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     第四军医大学硕士学位论文 中文摘要
In military organization and management, military commanders are all the time in the leading position. Their psychological features, military talent and leadership have direct influence on military training efficiency and combat effectiveness, and are one of the most important factors that decide if the military organization can exist and finally win victory in a war. Personality is one of the most psychological characteristics in psychological trait, and represents itself as the way people adapt themselves to their environment. Personality is not distinguished as good or bad. Different professions have different requirements for personality. People with a personality matching their professions will have a better professional adaptability and a higher working performance. Military operation environment is very demanding. Task, nature and way of work of military commanders working in high-tech military operation environment are very unique, demanding of them psychological trait far more than of ordinary people. Therefore, studies on effective prediction of personality and military professional status and relations of personality to selection and training of cadets are very important.
    In the present study, with cadets from a military college as subjects, with naturalized Chinese version
    MBTI personality type inventory as tool, and with military college cadets' military professional status
    system as criterion, relations are studied between military college cadets' professional status and personality characteristics, and requirements of military professional status for personality are unveiled. The main results are as follows: (1) MBTI personality type inventory is first naturalized into Chinese version in China; Testing shows that the naturalized inventory has a high validity and credibility, suitable for military college cadets' military professional status selection and test. (2) A military professional status assessment system is established fit for cadets from military colleges; Evaluation is conducted of military professional status for cadets from a military college using 11 evaluation factors; Testing shows that the criterion system established has a good validity and achieves a good result. (3) Excellent military college cadets have unique forms and factors of representation in personality trait; Personality trait demonstrates personality inclinations as E, S, T and J.
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