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Exhibition is the key practice of museums to the public, the contents and projects of exhibitions decide the academic level of an art museum and are bound up with the mission of a museum, furthermore, they are an important carrier of museums to reveal their cultural tendency. Cultural interpretation with exhibitions of museums should interpret not only inner principles of artistic creation, but also the full-view of social and cultural significance, as well as related interaction and mutual exclusion between different cultures, or the blending and developments in different historical stages and temporal and spatial ranges. In this era of pluralism, how to construct and transfer significance through exhibitions, how to interpret cultures in exhibitions, especially how to present relationships between home culture and other cultures of the world is one of the most important mission of museums as research and education institutions of every countries and regions. Museums have the responsibilities for preserving and collecting art works and constructing exhibitions with collections continuously. In some important museums abroad, permanent exhibitions with collections are basic contents. However, the major structure and contents of those permanent exhibitions would change under the influence of different cultural thoughts, therefore, art history in the so-called permanent exhibitions is confined to the cultural thoughts of a specific period. On the other hand, museums pay a lot attention to current art phenomena and form concerns about contemporary art through analyzing and choosing artworks of the newest artistic style. These exhibitions formed by contemporary art are kinds of "art history on process" which will present the cultural position of museums very clearly. Through exhibitions of museums, especially by analyzing the cultural intentions, people can really find the cultural identity of museums. Thus, the value and significance of exhibitions in museums are very important.
1 参见本人《“策展人”与“美术馆策展人”——从“全国美术馆策展人培训班”谈起》,原载《美术》杂志,2013年第3期。
    6 Emma Barker. Exhibiting the canon:the blockbuster show. Contemporary Cultures of Display.1999. P128
    7 Emma Baker. Exhibiting the canon:the blockbuster show. Comtemporary Cultures of Display.1999. P128
    9 唐克扬,聂本洲.《在通往美术馆的路上》.原载《艺术界》.2012年12月.见http://leapleapleap.com/2013/03/在通往美术馆的路上/?lang=zh-hans
    10 唐克扬,聂本洲, 《在通往美术馆的路上》,原载《艺术界》,2012年12月,见http://leapleapleap.com/2013/03/在通往美术馆的路上/?lang=zh-hans
    11 R.De Forest.The 50~(th) Anniversary of the Museum.Ibid,1920,Vol.15,P124
    12 卡洛琳·邓肯著,王雅各译.《文明化的仪式》.台远流出版社.1995年.P24
    13 《文明化的仪式》卡洛琳·邓肯著,王雅各译,台湾远流出版社,1995年。P4
    14 唐克扬、聂本洲.《在通往美术馆的路上》,原载《艺术界》,2012年12月,参见http://leapleapleap.com/2013/03/在通往美术馆的路上/?lang=zh-hanso
    15 珍妮特·马斯汀,钱春霞、陈颖隽、华建辉、苗杨译, 《新博物馆离乱与实践导论》,江苏美术出版社,2008年,P1。
    16 巫鸿, 《美术史与美术馆》,载《中国美术馆》2007年第一期,P114
    17 Brian O' Doherty. Inside the White Cube:The Ideology of the Gallery Space. University of California Press.1999. P24
