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Chinese police as a very important right of state power, the exercise of the right or wrong, of civil rights and liberties can be fully realized, to some extent, reflect the country's level of civilization. Currently, the uncontrolled powers of the police powers of the police misconduct and induce many of the hot issues important factor. Police powers under the control of the police is a hot-button areas of theoretical research, as well as a yet-depth discussions on the issue. In this paper learn from the results of research scholars, in light of the actual work of the police and their legal right to define the need for control, logical premise, and the controlling mechanism of the theoretical foundation for an in-depth discussion. First, from the perspective of the rule of law into the thesis topic, right into the police and the rule of law, according to the Chief Executive's vision for the re-orientation, I believe that in a society governed by the rule of law, human rights and freedoms have become concerned about the most important goal of the police power. Police responsibility of the police powers of nature and the recognition of the continent for the police to provide the theoretical and practical possibilities to strengthen police powers to the rational allocation and the law has important theoretical and practical significance. The second chapter of our right to police the illegal use of the phenomenon Perspective (conspicuous privileges and the right to overrun police, dislocation and Absence), and illegal use of police power analysis of the reasons for (this lag, there is an uncoordinated process of the exercise and enforcement environment is not optimistic), the demonstration of the power of the police to control the legal necessity. Police control is not only a matter of law, they ought to be natural. Chapter Ⅲ from civil rights and police powers of logic, proof of the legal right of the police to control the logical premise : First, the priority of protecting the rights of citizens is the basis of the existence of the right to police, and civil rights is the right to police the starting point is the end-result; Secondly, Police aim of protecting the rights of citizens is the right values (compared to the civil rights and civil liberties public power compared to the priority order of priority). Fourth chapter proposed the police power law control should persist the rationale - administration government by law idea and the integration of power and responsibility principle, integration
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