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Academic self, as part of individual self-structure system, has been and will be the hot issue in the field of personality psychology and educational psychology. This study, on the basis of comprehensive analysis of the study of academic self, aiming at the existing problems of the study of academic self, starting with the relationship between academic self and right development of mental makings, from the different research approaches of trait research, correlation research and experimental research, and from the different perspectives of reality and ideal, being general and concrete and positive and negative, exerting technology of EFA (exploratory factor analysis) and CFA (confirmatory factor analysis), provides the measurement instrument of general academic self, disciplinary academic self and negative academic self which is based on the multi-faceted and hierarchical model, and accords with index of psychometrics. It systematically discusses levels and characteristics of contemporary Chinese adolescent academic self development, analyzes relations between personality characteristics such as academic self, self-worth and achievement goal orientation, and probes into the relationship between academic self and academic achievement, academic coping style and mental health by means of technology of regression analysis and path analysis; and construes the relationship between general academic self and disciplinary academic self by exerting SEM (structural equation model). Meanwhile, combining practicality of school education in China, this study analyzes prevalence of adolescent negative academic self and its relation with mental health, coping style and achievement motivation, proposes the concept of schema of academic self, and by using experimental paradigm in the field of social cognition such as processing preference and primary effects it discusses characteristics of adolescents with different levels of academic self development cognitive processing of academic information and confirms the existence
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