    18 权美媛(Miwon Kwon),《连绵不断的地点——论现场性》,载《1985年以来的当代艺术理论》,[美]佐亚·科库尔和梁硕恩著,王春辰、何积惠、李亮之译,上海人民美术出版社,2010年,P37。
    19 《汪悦进谈当代艺术史研究的新动向》,黄晓峰,参见www. book.ifeng.com/culture/gundong/detail_2010_07/11/1751351_0.shtml
    20 《汪悦进谈当代艺术史研究的新动向》,黄晓峰.参见www. book.ifeng.com/culture/gundong/detail_2010_07/11/1751351_0.shtml
    Terry Smith, Thinking Contemporary Curating, Independent Curators International,2012, p 141
    22 在英文中,档案(archives)与考古学(archeology)有着共同的词根,标志着起源、开始。
    24 美国档案工作者协会博物馆部制定的《博物馆档案指导方针》(Guideline of Museum Archives)将博物馆档案的基本范畴划定为机构记录(Institutional Records)、业务文件(Professional Papers)和原始材料(Primary Materials)三部分:各美术博物馆根据自身的性质与目标做出具体的调整。译自美国档案工作者协会博物馆档案部网站,
    25 《博物馆档案——学术研究的资源与机构身份认证的依据》洛伊斯·玛丽·芬克(Lois Marie Fink)
    26 1951年,美国克利夫兰艺术博物馆尝试使用微缩摄影拍摄博物馆的部分档案,博物馆管理者和业务人员共同编辑了这份‘旧档案’,而这份特殊的档案在某个特殊时期被销毁掉一部分,剩余的部分被保存下来,从而开创了博物馆的第一份管理档案。1956年,博物馆委员会投票通过了档案管理计划,但未安排任何具体的保管或销毁记录的工作,直到20世纪80年代首位档案管理员的获聘,科学化的档案管理方法才建立起来。”译自《博物馆档案:导论·第二版》(Museum Archives:An Introduction·Second Edition)黛博拉·伟兹(Deborah Wythe), P26
    27 会议由史密森尼美国艺术档案馆(Archives of American Art)主持、史密森尼协会(Smithsonian Institution)的教育项目出资支持,在艾尔克利吉市的史密森尼贝尔蒙会议中心(Smithsonian's Belmont Conference Center in Elkridge, Maryland)召开。
    28 《博物馆档案章程草案》(Draft Guidelines for Museum Archives),1979,史密森尼美国艺术档案馆网站
    29 译自《博物馆档案:导论·第二版》(Museum Archives:An Introduction·Second Edition)黛博拉·伟兹(Deborah Wythe),P27
    30 Reesa Greenberg, Bruce W. Ferguson and Sandy Nairne, Thinking about Exhibitions, P2
    31 Salon to Biennial-Exhibitions That Made Art History 1863-1959, Conceived and edited by Phaidon Editors and Bruce Altshuler, Phaidon Press Limited,2013.P 17 Biennials and Beyond-Exhibitions That Made Art History 1962-2002, Conceived and edited by Phaidon Editors and Bruce Altshuler, Phaidon Press Limited,2013, P8
    32 王志河主编,《后现代主义词典》,中央编译出版社,2004年1月,P295
    33 Emma Barker. Contemporary Cultures of Display. Yale University Press.1999, P126
    34 Peter Weibel Andrea Buddensieg. Contemporary Art and the Museum:A Global Perspective. Hatje Cantz Verlag.2007, P186
    36 Biennials and Beyond-Exhibitions That Made Art History 1962-202,Conceivd and edled by Phaidon Editors and Bruce Altshuler,Phaidon Press Limited, 2013, p291
    37 Michael Brenson, Review Art, Juxtaposing the New from All Over, Special to the New York Times, May.20,1989.
    38 Peter Weibel Andrea Buddensieg, Contemporary Art and the Museum:A Global Perspective, Hatje Cantz Verlag,2007, P165
    39 Paul O'Neill, The Culture of Curating and the Curating of Culture, The MIT Press,2012, P56
    40 Peter Weibel Andrea Buddensieg, Contemporary Art and the Museum:A Global Perspective, Hatje Cantz Verlag,2007, P166
    41 Exhibiting of contemporary art by Sandy Nairne,原理 Contemporary Cultures of Display, Edited by Emma Barker, Yale University Press,1999, P105
    42 发起于1895年,是间接地从1851年在伦敦举办的玩过博览会发展而来。
    43 中国国家馆首个展览计划于2003年亮相威尼斯双年展,但由于“非典”,展览未能顺利在意大利展出。2005年,中国国家馆第一个展览正式展出,展览主题为《浮现:处女园》,总策展人为范迪安。
    44 Biennials and Beyond-Exhibitions That Made Art History 1962-2002, Conceived and edited by Phaidon Editors and Bruce Altshuler, Phaidon Press Limited,2013, P13.
