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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a progressively developed chronic osteopathy which seriously influences the living quality of aged and middle-aged people. The incidence is rising world-widely year after year. However, specific therapeutic methods haven't been found so far in western medicine. Common therapy adopted these days is only the usage of anti-inflammatory medication and pain relief to lessen symptoms, with which severe toxic side-effects have been identified. Even though a wide range of studies have been carried out, effective therapeutic methods and preventive interventions with high reliability are still yet to be determined. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), osteoarthritis belongs to the categories of "Gu Bi (arthralgia)", "Bi Zheng" and was recognized earlier than in western medicine. As a result, more treating experiences were accumulated with TCM. The period of Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties is thought to be the booming phase of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese culture and thus it is crucia
    l to summarise the prescribing rules, establish relevant database for the therapeutic experiences through the analysis of literatures in these three dynasties. This may also conduct the modern clinic prescription.
    Based on the reference of a large amount of ancient and recent TCM literature, particularly the masterpieces, prescriptions and case histories regarding the management of OA, which were written by herbalists in Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties, an in-depth study was carried out on prescribing rules in the treatment of arthralgia (OA) through the statistical analysis and induction of 261 prescriptions. Furthermore, a database was set up by the collection and rearrangement of those documents. The results show (1) herbs that were used in Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties were predominantly pungent, bitter, sweet, warm, and mild in properties; (2) channel-tropisms are mostly in liver, spleen and kidney, as well as further association to stomach; (3) the majority of the herbs used in the prescription belong to the class for warming interior, promoting blood circulation and dissipating stasis, and relieving exterior syndrome, which indicates that the treatment of "arthralgia (OA) was from the aspects of deficiency, evil
    (pathogenic factor), and blood stasis; (4) the functions of selected herbs were basically focused on dispelling wind and damp and eliminating pain, replenishing Yang, promoting blood circulation and dissipating stasis, and nourishing liver and kidney and strengthening ligaments and bones; (5) Fu zi (Cyperes rotundus), Rou gui (Cinnamomum
    cassia) Niu xi {Achyranlhes bidentata), Fang feng (Saposhnikoviae divaricatae) and Dang gui {Angelicae sinensis) form the top part of the frequency table for herbs being used to treat arthralgia., In addition, collection of basic prescriptible herbs for OA in different joints, such as in lumbar and knees, were produced by employing R-type systems classification analysis, and prescribing features of the treatment of arthralgia used by Tang, Song and Yuan herbalists were also summarized as the emphasis of the application of introduced herbs, fragrant herbs and worms, the technique of preparation and the reasonable usage of medicinal wine. Finally, the results of this study are expected to provide novel thoughts and references to modern treatment of OA in TCM.
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