    ①参见(德]格哈德·韦勒: 《国际刑法学原理》,王世洲译,商务印书馆2006年版,第430页。
    ② Morten Bergsmo, Mads Harlem and Nobuo Hayashi, Importing Core National Crimes into National Law, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher,2010, pp.48-50. Available at www.fichl.org, last visited July 5,2011.
    ③ See Morten Bergsmo, Mads Harlem and Nobuo Hayashi, Importing Core National Crimes into National Law, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher,2010, p50. Available at www.fichl.org, last visited July 5,2011.
    ① See Rain Liivoja etc., Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 80 (2005).
    ② Rain Liivoja etc., Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 84 (2005).
    ④ See Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 240 (2005).
    ① See Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 60 (2005).
    ② See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 138-139 (2005).
    ① See Jia Bingbing, An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law, Beijing:Tsinghua University Press,2008, p.156.
    ③ Nicar. V. U.S,1986 ICJ Report 14, at para.218, june 27,1986.
    ①Tadic Jurisdiction Decision, para.94.
    ② See ICRC, Customary Law Study, Volume I:Rules, pp.600-602.
    ③ See Rain Liivoja etc., Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 85 (2005).
    ① Jussi Ohisalo, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Finland,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 119-120 (2005).
    ③参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第251页。
    ⑤参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第251页。
    ②参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院《罗马规约》评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第251页。
    ③例如, 《罗马规约》第二编第20条所体现的一事不再理原则。该原则与国际刑事法院管辖权的确定以及第17条所规定的补充性管辖原则关系密切,所以规定在第二编“管辖权、可受理性和适用的法律”。
    ②李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第274页。
    ③[德)格哈德·韦勒: 《国际刑法学原理》,王世洲译,商务印书馆2006年版,第154页。
    ⑤所谓有关的国际法理(internationanl jurisprudence),主要是指前南和卢旺达两个国际刑庭的有关审判实践发展芝而来的法理,多体现十两个国际刑庭的裁判之中,所以国际法理一词带有英美法系判例法的意蕴。
    ⑥ See Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 241 (2005).
    ② See Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 61 (2005).
    ③ Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 140 (2005).
    ④ See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 140-141 (2005).
    ① See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 140 (2005).
    ③ Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 141 (2005).
    ④ Jay A. Sigler, Double Jeopardy, NY:Cornell University Press,1969, p3.
    ①See Gerard Conway,Ne Bis in Idem in International Law,3 Int'l Crim.L.Rev 222(2003).
    ②参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第238页。
    ③参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释》(上),北京大学出版社2006年版,第239页。
    ①属时管辖权(temporal jurisdiction)是指国际刑事法庭对于什么时间内的犯罪行为具有管辖权,它以具体的犯罪时间为依据,并不涉及有关法律的生效和失效时间。例如, 《卢旺达国际刑庭规约》第7条规定:“卢旺达国际刑事法庭的属时管辖权涵盖自1994年1月1日至1994年12月31日”。
    ②参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释》(上),北京大学出版社2006年版,第242-245页。
    ① See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 143 (2005).
    ② See Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,242 (2005).
    ③ See R v.Augbet(1918) 13 Cr.App.R.101.
    ④ See Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 243 (2005).
    ⑤ See Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 243 (2005).
    ② See Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 65 (2005).
    ③ See Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 65 (2005).
    ⑤ See Mirela Shuteriqi, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Albania,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 40 (2005).
    ⑥ Mirela Shuteriqi, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Albania,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 40 (2005).
    ① Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 66 (2005).
    ② See Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 66 (2005).
    ③俄罗斯《刑事诉讼法典》第448条。See Sergey Vasiliev and Anna Ogorodova, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Russia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 222 (2005).
    ⑤俄罗斯《刑法典》第15条将法定最高刑5年以上的故意犯罪规定为严重犯罪,《罗马规约》所规定的核心罪行显然达到了这一标准,而且大都属于俄罗斯刑法上的特别严重的犯罪。See Sergey Vasiliev and Anna Ogorodova, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Russia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 223 (2005).
    ⑥ See Sergey Vasiliev and Anna Ogorodova, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Russia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 223 (2005).
    ① See Sergey Vasiliev and Anna Ogorodova, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Russia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 222 (2005).
    ② See Jussi Ohisalo, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Finland,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 135 (2005).
    ③ Mirela Shuteriqi, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Albania,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,40-41 (2005).
