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     本研究旨在通过对SARS病人定点收治医院(小汤山医院、309医院)室内空气SARS-CoV污染的研究,为更好地控制SARS-CoV的空气传播感染提供实验依据。实验采用FA-Ⅱ型空气微生物采样器在医院病房区、病房阳台、内走廊、排风扇和护士站五个地点持续采样,之后进行空气样本的洗脱、Veto-E6细胞培养、RT-PCR及序列测定。其结果病房区、病房阳台、内走廊、排风扇和清洁区五个地点均有SARS-CoV RNA的检出,其中以小汤山医院排气口下风向的阳性率最高(58.3%),护士站相对较低(25.0%);从309医院一名确诊为SARS病人病房内的空气样本中分离出一株活性SARS-CoV(称之为LK309株),并稳定传代;与恢复期SARS病人血清免疫荧光染色阳性,RT-PCR扩增产物的测序结果显示LK309株与已知SARS-CoY的同源性在98%以上。相关数据表明SARS病人定点收治医院空气中SARS-CoV的污染比较严重,急性后期的病人仍然从呼吸道大量排毒;但在病房室内外的空气中几乎没有检测到活的SARS-CoV,初步评估认为,SARS病人病房采取通风和消毒的措施对降低室内污染程度是非常有益的;而空气消毒和环境因素对SARS病毒的存活有较大的影响,故SARS病人病房排出的空气对周边环境造成的危害很小。
SARS-CoV is a kind of novel single RNA virus which can arose zoonosis. This kind of virus can spread quickly via short-haul airborne infection and hand-in-hand infection. In hospital and at home SARS-CoV takes on prominent assembly phenomena. Admittedly airborne infection can be interfered by multi-fold factors, the most important factor is livability of SARS-CoV in the aerosol state, and the others include temperature and humidity of surroundings, ultraviolet radiation, and some kinds of chemic contamination.By the way of RT-PCR and cell culture of air samples from two hospitals we can offer effective advise about controlling SARS-CoV airborne infection. We used Andersen microbial sampler 2 stage (AMS-2) to sample incessantly at five spots (Corridors, Exhaust fans, cleaning-districts, sickrooms and sickroom-balcony) and obtained 112 air samples in different times. Then we accomplished washing of air samples, isolation of total RNA, RT-PCR, Vero-E6 cell culture and gene-sequence analysis. We have successfully separated active SARS-CoV (called LK309 strain) from air samples and SARS-CoV RNA was detected at all five spots in two hospitals, among which the detecting positive rate is 25 (52. 1%) of 48 air samples from sickrooms in XiaoTang-hill hospital and is 9 (29. 03%) of 31 ones from sickrooms in PLA 309 hospital, the results showed that convalescence patients still exhale viruses by respiratory tract and at 5 to 10m distance
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