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本论文通过对著名的美国当代犹太作家索尔·贝罗和菲利普·罗斯的两部大屠杀长篇小说——《席穆勒先生的行星》(1970)和《反美阴谋》(2004)——中犹太大屠杀记忆的研究,从文学研究与文化研究相结合的视角,探讨美国犹太大屠杀叙事独特的纪念式书写(memorial narrative)。
     笔者认为,美国犹太大屠杀文学与欧洲犹太大屠杀文学在表现形式上有着很大不同。为了对二战时纳粹历史事实真相进行挖掘和再现,欧洲犹太大屠杀文学通过一种见证式的书写(testimonial narrative)来实施对纳粹罪行法律意义上的指证,进而提出对纳粹反人类罪行的控诉。而对于没有亲历大屠杀的美国犹太作家来说,他们对于大屠杀历史的纪念和对纳粹罪行的指控却只能是通过一种潜能的记忆政治来完成,以此捕捉这段他们无法呈现历史事实的历史。学者们意识到犹太大屠杀已经溢出历史事件本身,正以高度象征的方式破坏着文明秩序。正如意大利哲学家阿甘本(Giorgio Agamben)所言,纳粹的极恶不是这样或那样的邪恶行为,而是一种黑暗的潜能。因为纳粹极恶的核心并非在于已经实现的犯罪事实,而是一种能够在非纳粹历史中制造纳粹罪行的纳粹潜能。《席穆勒先生的行星》和《反美阴谋》这样的美国大屠杀小说即通过捕捉纳粹所表现的黑暗潜能来从根本意义上反抗纳粹极恶。
     围绕捕捉纳粹潜能而不是再现纳粹事实这一核心命题,本论文展开了两大逻辑主线:主体部分的各章首先呈现作为纳粹核心的黑暗潜能通过怎样的方式“幸存”于非纳粹的美国历史中,甚至受到美国国家机器的挪用,进而试图说明《席穆勒先生的行星》和《反美阴谋》这两部美国大屠杀小说如何通过潜能的记忆政治实施了对纳粹黑暗潜能的捕捉,从而从根本上实现对纳粹极恶的反抗和对淹没于历史书写中的受害者的救赎。在全文的理论架构中,本雅明关于“回到历史的观念”(back to the idea of history)的理论和阿甘本的潜能理论为“潜能的记忆”这一本文核心概念的建构奠定了基础。而罗拉(Pierre Nora)的记忆场所(Les Liux de Memoire)理论进而将为展现纳粹机制进入美国民主提供基本方法。在具体分析纳粹潜能/纳粹机制在美国历史中的“幸存”时,莱维(Primo Levi)的“灰色地带”和阿甘本的“穆斯林人”等理论意象将有助于揭示纳粹机制的谱系学演变。
From a combined perspective of cultural study and literary criticism, this dissertation argues that the two American Holocaust novels—Saul Bellow's Mr. Sammler's Planet (1997) and Philip Roth's The Plot Against America (2004)—employ a politics of remembrance to memorialize the Nazi catastrophe that the two writers, like the majority of their fellow Americans, did not experience themselves. This politics of remembrance, memory of potentiality, largely defines American Holocaust writing as a memorial narrative, which is not aimed to represent the historical facts of the Holocaust during WWII, but to track down the essence of Nazi radical evil through the constellation between the memories of the Holocaust and American histories.
     Committing to the facticity of the Holocaust history, European Holocaust literature tries to testify the Nazi atrocity through providing sufficient factual evidence from eyewitnesses, so as to convict Nazis with what they have done. However, scholars have already realized that the Holocaust is too colossal to be contained in factual representation of historiography, for the Holocaust has overstepped the boundaries of being a historical event and become a highly invested symbol directly destroying the symbolic system of modern society. Just as Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben concluds that radical evil is not this or that bad deed but the potential for darkness. That is to say that the core of Nazism does not reside in piles of dead bodies or vastness of city ruins but in the un-realized potentiality of evil. When the "disengaged" Jewish-American writers like Bellow and Roth, who have always been accused of lacking personal Holocaust experience, come to the Holocaust issue, they never attempt to deal with what the Nazis have done but what Nazism is capable of. And the two novels in discussion are actually about the sojourn of Nazi potential in the non-fascist American democracy.
     In order to reveal how the politics of remembrance tracks down the essence of Nazi evil, this dissertation unfolds along two interactive theoretical trajectories throughout the main chapters. The first is to unearth how the Nazi potential for darkness survives in non-fascist American history through American cultural memories of the Holocaust; the second is to prove how the politics of remembrance—memory of potentiality—tracks down the transmissible Nazi essence, so as to ultimately resist Nazi evil. Along the development of the dissertation's argumentation, first and foremost, Walter Benjamin's philosophical concept of "back to the idea of history" and Giorgio Agamben's theory of potentiality help to build a theoretical base for the central concept of the whole dissertation—"memory of potentiality." Next, Pierre Nora's theory of "the site of memory"(Les Liux de Memoire) serves as the methodology of the examination of the Nazi mechanisms' survival in non-fascist America. Finally, Primo Levi's theory of "grey zone" and Agamben's theory of "Muselmann" will provide significant historical archetypes for the genealogical study of Nazi mechanisms' evolution from German Nazi regime to American democracy.
     There are two main reasons why this dissertation chooses Mr. Sammler's Planet and The Plot Against America as the representative works to prove the unique American memorialization of the Holocaust. First, the two novels symmetrically reveal the survival of Nazi mechanisms in American society from both diachronic and synchronic perspectives. Mr. Sammler's Planet reveals how the Nazi mechanism—"privileged victimhood " survived the extinction of Nazism in1945and was appropriated in1960s' America. The Plot Against America displays the survival of the Nazi mechanism—"the remnant" across the Nazi-and-non-Nazi geographic borders into America during WWII, and how this Nazi mechanism functioned all the way through WWII to the post-911era. Additionally, these two novels, also respectively expose the constitution of two mainstream Jewish political identities—Jewish Neo-conservatism and Jewish liberalism, which have been molded to implement the American appropriation of Nazi mechanisms.
     It is through this politics of remembrance that Bellow and Roth, among other American writers, strive to turn to the essence rather than the phenomena of the Holocaust, to the meaning of history instead of the fragmented facts. What these writers want is a more thorough resistance against the devastating negation that the Holocaust has brought to human civilization. These "disengaged" American Jews' resolution to extinguish Nazism is no less than that of their European counterparts, for the American Holocaust writings have warned that neither the actualized Holocaust history nor the non-fascist era, the anti-fascist democracies, and even the Jewish victims themselves can be spared of interrogation about potential Nazi mechanisms.
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