    ②参见朱文奇: 《国际刑法》,中国人民大学出版社2007年版,第205-206页。
    ④孟德斯鸠: 《论法的精神(上)》,张雁深译,商务印书馆2009年版,第188页。
    ④参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(上)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第276页。
    ① See William A. Schabas,In Introduction to the International Criminal Court, London:Cambridge University Press,2001,p.93.
    ③德国《国际犯罪治罪法典》第5条。See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 143 (2005).
    ④ See Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 242 (2005).
    ⑤ See Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 64 (2005).
    ①爱沙尼亚《刑法典》第81条第2款。See Rain Liivoja etc., Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 90 (2005).
    ② See Mirela Shuteriqi, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Albania,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 38 (2005).
    ③ See Canelaria,Implementation of the Rome Statute in Bulgaria, PINIL PROJECT,10(2007). Available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=996515, last visited June 22,2011.
    ⑤俄罗斯《刑法典》第78条第4款。See Sergey Vasiliev and Anna Ogorodova, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Russia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 220(2005).
    ①参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(下)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第663页。
    ③参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(下)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第664-665页。
    ④参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(下)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第665页。
    ①参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(下)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第666页。
    ③ See Peter Wilkitzki, The German Law on Co-operation with the ICC,2 International Criminal Law Review 195-198 (2002).
    ① Peter Wilkitzki, The German Law on Co-operation with the ICC,2 International Criminal Law Review 198 (2002).
    ② Canelaria,Implementation of the Rome Statute in Spain, PINIL PROJECT,10(2007).Available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=996525, last visited April 3,2010.
    ③ See Canelaria,Implementation of the Rome Statute in slovenia, PINIL PROJECT,1(2007).Available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=996524, last visited April 22,2010.
    ①该法包括六部分:1、总则;2、向国际刑事法院移交有关人员:3、规约第93条所规定的合作:4、判决的执行:5、东道国提供的协助:6、最后条款。See Canelaria,lmplementation of the Rome Statute in Spain, PINIL PROJECT,1、9(2007).Available at:http://ssrn.com/abstract=996525, last visited April 22,2010.
    ② See Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 70 (2005).
    ③采用这种立法方式还有挪威《国际刑事法院法》,See Canelaria,Implementation of the Rome Statute in Norway, PINIL PROJECT,68(2007).Available at:http://ssrn.com/abstract=996523,last visited April 22,2010.
    ⑤ See Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,236,244 (2005).
    ①捷克《刑事诉讼法典》第375条第2款。See Canelaria,Implementation of the Rome Statute in Cech, PINIL PROJECT, 68(2007).Available at:http://ssrn.com/abstract=996513, last visited April,22,2010.
    ④ See Canelaria,Implementation of the Rome Statute in Latvia, PINIL PROJECT,9(2007).Available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=998333, last visited April 22,2010.
    ④保加利亚《刑事诉讼法典》第36章第3部分“国际刑事司法合作”,See Canelaria,Implementation of the Rome Statute in Bulgaria, PINIL PROJECT, 11(2007).Available at:http://ssrn.com/abstract=996525, last visited April 22, 2010.
    ⑤ See Rain Liivoja et al., Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,95 (2005).
    ①在司法协助法上,“中央机关(central authority)”是指负责对外联系的机关,负责对外接受和提出司法协助请求,负责具体执行协助请求的机关则被称为“主管机关”,中央机关的称谓源于其所处的联系枢纽的地位,类似于一个收发中心,其权力并不高于主管机关。参见黄风、凌岩、王秀敏:《国际刑法学》,中国人民大学出版社2007年版,第291页。
    ④ See Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 71 (2005).
    ⑥ Jussi Ohisalo, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Finland,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 128 (2005).
    ① See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 149-150 (2005).
    ② See Rain Liivoja etc., Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 95 (2005).
    ③例如,除了由内阁决定本国国民的移交以外,司法部长决定其他人员的移交问题。See Rain Liivoja etc., Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 95 (2005).
    ④ See Canelaria, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Spain, PINIL PROJECT,14 (2007).Available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=996525, last visited at April 22,2010.
