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Large shareholders utilize their control position to snatch interests from medium and small shareholders; these behaviors have seriously damaged normal business activities of listed companies and done harm to the confidence of investors. Equity division reform is an important institutional transformation of stock market in China. Equity division reform has solved the problem of non-circulating stock and circulating stock. What's the difference between pre and post of equity division reform? It is the main problem that this paper to be studied.
     The theoretical basis of large shareholders expropriation is the agency problem between large shareholders and medium-small shareholders. And production condition of agency problem is the separation between control rights and cash flow rights. After the separation of control rights and cash flow rights, control rights is usually larger than cash flow rights, controlling shareholder can achieve the goal that control listed companies by using less stockholding. On the basis of theoretical analysis, this paper analyses invading ways of large shareholders, and describes the system background and external environment of large shareholders expropriation.
     This paper chooses listed companies which have finished equity division reform in 2006 as basic samples, and chooses listed companies which have not reformed as contrast samples. In order to study the differences of large shareholders expropriation under different separation degrees of control rights and cash flow rights, this paper divides reformed samples into four kinds, together with samples which have not reformed, there are five kinds of samples. This paper uses related transaction to measure large shareholders expropriation. Eight explanatory variables and two control variables are adopted in the multivariate regression model. The results of regression analysis show that the higher separation degree between control rights and cash flow rights is, the greater influence (equal to or greater than 10%) of variables to large shareholders expropriation will be. The ratio between controlling shareholder and the second shareholder is the most significant factor of all, it is positive correlated with all the five kinds of samples. The nature of controlling shareholder, whether board chairman and general manager is the same one, and audit opinion are all not the key factors of large shareholders expropriation. The difference of variables’influence between reformed listed companies and non-reformed listed companies is very little; the only difference is the relation between stock-holding proportion of controlling shareholder and large shareholders expropriation, it is not obvious in non-reformed listed companies, but it is positive correlated with large shareholders expropriation in reformed listed companies.
     At last, this paper gives several treatment advices of large shareholders expropriation in the post equity division reform era according to the analytical results. It mainly concludes the following several aspects: (1) Optimizing equity structure and strengthening company governance. And we should introduce institutional investors to improve stock right structure and perfect independent director system to strengthen company governance. (2) Perfecting information disclosure system to guarantee fairness of investors’information acquirement to the utmost extent. (3) Strengthening legal construction. And we should learn the experiences from developed countries and introduce new legal systems. (4) Strengthening credit construction, professional ethics construction and protection consciousness of the most medium-small investors.
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