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     (4)在80℃、1mol/L NaOH并且Ca(OH)_2饱和的溶液中,粉煤灰的火山灰活性被严重激发,导致快速砂浆棒法测试的粉煤灰抑制效果明显高于60℃快速混凝土棱柱体法测试结果。
In the thesis, some questions are studied about suppressing the alkali-silica reaction (ASR) of the sandstone aggregate to be used in the dam concrete for the Jinping-ⅠHydroelectric Project. The conculsions are summarized as follows:
     (1) Sandstone aggregate and sandstone-marble combination aggregate are alkali-silica reactive and indicative of potentially deleterious expansion, no "passimum" phenomenon was observed.
     (2) There was no difference between ClassⅠand ClassⅡfly ash on suppressing ASR. All the 9 fly ashes from Jinping-ⅠHydroelectric Project could effectively suppress ASR of sandstone at 30% replacement level, including Pingliang ClassⅠand ClassⅡfly ash with CaO content about 8%. Considering the difference between dam concrete and normal concrete and the variation of the reactivity of sandstone, the safe replacement level of fly ash is suggested to be no less than 35%.
     (3) There is no remarkable relationship between any chemical composition of fly ash and the suppressing effect on ASR. As the criteria for selecting proper fly ash source, the chemical index C_(FA) is more reasonable than the CaO content or alkali content. The formula of C_(FA) is:If C_(FA) is below 0.40, the fly ash at 30% replacement level can effectively inhibit the ASR of sandstone used in the Jinping-ⅠHydroelectric Project, and if C_(FA) is above 0.40, more fly ash would be needed.
     At 30% replacement level, there is no remarkable relationship between mineralogical composition of fly ash and the suppressing effect on ASR. Replacing the SiO_2 and Al_2O_3 content in C_(FA) by amorphous SiO_2 and amorphous Al_2O_3 content didn't increase the relativity.
     The fineness of fly ash influences the suppressing effect on ASR, but not as obviously as C_(FA). The physical-chemical index C made up of C_(FA) and specific surface area can reflect the influence of physical and chemical quantities of fly ash on suppressing effect on ASR. The formula of C_(FA) is:
     (4) Fly ash would be terriblely activated in 80℃, 1mol/L NaOH and saturated Ca(OH)_2 solutions so that the suppressing effect on ASR tested by AMBT was much better than the effect tested by ACPT.
     Most compositions of fly ash could dissolved except mullite which makes up about 20% of total fly ash by weight, this phenomenon can explain why the influence of chemical compositions is bigger than that of mineralogical compositions.
     The main productions of fly ash in hot alkaline solution are P zeolite and C-S-H gel. P zeolite is beneficial to suppressing ASR. C-S-H gel can improve the strength of mortar, but no influence on ASR.
     (5) If reactive aggregate is used in dam concrete, the reactive stone powder brought in with fine aggregate and the air bubbles entrained by AEA will reduce ASR expansion greatly. The overall effect of these self-immunity mechanisms of dam concrete is the reduction of ASR expansion by 40% to 80%. So ASR expansion in real dam concrete structures is not as serious as observed in standard tests.
     (6) Ground lithium slag can efficiently suppress ASR, but it will cause early expansion of mortar or concrete, this expansion should be separated when testing the suppressing effect. Composite powder can effectively inhibit the expansion due to ASR at 30% or more replacement level. HLC-ASW type superplasticizer can reduce about 20% of expansion due to ASR, which is much better than normal naphthalene type superplasticizers.
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