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This study based on Marcia's identity theoretical models and subjected as the junior high school students, conducts the questionnaire survey with the development level of their identity, daily emotional experiences, emotional regulation, mood and anxiety level, all of which is to reveal the students'identity development characteristics and features of emotional development in junior high school students.We focuse on the inspection and confirmation of different emotional characteristics of the different identity from junior middle school students and explore intrinsic relation between the adolescent identity development and the emotional development. The research contents and the conclusions as follows:
     Study I:Characteristics of the identity development of junior high school students. In this study, we use the EOM-EIS-II which is the most widely used measurement tool recently to measure the identity development of junior high school students in the field of idelogy, interpersonal areas and overall,to reveal the type of their distribution. The results show that the identity development has differences in grades and gender; the distribution is uneven, the type of Moratorium is more and the type of Achievement is less.The proportion of Achievement students is growing with the grades'growth, while the Diffusion is declining with the grades'growth.The number of the girls in the diffusion was significantly more than boys.
     Study II:the emotional characteristics of junior high school students from different identity. The characteristics of emotional development of junior high school students is revealed and the differences of each indicator in different identity students is confirmed by measuring their daily frequency of specific emotions, emotional regulation, mood state, anxiety and other emotional and identity status indicator. The results showed that(1)the positive emotional experience is more than others in the students'daily emotions;junior high school students is inclined to take reducing regulation(avoidance and suppression) more to adjust negative emotion, and adjust the positive emotion by the ways of enhancing regulation(rumination and revealing); though the main tone of the mood of the junior high school students is positive,the negative experiences and the level of anxiety are rising with the progress of the grade (2) the junior high school students with difference identity status have.differences in the daily emotional experience, emotional regulation, mood states, trait anxiety.In the daily emotional experiences,The frequency of positive experiences in Achievement is significantly higher than other types,while the frequency of many negative experiences in Diffusion of individual is significantly higher than other types.In the emotional regulation, Achievement pays more attention on the positive emotion,pays less attention on the negative emotion and the degree of avoidance is lower;Moratorium pays more attention on the positive emotion,and the degree of revealing;Foreclosure pays more attention on the degree of avoidancing of positive emotion.;Diffusion pays less attention on the positive emotion and the degree of revealing but pays less attention on the degree of avoidancing,Achievement and Moratorium use the strategy of enhancing to adjust the positive emotion, while Diffusion and Foreclosure use the strategy of reducing to adjust the positive emotion.The positive mood score in individuals of Diffusion is significantly higher than other types of identity.The anxiety of the Achievement is significantly lower than other types of identity. Moratorium and Foreclosure have the middle level of the anxiety.
     Study founds that there has closely linke between identity and emotion among junior high school students, the identity achievement has relationship with the positive mood of the individual,but identity diffusion has link with the individual unconformable emotional patterns, identity moratorium has relationship with anxiety level.
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