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In recent years,as information technology and other rapid development of science andtechnology,the competition in the telecommunications industry has increased. Thedevelopment and survival of telecommunications is increasingly depends on its ability toinnovate and adapt to the external environment with the ability to cooperate. The maincompetition in the telecommunications industry from the original single enterprise alone tothe competition between the industrial chain,as to more competition between networks. Inthis paper,the definition of the telecommunications industry value network refers to thecore telecom companies and content providers,system providers and equipment providersand other types of terminals formed by a collection of business,capital,products,information,knowledge and even personnel and other tangible and intangible resources inthe collection and transfer in the flow. Telecommunications value network as a special"virtual" value dynamic network form of organization is the organization's environment andthe survival benefits associated with the premise,trust,learning,sharing,cooperationand competition alliance for the content,and networking,virtualization,agile anddynamic to achieve Real-time integration as a symbol together to create value for thecustomer organization.
     There is no doubt that the value of the network between enterprises has differentknowledge and capacity. The enterprises with complementary knowledge within networkbegan to joint and form the telecommunications value network. In other words,knowledgetransfer has become the internal factors within the telecommunications value network. Theresearch object of this paper is the internal knowledge transfer mechanisms oftelecommunications value network. According to the study results,we will find somereasonable development of relevant strategies to enhance the overall competitiveness of thetelecommunications value network.
     The value of the telecommunications network knowledge transfer evaluation systembroken down into seven variables,such as“specific network environment”、“the transferof capacity”、“transfer mode”、“the transfer of environment”、“knowledge of characteristicsof successful knowledge transfer”. According these variables,we build thetelecommunications value network of knowledge transfer evaluation system. Then,by theapplication of AHP,the status of the telecommunications industry knowledge transfer wasanalysis. And then we come to the conclusion that the enterprises within the telecommunications network already have a good knowledge transfer of cognitive andcapacity.
     At the same time,with the game theory,the paper study the value of telecomcompanies and other companies within the network's role in the process of knowledgetransfer. And the Conclusion is get,which is leading telecom companies come to value theentire telecommunications network knowledge transfer process. Telecom companies need tocreate a harmonious knowledge transfer environment and strive for more partners,to form awin-win situation,and by virtue of knowledge transfer to enhance the core competitivenessof the telecommunications value network.
     This article describes the success of knowledge transfer is defined as the dependentvariable of the final empirical model. The results of research shows that the lead knowledgetransfer includes the transfer of“the telecom companies to the knowledge of the servicecompanies”and“service companies to telecommunications knowledge transfer between theoperating companies”,this conclusion is basing on the perspective of network structure ofthe telecommunications value. At the same time,considering the structure of thetelecommunications value network,we will value network of knowledge transfer focus onthe telecom companies to accept the knowledge transfer process model. Subsequently,weuse SPSS18.0 statistical software pretreatment 50 valid questionnaires collected. By the toolof the construct validity and reliability of the questionnaire,we removed sevenquestionnaires unreasonable data. Then we tested further validate the questionnaire designand data quality with correlation analysis and multiple linear.
     By the method of factor analysis,we have analysis the telecommunications valuenetwork-led model of knowledge transfer,and come to the dominant factors in successfultransfer of internal knowledge of the value network,which are followed by“knowledgetransfer environment”,“knowledge transfer mode”,“network environment”and“knowledge transfer capabilities”.
     Among them,the knowledge transfer environment within the telecommunicationsvalue network is the most significant factors. Good environment for knowledge transfer willpromote the effective transfer of knowledge within the telecommunications value network.Knowledge transfer’s model within the telecommunications value network is significanteffective factors of knowledge transfer. In general,knowledge transfer to the encoding andserial transfer is received easily,the complex relationship of knowledge transfer is not easyto achieve,it must match with the transfer of knowledge to successfully achieve knowledgetransfer. The value of the network environment is the third effectively impact factors ofknowledge transfer within the telecommunications value network. The size oftelecommunications value network is the more that is not conducive to the effective transferof knowledge. Knowledge transfer capacity of companies in the telecommunications value network is the fourth effectively impact factor of the positive knowledge transfer. In otherwords,if the telecom companies has the higher accept capacity of knowledge,and theservice enterprises has the higher knowledge transfer capacity and the more strongly transferwill,knowledge transfer tends to the more successful.
     Finally,the paper formulate policies to promote knowledge transfer within thetelecommunications value network the mechanism,which is for telecom operators andservice companies in the telecommunications value network. Meanwhile,the paper hasdeveloped a strategy of knowledge transfer for telecommunication Coperation of China:theterminal for the network,content,software and even Internet companies,telecommunication Coperation should take the principles of openness and integration,establish a "aggregation platform" for all companies within telecommunications valuenetwork. On the platform,there are“a knowledge database”,“knowledge-sharingplatform”,and“develop a good knowledge environment”ects. The platform will beintegrated more the nature of the application,and the platform will share tacit knowledgetransfer more effectively. The platform will safeguard the patency of the internal flow ofknowledge in the telecommunications value network,so as to promote mutual conversionbetween tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge involved in the exchange of knowledgewithin the network of the telecommunications value and promote the generation of newknowledge. Then we will got the effect of knowledge sharing "1 +1>2”,and achieve theultimate goal to enhance the value network of competitive advantage.
     It should be noted that the most important study is the model of knowledge transfer fromservice enterprises to telecom companies. Accounting to the telecommunications valuenetwork size is increasing,so the service enterprises which will join into the network ismore and more. The knowledge transfer between telecom operators and service enterprises isstill the main process of knowledge transfer,but knowledge transfer services betweenenterprises is also increasing. Under a key research direction is the further consideration ofthe telecommunications value network knowledge transfer process from the perspective ofservice enterprises.
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