    45 引自《卡塞尔文献展》,http://wenku.baidu.com/view/b042707e168884868762d666.html
    40 载《文艺研究》,2009年第六期,P87-95
    40 伊娃(Eva Cockcroft)抽象表现主义:冷战的武器》,高岭译,载《世界美术》1991年三月,p19
    40 参照王萌, 《美术馆推动艺术潮流的案例研究》(硕士论文),2010年,P33-37。转引自《抽象表现主义和文化冷战——美国人》,弗朗西斯·桑德斯,http://www.art-heree.net/html/av/3652.html:
    52 Lisa Dennison, From Museum to Museum Island, Museum[M],vol.55 no.1.2003, P68.(译者不详)
    53 蔡昭仪. 《古根汉效应》.典藏艺术家庭出版,2004年,P130。
    54 Exhibiting of contemporary art by Sandy Nairne, 原理Contemporary Cultures of Display, Edited by Emma Barker, Yale University Press,1999, P105
    55 Museums and Multiculturalism by Steven D. Lavine and Ivan Karp, Exhibiting Cultures—The Poetics and
    56 参见本人《新命题,新理念:美术馆的观众拓展》,载《美术观察》,2011年2月,P16。
    57 参见本人《交互视象——一种当代艺术“看”与“被看”的方式》,载《中国美术馆》2013年9月,p64。
    58 权美媛(Miwon Kwon), 《连绵不断的地点——论现场性》,载《1985年以来的当代艺术理论》[美]佐亚·科库尔和梁硕恩著,王春辰、何积惠、李亮之译,上海人民美术出版社,2010年,P33。
    59 Steven D.Lavine and Ivan Karp,Museums and Multiculturalism.Exhibiting Cultures-The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display.edied by Ivan Karpand Steven D.Lavine.Smithsonian Institution Press. 199.1P6
    60 丁宁, 《图像缤纷——视觉艺术的文化维度》,中国人民大学出版社,2010年,P319
    61 迈克尔·布伦森(Michael Brenson),《策展人的时刻》,载《1985年以来的当代艺术理论》,[美]佐亚·科库尔和梁硕恩著,王春辰、何积惠、李亮之译,上海人民美术出版社,2010年,P57
    62 Steven D.Lavine and Ivan Karp,Museums and Multiculturlism。Exhibiting Cultures—The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display.edited by Ivan Karp and Steven D.Lavine.Smithsonian Institution Press.199. 1P7
    63 《光明日报》,1981年11月17曰
    64 Sandy Nairne.Eyhibiting of Contemporary art by.Contemporary Cultures of Display,Edited by Emma Barker. Yale University Press.4999.P109
    66 笔者译自Peter Weibel Andrea Buddensieg. Contemporary Art and the Museum:A Global Perspective. Hatje Cantz Verlag.2007. P164-172
    67 笔者译自Emma Barker. Contemporary Cultures of Display. Yale University Press.1999. P127-146
    David Dean著,萧翔鸿译.《展览复合体》.艺术家出版社.2006年
    Peter Vergo. New Museology. Reaktion Books LTD.1989
    Ivan Karp and Steven D. Lavine. Exhibiting Cultures—The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display. Smithsonian Institution Press.1991
    Daniel J. Sherman and Irit Rogoff. Museum Culture, Histories, Discurses Spectacles. Minnesota University Press.1994
    Reesa Greenberg Bruce, W Ferguson, Sandy Nairne. Thinking about Exhibitions. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.1996
    Art and Artifact The Museum as Medium. Thames and Hudson.1996
    Brian O'Doherty. Inside the White Cube:The Ideology of the Gallery Space. University of California Press.1999
    Emma Barker. Contemporary Cultures of Display. Yale University Press.1999
    Karsten Schubert. The Curator's Egg-The Evolution of the Museum Concept from the French Revolution to the Present Day. RAM Publications.2000
    Hild S.Hein. The Museum in Transition. Smithsonian Institution Press.2000
    David Dean. Museum Exhibition:Theory and Practice. London and New York 2000
    James Cuno. Who Muse?—Art Museums and The Public Trust. Princeton University Press and Fellows of Harvard College.2004年
    Harriet S.Bee and Michelle Elligott. Art in Our Time:A Chronicle of the Museum of Modern Art. The Museum of Modern Art, Newyork.2004
    Harry N.Abrams. Imaging the Future of The Museum of Modern Art. The Museum of Modern Art.2006
    Jonathan Conlin. The Nationa's Mantelpiece:A History of the National Gallery. Pallas Athene Ltd.2006
    Peter Weibel Andrea Buddensieg. Contemporary Art and the Museum:A Global Perspective. Hatje Cantz Verlag.2007
    Andrew Mcclellan. The Art Museum from Boullee to Bilbao. California University Press, Berkelay, Los Angeles and London.2008
    Kristina Wilson. The Modern Eye-Stieglitz, Moma, and the Art of the Exhibition 1925-1934. Yale University Press.2009
    Hans Ulrich Obrist. A Brief History of Curating. JPR|Ringier Kunstverlag AG.2011
    Paul O'Neill. The Culture of Curating and the Curating of Cultures. The MIT Press.2012
    Terry Smith. Thinking Contemporary Curating. Independent Curators International, Newyork. 2012
    Phaidon Editors and Bruce Altshuler. Biennials and Beyond-Exhibitions That Made Art History 1962-2002. Phaidon Press Limited.2013
    Robert Hughes. The Shock of The New. Thames and Hudson.1980
    奥克奎·恩维佐.《艺术史及其不满:重置博物馆的永久收藏——与凯瑟琳·格雷尼尔(Catherine Grenier)的谈话》

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