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  • 英文题名:Classification of Finite Dimensional Basic Hopf Algebras and Related Topics
  • 作者:刘公祥
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:基础数学
  • 学位年度:2005
  • 导师:李方
  • 学科代码:070101
  • 学位授予单位:浙江大学
  • 论文提交日期:2005-04-01
     对于(2),目前,我们已经给出了有限型的完整分类。具体地讲,它们共分三类:①如果H是半单的,则H同构与一个群代数的对偶;②如果H是非半单的并且基础域的特征是0的话,则H同构一个所谓Andruskiewitsch-Schneider代数与一个群代数交差积的对偶;③如果H是非半单的并且基础域的特征不是0的话,则H同构于某个特定代数与一个群代数交差积的对偶。对于Tame型的Basic Hopf代数,我们可以给出的是根分次情形的结构定理。我们将看到根分次的情形至多只有五类。我们还给出了一些关于TameHopf代数的例子。
The main aim of this paper is to classify finite dimensional Hopf algebras, especially basic Hopf algebras. Our idea is to classify them through their representation type and our methods relay heavily on the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras.
    In order to do so, we give four programs to classify finite dimensional Hopf algebras as follows.
    (1) Give an effective way to determine the representation type of a finite dimensional basic Hopf algebra;
    (2) Classify finite dimensional basic Hopf algebras through their representation type;
    (3) Determine that when a finite dimensional Hopf algebra is Morita equivalent to a finite dimensional basic Hopf algebra;
    (4) Find some new ways to generalize the conclusions in (2) to general finite dimensional Hopf algebras.
    In order to resolve program (1), we attache every finite dimensional basic Hopf algebra H a number nh which is called representation type number of H and proved that (i) H is of finite representation type if and only if nH = 0 or nH = 1; (ii) H is tame then nh = 2 and (iii) H is wild if nH≥ 3.
    For program (2), we can classify finite dimensional basic Hopf algebras of finite representation type completely now. Explicitly, they are consist of three classes: (i) If H is semisimple, then H (?) k(G)* for some finite group; (ii) If H is not semisimple and the characteristic of k is zero, then H is isomorphic the dual of the cross product between one so called Andruskiewitsch-Schneider algebra and a group algebra; (iii) If H is not semisimple and the characteristic of k is not zero, then H is isomorphic the dual of the cross product between one special algebra and a group algebra. We also can give the structure theorem for finite dimensional basic Hopf algebra of tame type in the radical graded case. We can see that in this case they are consist of five classes at most. More examples about tame Hopf algebras are also given in this paper.
    Generalized path (co) algebras give us one possibility to solve programs (3) (4). We study so called isomorphism problem for generalized path coalgebras at first and prove that two normal generalized path coalgebras k(△,C) (?)(△',D) as coalgebras if and only if there is an isomorphism of quivers (?) : △ →△' such that Si (?) T(?)(i) as coalgebras for i ∈ △0. The Gabriel's Theorem for generalized path (co)algebras are also given in this paper. The problem of when there is a Hopf structure on generalized path coalgebra is settled.
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