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     结论利用PCR, DNA重组等分子生物学技术,成功构建了双基因真核表达载体pIRES-BMP2-TGFβ3,为进一步研究双基因共转染间充质干细胞,探讨其在体内的表达情况,对间充质干细胞成骨分化的影响及可能存在的协同效应奠定基础。
Objective To construct a bicistronic eukayotic expression vector pIRES-BMP2-TGFB3
     Methods Firstly, the BMP2 gene was obtained from pGEMT/BMP2 plasmid by PCR. Then it was inserted into bicistronic eukaryotic expression plasmid vector pIRES. The recombinant plasmid pIRES-BMP2 was obtained; Second, the TGFβ3 was extracted from human embryonal tissue by RT-PCR, then the gene was inserted into the plasmid pIRES-BMP2.The inserted target genes in the plasmid were verified by restriction enzyme digestion and nucleotide sequencing.
     Results The direction and sequences of the new bicistronic eukaryotic expression vector pIRES-BMP2-TGFβ3 were correct.
     Conclusion The bicistronic eukaryotic expression vector was constructed successfully and formed the foundation for transfecting into mesenchymal stem cells in the next experiment.
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