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This paper mainly focused on the self-purification mechanism in Chenhang Reservoir of Shanghai and firstly discussed its significance. The transformation of pollutants in lake and reservoir was widely reviewed, especially the transformation of nitrogen phosphorus coliform and the mathematic equation of the tranformation. Based on above discussion and combined with practical water quality in Chenhang Reservoir, method of the paper was pointed out, which includes study of water quality parameters in laboratory, study of water quality parameters in spot and study of water quality model.
    Seven major aspects of the research are presented as follows.
    1. Lab work shows that the CBOD depletion coefficient varies from 0.2 to 1.2d-1 and the NBOD depletion coefficient varies from 0.17 to l.8d-1.
    2. The study on release experiment of sediment showed that the flux of NH4-N varies from 4 to 18 mg/m2-d, the flux of TN varies from 20 to 50 mg/m2-d, the flux of TP varies from 3 to 10 mg/m2-d. The flux of NH4-N in Chenhang Reservoir sediment is equivalent with 3%~11% that of in Taihu lake (Wuli lake).
    3. From the study of water quality parameters in situ measurement in June, the water quality of Chenhang Reservoir is good in June, but TN and TP are beyond standards. The simple self-purification mechanism of pollutants in Chenhang Reservoir is that the removal rate of SS varies from 60% to 80% on space; The removal rate of total coliform exceeds 80%; The removal rate of TP varies from 30% to 70%; The removal rate of TN is about 40.8%.
    4. Chenhang Reservoir hydrodynamic model was made using the WINDYNHYD+. Wind direction wind speed in-flow and out-flow had great influences upon flow field of Chenhang Reservoir. Water level changed with flow.
    Circumfluence occurs in some places of Chenhang Reservoir, the velocity of which was small, varying from 0 to 0.07 m/s.
    5. The water model of complete-mixing ammonia is established according to its characteristics. Furthermore, the concentration of ammonia of Chenhang reservoir is simiated with the established water-quality model. The larger volume of Chenhang reservoir, the deeper water, the longer THR, the higher removal rate of NH4-N.
    6. Chenhang Reservoir water quality model was made using the WASP6 modeling system, and the water quality parameters were calibrated and validated. Sell-purification mechanism was analysized using the Chenhang Reservoir water quality modeling system. In a rage of natural temperature(about 0-25), the higher the water temperature, the larger volume of Chenhang reservoir and the longer the HRT. the self-purification effect of Chenhang Reservoir was greater. Besides, the results showed that sedimentation can improve the self-purification capacity of Chenhang Reservoir.
    7. According to evaluation on water eutrophication and obversed data of Chenhang Reservoir, the concentration of TN and CODcr is up to concentration of eutrophication. Because of the very short HRT and not-enough light, eutrophication does not occur.
    Thus, some advices are presented as below: pollution minimization, flow control and the optimal residence time (7~10days), and pretreatment for sake of management of Chenhang Reservoir.
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