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     3、应用荧光定量PCR法、Western blot法检测小儿健脾化湿方对AD小鼠皮肤组织AQP3mRNA及蛋白的影响。
     5、Western blot检测结果显示空白模型组小鼠皮肤组织中AQP3蛋白较空白对照组明显升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。中药模型组较空白模型组显著降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。荧光免疫PCR检测显示空白模型组小鼠皮肤组织中AQP3mRNA表达较空白对照组明显升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。中药模型组AQP3mRNA较空白模型组降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。
Research background:
     Atopic Dermatitis (AD) is a chronic, recurrent, allergic skin, belonging to theliterature of traditional Chinese medicine "infantile eczema,""four-bend wind","eczema","acute eczema" and other areas. Dempness stagnancy due to spleen deficiency is acommon pathogenesis.Treatment of strengthening spleen and removing dampness has beenused by many doctors,and achieve good clinical efficacy.Mechanisms that have beenreported include anti-inflammatory and immune regulation. Aquaporins (AQPs) expressedin many organizations in body, suggests that they play an important role in maintaining thewater balance in the body. Study the role of water channel protein in depth, is expected tobe a very good explanation of pathological changes such as sputum, drinking water, wet,mechanism, and on this basis formulate dampness medicine, Li water wet, dry wetpharmacological effects of drugs. Many studies have demonstrated that aquaporin closelyrelated to water metabolism disorders and Chinese medicine theory of body fluidmetabolism.
     Research has indicated that the water channel aquaporin-3associated with thepathogenesis of AD. There are many gaps that if the method of strengthening spleen andremoving dampness can adjust AQP3in thetreatment of the skin or not. In this study, weuse the treatment of strengthening spleen and removing dampness in ad mice. To explorethe mechanism and approach in treatment method of strengthening the spleen andremoving dampness in AD. To further verify to the molecular biology mechanism of thetreatment of strengthening spleen and removing dampness in AD, and lays the foundationfor it.
     Research purpose:
     1.Discusses the efficacy of xiao er jian pi hua shi fang in treating children with AD,and provide a basis for treatment in clinical AD.
     2.By observing the impact of treatment of strengthening spleen and removingdampness to the aqp-3expression on the ad the mice, to further verify to the molecularbiology mechanism of the treatment of strengthening spleen and removing dampness inAD, and lays the foundation for it.
     Research methods:
     1.50children with AD for the study, recorde SCORAD score before treatment and4weeks after treatment. detect Serum total IgE and EOS.
     2. Immunohistochemical detection of atopic dermatitis skin tissues of mice by AQP3expression;
     3.Using immunohistochemical method, RT-PCR method, Western blot assay methodof jianpi dampness on atopic dermatitis AQP3expression of skin tissues of mice.
     Research results:
     1.SCORAD score of25children with AD dropped significantly after4weeks after thetreatment of strengthening spleen and removing dampness. The difference has thestatistical significance(P<0.01), Showing that the treatment of strengthening spleen andremoving dampness on children's AD has remarkable curative effect.
     2. Determination of total serum IgE: Before treatment the blood serum total IgE ofgroup treatment obviously elevates than healthy control group, The difference has thestatistical significance(P<0.01); After treatment total serum IgE of group treatmen islower than before treatment, The difference has the statistical significance(P<0.01);Serum total IgE of control group before the treatment is significantly higher compared withhealthy control group, The difference has the statistical significance(P<0.01); Serum totalIgE of treatment control group has not significantly difference compared with beforetreatment(P>0.05).
     3. Determination of eosinophil cells: Before treatment the EOS of group treatmentobviously elevates than healthy control group, The difference has the statisticalsignificance(P<0.01); After treatment, the treatment group EOS is lower than beforetreatment, The difference has the statistical significance(P<0.01); EOS of control groupbefore the treatment is significantly higher compared with healthy control group, Thedifference has the statistical significance(P<0.01); EOS of treatment control group has not significantly difference compared with before treatment(P>0.05).
     4. Immunohistochemical method detected discovered that verage light density ofAQP3in AD mouse skin obviously elevates, the difference has the statistical significancethan blank control group(P<0.05); The verage light density of AQP3in chinese medicinemodel mice skin decreased compared with blank model group, the difference has thestatistical significance(P<0.05).
     5. Western blot test results: Compared with the blank control group, AQP3protein inthe blank model mice skin significantly elevated, the difference has the statisticalsignificance(P<0.01); Chinese medicine model group dramatically reduces than blankmodel group, the difference has the statistical significance(P<0.01). RT-PCR testing:Compared with the blank control group, AQP3mRNA in the blank model mice skinsignificantly elevated, the difference has the statistical significance(P<0.01); Chinesemedicine model group dramatically reduces than blank model group, the difference has thestatistical significance(P<0.01).
     1. Clinical symptoms of AD in patients improved significantly after treatment of xiaoer jian pi hua shi fang, the SCORAD integral dramatically reduces, has statisticalsignificance, showing that the treatment of strengthening spleen and removing dampness inchildren's AD has curative effect to be accurate.
     2. This study also confirmed that the majority of the AD in patients with markedlyelevated serum total IgE and EOS, serum total IgE and EOS levels after treatmentsignificantly reduced, statistically significant differences, they involved in the pathogenesisof AD, and reflect the severity of AD.
     3. Atopic Dermatitis model mice skin tissue AQP3expression significantly higher,after treated with jianpi huashi AQP3expression in skin reduce, so jianpi dampnesstreatment can significantly improve the expression of AQP3mRNA in skin, promote skinrepair.
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