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人类对时间的认知是无限的,从过去,经过现在直至未来。从时间全程角度探讨人类时间认知是否具有统一加工机制,一直是研究者努力的方向。Michon等和Bree等研究发现人类时间认知具有分段性,即对不同持续时间的表征是不同的;黄希庭等提出的时间认知分段综合模型(range-synthesis model of time cognition)从宏观视角指明了人类过去心理时间与未来心理时间均存在分段性,但“分段”特点是否适用于视觉短时距加工机制仍有待揭示。尽管国外学者从不同角度对这个问题进行过一些探讨,但颇有争议。因此,从“分段”角度探讨视觉短时距加工机制将是目前值得时间心理学研究者关注的重要课题之一。
Time cognition of human beings is boundless,which from past,now,to the future. Since the 90 years 20~(th)Century,whether time cognition processing mechanism was uniform has been discussed in the full time version.Michon et al.and Bree et al.found that there was time cognition segrnentation,that was,there was different representation on different duration;Huang Xiting et al.also found that there were segmentations on past and future mental time,and one model named range-synthesis model of time cognition was presented,which meant that the cognition of time was segment with different representation on different duration,and the cognition of any duration was influenced by many factors,such as the quantity and configuration of events,alleyway characteristics, quality of temporal order and point,attention,encoding mode,range-synthesis strategy,the guideline,and the faith,emotion,and illness of individuals,etc.Although the model has shown that there was duration segmentation of past and future mental time,it needs future exploration whether it is the same with the visual short duration processing mechanism.
     The aim of this study was to explore the segmentation characteristics and critical point. Experiment 1-5 studied the loading effect of different short duration processing by manipulating non-temporal processing task(temporal order judgment and memory searching)with dual-task paradigm.The hypothesis was that there was some critical point, which the duration processing below the point might not be influenced by cognitive source, while processing upwards might be influenced by it.Experiment 6-8 aimed to explore the CNV difference below and upwards the critical point with ERP recordings.Based on the different research way of Exp 1-5 and Exp 5-8,and the different ways of manipulating independent and dependent variables,the critical point might not be the same.
     The results showed:
     1.Exp.1 found that visual duration processing was not influenced by cognitive loading downwards 4s,while it was influenced by cognitive loading upwards 5s, which meant the visual short duration processing was segment.
     2.Exp.2 showed that visual duration processing downwards 3s was not influenced by cognitive loading,which the visual short duration processing upwards 4s was influenced by it,which also proved the segmentation.
     3.Exp.3 found that the visual short duration downwards 3s was not influenced by cognitive loading,while it upwards 4s was influenced.The result supported the conclusion of Exp.1-2,that is,the visual duration processing mechanism was segment.
     4.Exp.4 found the result that visual short duration processing downwards 3s was not influenced by cognitive loading,while it upwards 4s was influenced by cognitive loading.The result supported the conclusion by Exp.1-3,and 3-4s might be the segmentation critical point of visual short duration processing mechanism.
     5.Exp.5 had the result that visual duration processing of both 200ms and 1000ms were not effected by cognitive loading,which supported the result of Exp.4, that 3-4s might be the critical point of visual short duration processing.
     6.Exp.6 found that the main effect of duration was not significant on both target duration presentation period and duration comparison period,and there was no interaction effect with electrode and time window.This is conflict with the result of Exp.4,that is,3-4s might not be the critical point of visual short duration processing.
     7.The main effect of CNV average amplitude evoked by visual duration encoding in 450ms and 1300ms was significant in Exp.7,and there was interaction effect with location.The result was consistent with Exp.6,and supported the view that 1s was the critical segmentation point of visual short duration processing.
     8.The result of Exp.8 provided new proof for 1s as critical segmentation point of visual short duration processing.
     9.The critical segmentation point of visual short duration processing was influenced by many factors,such as experiment situation,and study approach,
     10.The present study supported the range-synthesis model of time cognition at a certain extent.
     The present study tried to explore the processing mechanism characteristics of visual short duration(within 6s)with visual duration information processing as object,which was an extend based on the range-synthesis model of time cognition,and it was the first time to explore the visual duration processing mechanism on the basis of segmentation.In addition, the dual-task paradigm was taken to choose any possible critical segmentation point duration to study the segmentation and critical point by the numbers with temporal order judgment and memory searching non-temporal processing tasks on after the other. Meanwhile,it was the first time to explore the visual short duration processing mechanism segmentation with ERP in domestic.The results of the present study showed that the visual short duration processing was segment,and the critical segmentation point was influenced by many aspects such as experimental situation and study approach,etc.,which had not only developed the application area of "segmentation",but also enlarged system info of time psychology,which supported new tasks for further study.Also,there need to be many improvements on the content,method,and many deficient aspects in the future study.
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