    ①国际刑事法院及其有关人员豁免权的必要性可以从其复杂的工作环境中得以体现。例如,当联合国安理会将苏丹达尔富尔情势提交国际刑事法院以后,法院在该地区的调查受到阻挠,苏丹政府甚至威胁检察官称,“在你们派出调查小组时应同时准备好另一个小组,因为第一组是不会活下来的”。Kai Ambos, Prosecuting International Crimes at the National and International Level:Between Justice and Realpolitik. in Kaleck, W.; Ratner, M.; Singelnstein, T.; Weiss, P. (Eds.), International prosecution of human rights crimes, Berlin:Springer.2006, p.63.
    ⑤ Jussi Ohisalo, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Finland,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 71-72(2005).《罗马规约》第99条第4款规定了国际刑事法院检察官可以在一国境内直接执行有关请求的情形。
    ① See Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law72(2005).在国际刑事司法过程中,所谓特权是指法官、检察官、证人等特定主体做出与司法相关的某种行为的权力,而豁免权则是上述人员免于承担其有关行为可能引发的责任的权利。
    ② See Sergey Vasiliev and Anna Ogorodova, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Russia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 227 (2005).
    ③ See Stuart Ford, International Criminal Court and Proximity to the Scene of the Crime:Dose the Rome Statute Permit All of the ICC's Trials to Take Place at Local or Regional Chambers?,43(716) J. Marshall L. Rev.715-716(2009-2010).
    ④允许审前羁押的情形主要有:被告人有潜逃或毁灭证据的风险:被告人释放后有干扰证人的风险;刑事司法制度恰当运作的相关理由;以及被告人释放有可能实施严重犯罪。参见岳礼玲:《刑事审判与人权保障》, 法律出版社2010年版,第130-131页。
    ⑥ William A. Schabas, An Introduction to the International Criminal Court, London:Cambridge University Press,2001, p.109.
    ② See Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 73 (2005).
    ③ Rain Liivoja etc., Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 98 (2005).
    ⑤ See Rain Liivoja etc., Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 97 (2005).
    ⑥ See Rain Liivoja etc., Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 98 (2005).
    ② See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 154 (2005).
    ③ See Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 76 (2005).
    ⑤ See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 152-153 (2005).
    ⑥ Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 74 (2005).
    ① Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 74 (2005).
    ② See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 152-153 (2005).
    ③ As Article 59.2 stipulates, a person arrested shall be brought promptly before the competent judicial authority in the custodial State which shall determine, in accordance with the law of that State, that: (a) The warrant applies to that person; (b) The person has been arrested in accordance with the proper process; and (c) The person's rights have been respected.
    ② See Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 75 (2005).
    ③ Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 153-154 (2005).
    ② See Rain Liivoja etc., Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 99-100(2005).
    ③ See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 158 (2005).
    ④一方面,传统国际法发展而来的豁免制度不仅有条约的保障,也已经上升为习惯国际法。按照国际法院在刚果诉比利时案的判决,一国给予他国在任国家首脑、政府领导与外交人员的豁免权构成一项习惯国际法上规则。另一方面, 《罗马规约》在核心国际罪行方面否定任何人可以豁免权为由逃脱刑责。虽然《罗马规约》的规定体现了国际法在豁免权问题上总的发展趋势,但是受国家主权的影响,豁免问题在国际刑法领域仍将长期处于不确定、不统一、不稳定的状态。由此,德国为代表的立法安排目前仍处于《罗马规约》和习惯国际法的冲突之中。
    ⑤ Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 159 (2005).
    ③黄风、凌岩、王秀敏: 《国际刑法学》,中国人民大学出版社2007年版,第217页。
    ① Act to Amend the Basic Law (Article 16).
    ② See Jussi Ohisalo, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Finland,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 129 (2005).
    ④ See Ibid.
    ⑥ Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 76 (2005).
    ⑦ Simon P. Olleson and Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 253 (2005).
    ②李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(下)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第631页。
    ⑤ Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 159 (2005).
    ①参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(下)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第678页。
    ②参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(下)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第678页。
    ① See Peter Wilkitzki, The German Law on Co-operation with the ICC,2 International Criminal Law Review 206 (2002).
    ②德国《国际刑事法院合作法》第52条第4款。See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 151 (2005).
    ③ See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 151 (2005).
    ⑥ Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,152 (2005).
    ①俄罗斯《刑事诉讼法典》第5编。See Sergey Vasiliev and Anna Ogorodova, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Russia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 227 (2005).
    ② Sergey Vasiliev and Anna Ogorodova, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Russia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 228 (2005).
    ③ See Sergey Vasiliev and Anna Ogorodova, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Russia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 228 (2005).
