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This paper was took the native grass in Xilinguole League typical prairie as the study object. The native grass silage key technology was studied and the suitable means and key technological conditions for silage were selected in the end.
     (1) For the key influencing factors of native grass such as moisture content, storage density and extraneous source additive, three levels and four factors was designed in this silage test. By comparing and analyzing these indexes such as sensory quality, major microorganism quantity composition, ferment quality, nutritional ingredients and silage success ratio of the native grass silage in different levels, the technical parameters such as raw materials moisture content, storage density and additive usage amount that suit for native grass silage in experimental area were screened. The results showed that:①Ensilage the native grass when its moisture content was from 65%~70%, the silage grass not only has better sensory quality, better fermentation and higher silage success ratio, but also can preserve the nutritional ingredients effectively and make the silage grass has higher feeding value.②When the silage density was in the range of 350 ~ 400 kg/m3, the score of silage grass sensory evaluation and organic acids, digest nutrient and silage success ratio were significantly higher than that of other level. Meanwhile, it has less loss of nutrients and lower fiber material content.③The additive can effectively improved the native grass silage sensory quality, fermentation quality, silage success ratio and preserve the nutrient ingredient of the silage grass. The digestible nutrient content was relatively high when the fungi amount was 0.50g/kg.
     (2) Make the test that cut the grass into pieces for silage and explore the best feeding time of native grass silage at the same time. The results showed that: cut the native grass into pieces for silage, the grass sensory quality, fermentation quality and nutrition components haven’t change significantly. The best use of time for native grass silage material was between 35-120 days after ensilaged.
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