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原子钟频标在导弹精确制导、空间精确定位导航等方面起着至关重要的作用。自从1948年世界上第一台原子钟诞生以后,原子钟在国防军事领域,空间探索领域等具有非常重要的应用,故现在有科学家认为原子钟比原子弹更重要。原子钟频标的准确性与精确性引起广泛的关注和研究,随着空间技术的发展,各国对频标和时间基准的准确度要求是越来越高。铯(Cs)原子钟是现有的原子钟中准确度最高,稳定性最好的原子钟之一,它主要由驱动源,铯束管,探测源三个部分组成,其中驱动源采用波长为852nm的激光源,现有的852nm激光源都是半导体激光器,它们的稳定性很难得到保证,而光纤激光器具有结构紧凑、可调谐、稳定性好等优点,原子钟对此类光源有着迫切需求。从上个世纪八十年代开始,我国科学家开始进行自主时间频标铯原子钟的研制,到目前为止,国产铯(Cs)原子钟系统大部分器件都已研制成功, 852nm激光驱动源是目前唯一没有实现国产化的关键器件。
Atomic clock plays a significant role in the accurate guided missile、space positioning systems and flight navigation systems. Since the first atomic clock was developed in 1948, the atomic clock has very important applications in many areas such as national defense、military and space technology, so some scientists think that atomic clock will be more important than atomic bomb. The precision and the accurateness of the atomic clock frequency standard have attracted a lot of interests and studies, with the development of space technology, the demands for the precision of frequency and clock standard will be higher. In the present atomic clocks, Cs atomic clock has the highest precision and the best stability. The Cs atomic clock system is composed of pump source, Cs tube and light detector, where the laser source with the wavelength of 852 nm is used as pump source. Presently, almost all the 852nm lasers are semiconductor lasers, unfortunately, the stability of this kind of laser is poor, while, the fiber laser with the advantages of high stability, high plug in efficiency, high beam quality, as well as compactness, tenability, and flexibility, are the best choice for the atomic clock system. From the 80’s of last century, scientists in our country have been trying to develop the Cs atomic clock system of ourselves, up to now, all the key components of the self-determination Cs atomic clock system have been developed except the 852nm laser source.
     This thesis“Research On 852nm Tunable Fiber Laser for Cs atomic clock pumping source”is under the support of the corresponding national project. With the systematic researches, we gain fruitful results, and the laser system has passed through the appraisement by the experts of General Armaments Department.
     The major results in the dissertation are obtained as the following:
     1. The invention of 850nm band fiber couplers is successfully made, in which the fusing taper method is adopted, and 50:50, 60:40 fiber couplers are developed. The 800nm/850nm WDM is successfully developed of which the loss is less than 0.5dB and the isolation degree is more than 40dB. These fiber devices will meet the need of the experiment setup.
     2. The invention of 850nm single mode fiber Bragg grating is successfully made, of which the center wavelength is near 851nm, the reflectivities range from 30% to 95%, 3dB bandwidth of reflectivity is less than 0.2dB. The FBG provides the frequency selective part for the fiber laser.
     3. The principle and characteristics of the stress tuning of FBG are investigated. We calculated in theory and selected the organic material for the tuning finally. A beam of uniform strength tuning device is successfully made, of which the stability is good and the tuning range meets the need of experiment.
     4. The characteristics of the up-conversion of Erbium doped fiber (Si based) is investigated. We proposed that the Er doped fiber is pumped with the bi-wavelength pumping to get 852nm up-conversion laser output for the first time. With bi-direction pumping and bi-wavelength (800nm and 792nm) pumping, some results and conclusions are obtained which will instruct the next experiment.
     5. By using the semiconductor optical amplifier a fiber laser operating at 852nm is successfully developed. The output power of the fiber laser is higher than 20mW, 3dB bandwidth is less than 0.05nm, side mode suppression is better than 30dB. The fiber laser is compact and stable of which the working wavelength can be tuned from 851nm to 854nm continually. This achievement is passed through the identification and appreciated by the experts of General Armaments Department.
     The innovative results in this dissertation are as following:
     1. The 850nm band fiber couplers and WDM are developed. The theory of bragg fiber grating is investigated and the FBG is made by ourselves of which the center wavelength is about 851nm, the highest reflectivity is 95%.
     2. For the first time we proposed that the Er doped fiber is pumped with the bi-wavelength pumping to get 852nm up-conversion laser output. The characteristics of the up-conversion of Erbium doped fiber (Si based) is investigated. With bi-direction pumping and bi-wavelength (800nm and 792nm) pumping, some results and conclusions are obtained which will instruct the next experiment.
     3. For the first time we have successfully made out a fiber laser working at 852nm. The fiber laser is compact, stable, easily tunable, of which the output power is higher than 20mW, the side mode suppression is better than 30dB. The fiber laser can be tuned from 851nm to 854nm continually.
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