    ④ See Mirela Shuteriqi, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Albania,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 46 (2005).
    ②这几种特免权所维护的信任关系或者免于自证其罪等价值对社会团结与法治具有重要意义,阿尔巴尼亚刑事诉讼法的规定可以视为对基本法律原则的体现。但是,在一些阿尔巴尼亚学者看来,其国内基本法律原则并不会成为阻碍有关协助请求的理由。See Mirela Shuteriqi, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Albania,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 46 (2005).
    ① See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 152 (2005).
    ④ See Mirela Shuteriqi, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Albania,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 47 (2005).
    ②Jussi Ohisalo,Implementation of the Finland,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 129(2005).
    ①参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(下)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第691页。
    ②参见李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院<罗马规约>评释(下)》,北京大学出版社2006年版,第691页。
    ⑦事实上,“国际条约标准”这一用语过于模糊,也会排除《囚犯待遇最低标准规则》(Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners)的适用,因为该规则只是经社理事会制定的软法性决议,而不是条约。See William A. Schabas, An Introduction to the International Criminal Court, London:Cambridge University Press,2001, p.145.
    ③具体包括英国、奥地利、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、塞尔维亚、哥伦比亚和马里。参见www.un.org/chinese/News/ fullstorynews.asp?newsID=17071,2012年3月6日最后访问。
    ④ See Martin Heb, Nandor knust and Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,160-161(2005).
    ③ See Jussi Ohisalo, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Finland,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 130 (2005).
    ④爱沙尼亚每10万人中即有340名囚犯,囚禁人口比例在欧盟各国中最高。See Rain Liivoja etc., Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law,2005,p.100. See Mirela Shuteriqi, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Albania,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 51 (2005).
    ②国际刑事法院《程序与证据规则》第219条、第220条。See Mirela Shuteriqi, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Albania,16 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 51-52 (2005).
    ③ Kai Ambos, Establishing an International Criminal Court and an International Criminal Code,7 EJIL 528 (1996).
    ① Rolf Einar Fife, The International Criminal Court:Where It Came, Where It Goes,69 Nordic Journal of International Law,85 (2000).
    ②参见张旭: 《国际刑事法院:以中国为视角的研究》,法律出版社2011版,第267-270页。
    ③有学者将此称为“国际刑事法院的普遍管辖权”,并认为这种管辖违反了国家主权原则。See Lee A. Casey and David B. Rivkin, The Limits of Legitimacy:The Rome Statute's Unlawful Application to Non-State Parties.44 Va. J. Int'l L.65 (2003-2004).
    ①M. C. Bassiouni, "International Criminal Law and International Criminal Court", Lecture at China,12, May,1999.转引自黄风、凌岩、王秀敏: 《国际刑法学》,中国人民大学出版社2007年版,第71-75页。其中所谓六种合作机制是指引渡制度、双向司法互助、追寻并扣押有关财产、刑事诉讼程序移转、外国判决的承认与执行和移转被判刑人。
    ②参见张智辉: 《国际刑法通论》,中国政法大学出版社2009年版,第454页。
    ③Cf. William A. Schabas, International Criminal Court, The Secrets of Its Success,12 Criminal Law Forum 428(2001).
    ①参见张旭: 《国际刑事法院:以中国为视角的研究》,法律出版社2011年版,第232页。
    5.黄芳: 《国际犯罪国内立法研究》,中国方正出版社2001年版。
    7.黄风: 《引渡问题研究》,中国政法大学出版社2006年版。
    14.马呈元: 《国际刑法论》,中国政法大学出版社2008年版。
    27.朱文奇: 《国际刑法》,中国人民大学出版社2007年版。
    31.冯军、李春雷: 《外国刑法学概要》,中国人民大学出版社2006年版。
    33.曲新久: 《刑法的逻辑与经验》,北京大学出版社2008年版。
    37.李浩培: 《条约法概论》,法律出版社2003年版。
    39.杨泽伟: 《国际法析论》,中国人民大学出版社2003年版。
    42.[奥]阿·菲德罗斯: 《国际法》,李浩培译,商务印书馆1981年版。
    1. Ellen S. Podgor, Understanding International Criminal Law, LexisNexis/Matthew Bende,2008.
    2. Ellen S. Podgor, International Criminal Law:Cases and Materials, LexisNexis US, 2010.
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