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As the main representative of the emerging countries, the main manifestations of China's external economic is the imbalance of international payments. The current long-term surplus is an important manifestation of the imbalance of international payments, Nearly two decades of current account surplus, China's external economic imbalances have reached unprecedented levels, while China's economic internal constantly exposed some contradictions. It is necessary to understand the general law between open economy macroeconomic internal and external, Explore the domestic and international economic imbalances in depth,and find ways and means of coordinating internal and external imbalances, From China's internal economic point of view to explore the root causes of the external balance.
     The source of the current account surplus and the adjustment mechanism to discuss the economics of each genre from different angles. But few people connectit the domestic income distribution and China's current account surplus.In fact, The income gap is important reason for China's internal economic imbalances, there are Structural problems exists in the current economic, such as investment, net export-led growth model, largely due to rationalize the distribution of incomes is not. This article is on the basis of summing up the research results at home and abroad, from the perspective of income distribution to explore China's current account continued surplus of reason on the basis of the relevant policy recommendations to improve the situation of China's current account surplus.
     This article is mainly based on domestic income distribution point of view to analyze the current account surplus. From the perspective of income distribution on the basis of summing up the research results at domestic and abroad to explore the root causes of China's current account continued surplus, Established the analytical framework of the domestic income distribution and other macroeconomic variables affect the current account balance, explain mechanism of action of the domestic macroeconomic impact of the current account surplus, provide new ideas of simulation of China's domestic income distribution-related variables on the degree of influence of the current account.
     Through the establishment of the relevant variables of the income distribution of China's current account balance variable VAR model, using co-integration test results show that the disposable income of residents and the current account balance has a long and stable relationship. From the cointegration equation coefficients, the current account balance with the residents of disposable income was a negative correlation effect, the residents'disposable income to play a good role in mitigation of the current account surplus.
     By constructing a computable general equilibrium model, the simulation analysis of the Income Distribution-related factors affect the current account balance, the above conclusion can also be obtained. And simulation results show that lower indirect tax rates, personal income tax rate, increase in government transfer payments is the fundamental way to improve residents' disposable income, but also an effective means to alleviate the current account surplus. According to the simulation results, the extent of the impact of these three factors on the current account balance, which ease the role of the degree of indirect tax rates decrease, the average personal income tax rate, followed by the minimal impact of government transfer payments. At the same time, three factors change the magnitude of the current account balance impact. Differ from the average individual income tax rate and the government transfer payment, the impact of indirect tax rates on the current account balance is non-linear.
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