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Dynamic development of market economy makes enterprises’ competition complexand intense. Human resource become critical resources for health and sustaineddeveloping. In order to adapt changing marketing environment, and to ensure sustainableand healthy development, enterprises need to constantly introduce innovative andexciting new employees to provide fresh blood for itself. The arrival of the newemployees provide new ideas for the enterprise development and team decision, on theother side, it ensure strategic decisions for the enterprise goes long. Chinese enterprisesstress dedication. Employees always work overtime and under hard working strength.The intensity of labor is hard to make80s and90s adapt to their new position. Turnoveris a big problem for managers. How to control the newcomers’ turnover is a greatchallenge to human resources management.
     Organizational socialization is a process that the employee from "outside people" to"insider". Employees deepen organizational commitment through continuous learningand understanding organizational culture, enhancing team collaboration and colleagues’communication, identiting management methods to of the organization. Goodorganizational socialization can improve the work efficiency of employees and theirorganizational loyalty. Pre-entry expectations of newcomer is influenced by their ownexperience and the surrounding crowd, which often produce met-expectation for workingreality.The met-expectation to a certain extent, can predict employee turnover behavior.Analysis newcomer’s turnover on the site of pre-entry expectation, is adjusting theirself-cognitive. This progress makes his original expected dynamic change and constantlyadapt to the enterprise reality. Newcomers could successfully make themselves “insider”of the enterprise. Newcomers’ pre-entry expectations influence initiative socializationbehaviors. The influence is a positive or negative? Does psychological capital havemedium action between pre-entry expectation and organization socialization? Thesequeations are needed to be research.
     This object of this research is limited to newcomers, researching the relationshipbetween pre-entry expectations and organizational socialization. We also research as well as employees training, understanding organization, establishing interpersonal relationshipnetwork, and prediction on career development. We try to research how newcomers’pre-entry expectations affect their organizational socialization process, and role ofpsychological capital in this process. We propose medium hypothesis of psychologicalcapital, established theory model including pre-entry expectations, psychological capitaland organizational socialization. We verified it through empirical research. Researchingcontents are as follows:
     The first part introduced researching background and the theory and practicalsignificance. Then introduce the innovation of the article and the overall logicframework.
     The second part study the domestic and foreign related research results, sources ofreferences, researching achievements, and evaluating the previous studies.
     The third part is the research design and model assumptions. It introduces the mainresearch method, variables and measurement method. We analyse the relationship ofvariables, and put forward research hypothesis. As a result we can build the model,pre-entry expectations as independent variables, organization socialization as thedependent variable, the introduction of psychological capital as a intervening variable.
     The fourth part is designing the questionnaire and small sample tests. Designquestionnaire using the maturity scale, taking the Likert seven. We purificate andimproved the questionnaire item through group discussion and sample test, then finallyform a survey questionnaire.
     The fifth part is empirical research of a wide range. We do research using SPSS19.0and AMOS as analysis tools. Measured and validated the model and variables by thereliability test, correlation analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis andregression analysis, statistical methods, such as on.
     The sixth part is research conclusion. Summary of this article research conclusion,analysis the relationship between the variables, explain why the research hypothesis isrejected, proposed the the article deficiency, and puts forward prospect for later studies.The main conclusions of the article are as follow:
     (1) Newcomers’ pre-entry expectation has significant positive effect onorganizational socialization;
     (2)Newcomers’ psychological capital and has significant positive effect onorganizational socialization
     (3)Psychological capital plays a partial mediating role in the organizationsocialization process
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