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     【方法】通过材料学生物自组装技术PLGA-NHAC复合材料,同时用固相合成法合成BMP2活性多肽P24。将P24和rhBMP2分别通过真空吸附到复合材料上。动物实验随机分为三组,制备5mm颅骨缺损模型,分别接受空白PLGA-NHAC材料(A组),3ug rhBMP2/PLGA-NHAC(B组), 3mg P24/PLGA-NHAC(C组)。于6、12周每组各处死5只大鼠,取颅骨行X线、CT三维扫描及组织学检查,并行放射计量学和灰度值测定。比较各组骨缺损区新骨形成、炎症及材料降解情况。
Objective: To investigate the efficiency of bone repair in rat calvarial defects by Biomimetic hydroxyapatite-collagan complex carrier/BMP2-derived peptide P24 system, and the preliminary comparison of bioactivity between bmp2-derived peptide P24 and rhBMP2
     Methods: Five-millimeter critical-size calvarial defects were created in 30 male Sprague–Dawley rats. The animals were divided into three groups of 10 animals each. The defects were treated with PLGA-NHAC (A group), rhBMP-2/PLGA-NHAC (B group), P24/PLGA-NHAC (C group). Defects were evaluated by X-ray, radiodensity, CT scan, histology, following a 6- and 12-week healing interval (5 animals/group/healing intervals).
     Results:①Radiological examination: The percentages of the regenerated areas in A group were significantly lower than B group and C group at 12 weeks (α<0.05),but no significant difference between B group and C group(α>0.05).The comparison of the gray levels also shows the difference.②Histological examination: At 6 weeks post-surgery, Small amount of biomimetic material in group A degraded, free of inflammation; and B group and C group show a large number of new bone tissue and osteoblasts. At 12 weeks, the defect sites were filled with dense connective tissue and small particles of residual PLGA-NHAC, minimal new bone formation was observed in group A. The quantity of the newly formed bone was greater than that observed at 6 weeks in B and C group, and the bone showed more advanced stages of remodeling and consolidation.
     Conclusion: P24 peptide is with strong osteoinductive activity and stability in vivo, and PLGA-NHAC is an ideal scaffold and a sustained release carrier. It is suggested that P24/PLGA-NHAC system may be a available matrix material for clinical bone defect.
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