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In this paper, polyaniline(PANI)-the coaxial Nanocables in silver, Characterizationand enzyme complex made with a variety of biosensor properties of the main content.Tested as a basic component made of polyaniline-metal the coaxial Nanocable arrayuric acid, choline, vitamin C,dopamine,the performance of a glucose biosensor.
     Use secondary aluminum anodization in oxalic acid solution porous anodicaluminum oxide membrane(AAO), prepared by the AAO membrane porearrangement is highly ordered, high density, smooth wall of hole, there is no crosschannels. And made the AAO electrode used for the the subsequent nanowire andcables array of preparation. The AAO nano-electrode is an excellent template,withgood prospects for development.
     Using DC deposition method length for20nm,80nm,120nm, the160nm ofpolyaniline Nanocable array and diameter, respectively, for the60nm,80nm,120nm,160nm, polyaniline sheath thickness was1,3,5,8,20,35nm polyaniline-cobalt ofpolyaniline-copper, polyaniline-a silver coaxial Nanocables array, test and analyze theconductivity. The study found that the same thickness of polyaniline polyaniline-metalNanocables array, its conductivity is positively correlated with the diameter, the samediameter polyaniline-metal Nanocables array, the conductivity of polyanilinenegatively correlated with the thickness of the above phenomenon is determined by acomposite manner, the smaller conductive polyaniline With the polyaniline increase inthe proportion of the overall conductivity of the Nanocable reduced.
     Urate oxidase/polyaniline the Ag Nanocables the array uric acid sensor wasprepared for the first time to study the electrochemical behavior and thermodynamicstability. The study found that the polyaniline nano-Ag cable the array having goodelectrical conductivity, accelerating the electron transfer in the urate oxidase, and thenano-size effect of a marked increase in the specific surface area of the electrode. Theoxidation peak current and concentration of uric acid there is a good linearrelationship. The linear regression equation was Y=1.323X-0.062correlationcoefficient of0.99259. The detection limit is1x10-6mol/L, the response time for0.120S.
     Testing PANI sheath thickness1,3,5,8,20,35nm,μ m,20μ m10μ m μlength of1.5for60nm in diameter,80nm,120nm,160nm PANI-Ag with axis Nanocable arraysensor10mm,20mM,50mM,100mM dopamine, vitamin C solution with differentstructures of the urate oxidase enzyme/nano PANI-Ag coaxial cable sensor in 10mm,20mM,50mM,100mM uric acid solution in the response curve, and to studythe impact of structural changes on the sensitivity. It was found that the sensitivity andcable length approximately linear positive correlation. The sensitivity of the sensor israpidly reduced with PANI thickness increase, after the the PANI thickness of morethan5nm, the sensitivity is decreased rapidly to about0.3, after slowly decreasedwith the increase in the thickness of the PANI. With the cable diameter-increased thesensitivity of the sensor reduced.
     Choline oxidase/polyaniline nano-Ag cable the array uric acid sensor wasprepared for the first time to study the electrochemical behavior and thermodynamicstability.The study found that the cable polyaniline-Ag nano-array having goodelectrical conductivity, the oxidation peak current and the concentration of cholinethere is a good linear relationship. The linear regression equation wasY=1.227X-0.0122a detection limit of1x10-6mol/L, the response time of0.120S.
     We prepared the GOD/TiO2/PANI-Ag nano cable arrays sensor. The oxidationpeak current and the concentration of glucose sensor there is a good linear relationship.Linear regression equation was Y=1.335X-0.086.
     In short, the article was first prepared by a variety of enzymes/(TiO2)/PANI-theAg Nanocables array sensor, excellent anti-jamming performance, high sensitivity,and has great application prospects.
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