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     【方法】采用固相合成法合成BMP-2活性多肽P24,并与rhBMP-2分别通过冷冻干燥法真空吸附到nHAC多孔支架材料上。动物实验分为四组。A组:5mg P24/ nHAC复合材料;B组:3μg rhBMP2/ nHAC复合材料:C组:空白nHAC材料;D组:单纯缺损。取19只大白鼠随机分配到四组中,建立直径为5mm的大鼠颅骨缺损模型,分别将材料植入颅骨缺损处,术后6周、12周分别处死各组动物,分别进行X线、CT三维扫描及组织学检查,并进行骨缺损修复面积测定,比较各组材料的成骨作用。
     【结果】①6周X线, A、B组骨缺损可见小片高密度影;C组骨缺损边缘有轻微高密度影;D组缺损无改变。12周X线, A、B组骨缺损有大片高密度影,B组基本修复缺损;C组骨缺损高密度影有所增强,但未能修复;D组缺损边缘可见极少量高密度影。②CT三维重建:6周时A、B组可见部分高密度钙化影,断层面少许骨桥连接;C组边缘少量成骨,断层面未见骨桥生成。12周时A组骨缺损已大部修复;B组骨缺损已完全修复,断层面可见缺损由骨桥完全连接;C组周边有部分新骨形成,断层面骨桥未连接缺损;D组缺损未见明显成骨。骨缺损处高密度影测定,A、B组与C、D组相比均有极显著差异(p<0.05),而A、B组成骨量则近似(p>0.05)。③组织学检查:6周时A、B组可见少量新生骨组织和活跃的成骨细胞;C组材料少许降解,无明显炎症反应。12周时A、B组材料基本降解,有骨重建过程,但A组成骨量少于B组;C组缺损区有大量纤维结缔组织,有少量新生骨在材料周边发现。
     【结论】①P24/ nHAC复合材料促进骨缺损修复能力明显强于空白的nHAC,略低于3ug剂量的rhBMP2/ nHAC复合材料。②nHAC是一种理想的生物支架和缓释材料。③P24/ nHAC复合材料是一种理想的具有稳定骨诱导活性的新型骨缺损修复材料。
Objective: To investigate the osteogenetic capacity of bone repair in rat cranial bone defects by nHAC loading with a BMP-2-derived peptide P24 biomimetic scaffold materials.
     Methods:19 male Sprague–Dawley rats were divided into four groups. Five-millimeter critical-size cranial bone defects were created in each one. The defects were treated with P24/nHAC scaffold (A group), rhBMP-2/ nHAC scaffold (B group), nHAC scaffold (C group)and only bone defect(D group). Up to the 6th and 12th weeks, the rats were sacrificed in batch respectively. Defects were evaluated by X-ray、three-dimensional reconctruction of computer tomography、histology and the percentage of bone formation areas.
     Results:①Radiological examination indicated that there were some flaky radiodense areas in A and B gruoups of each rat, but the density of the radiodense areas of C group were obviously lower than the density of A and B groups at the 6th week.At the 12 week,the radiodense areas of C group were denser than the 6th week,but defects not repaired. The defects nearly healed at the 12th week in the A and B groups. A trifle of radiodense areas were discovered in the margin of defects in the D group.②Three-dimensional reconstruction of computed tomography indicated that there were fewer radiodense areas and not saw bone bridge in the C group, but the density of the radiodense areas of A and B groups were obviously denser than the density of C group and bone brige was discovered at the 6th week. The defects completely healed in B group and nearly reparied in A group that was treated with BMP-2- derived peptide loaded nHAC at the 12th week ,while not saw defects were connected by bone bridge in C group and D group. The percentages of the regenerated areas in C and D group were significantly lower than A group and B group at 6 and 12 weeks (p<0.05),but no significant difference between A group and B group(p>0.05).③Histological examination: At 6 weeks post-surgery, Small amount of composite in group C degraded, few of inflammation; and A group and B group showed some new bone tissue and osteoblasts. At 12 weeks, in the A group and B group, the bony-union between new bone and host bone was observed. Meanwhile, the composite was almost completely degraded. In the C group, there were still slight amounts of new bone, the scaffolds were only partly degraded and the residual materials were surrounded by areas of new bone formation.
     Conclusion:①The osteogenic capability of BMP-2- derived peptide loaded nHAC is obviously superior to nHAC alone.②nHAC is an ideal scaffold and a sustained release carrier.③It is suggested that P24/ n nHAC biomimetic scaffold material can be a ideal and steady repairing material for bone defects.
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