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Objective: To investigate the effects of one particular therapeutic method of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) namely“the nourishing of liver and kidney”on the promotion of neurogenesis through the regulating of NEI after cerebral ischemic stroke. Methods: Based on the TCM theory that“nourishing liver and kidney can produce marrow”, we set up a MCAO rat model and then utilized a TCM herbal medication called Fujian tablet (which is specifically formulated to“nourish liver and kidney”). We observed its’effects on regulating NEI and inhibiting the hyperplasia of glial scar as one pathway for the promotion of neurogenesis. The research includes 3 parts: Part one, six indexes including Leptin, 5-HT, VIP, CD8+T, ACTH, Testosterone were measured in an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay with radio-immunity and immunohistochemical methods used to evaluate the effects of Fujian tablet on inhibiting excessive immunological reactions after cerebral ischemic stroke by the regulation of NEI. Part 2, four indexes including MMP-2, MMP-9, Vim and GFAP were measured with enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and immunohistochemical methods to evaluate the effects of Fujian tablet on inhibiting the hyperplasia of glial scaring. Part 3, based on the results observed in parts one and two, to evaluate the overall capacity for Chinese herbs to promote neurogenesis. Results: Fujian tablet can decrease the expression of Leptin in blood serum, increase the expression of 5-HT, VIP, CD8+T, MMP-2 and MMP-9 in brain tissue, increase the expression of ACTH and TESTO in blood plasma, and decrease the expression of Vim and GFAP in brain tissue. Conclusions: Traditional Chinese Medicine for the nourishing of liver and kidney can significantly improve the symptoms of functional deficit after cerebral ischemic stroke with one of the important mechanisms being the promotion of neurogenesis. Nourishing the liver and kidney is of great importance in regulating the homeostasis of NEI in order to inhibit the hyperplasia of glial scar, and this is closely related to the promotion of neurogenesis.
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