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Power Transmission Line Icing is one of the worst enemies for the safe operation of power system. When the transmission line is coated with ice, its electrical characteristics significantly lower; in severe cases, it result in the collapse accident for the poles and towers of transmission line, bringing great loss to the national economy and property. At present, there was no method yet to completely prevent power transmission line from icing both at home and abroad. Anti-fouling paints have been successfully used in pollution flashover, but the anti-icing application is still in the research stage. There is no unified anti-ice coating effect evaluation test method.
     In this paper,XP-160 and LXP-160 has been regarded as a test specimen, the icing covering characteristics of the RTV coated insulator and the one without RTV coating has been comparatively analyzed; at different electrical conductivity which covered with ice and water, the icing coating flashover property of coating paint and non-coating paint insulator has been studied. The cohesive force and its influence between paint and ice cap has been tested and studied. The main conclusions are: RTV coating is Hydrophobic coating,the Contact angle Greater than 90°,when ice coat on coating,the hydropobic is weaken,but 24 hours later,it is Restore.Under the same ambient temperature conditions, the surface ice coating of the RTV coated insulator is worse than the one without the RTV coating. When the insulator is coated, the icicle bridge rate between insulators accelerates noticeably, the ice on the insulators surface, exists by way of ice pellets. The RTV coating of affect differently to the insulator icing flashover voltage, but the icing flashover voltage decreases when the conductivity increases. The cohesive force between ice and glass with aluminum surface is remarkable, however, it significantly reduced after coated with RTV paint. And the cohesive force between the original substrate as the temperature dropped and with the pad surface, the cohesive force between the first increased and then decreased; With the increase in conductivity of ice cover, the cohesive force between ice and the pad surface decrease; substrate,coating composition and so on also affect the bond strength.
     The results show that the Measurement used in this paper is useful.It can be used to be one of the test Method of evaluation test method and the flashover voltage can be used to be the index too.
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