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宗教体验(religious experience)是人在宗教活动中的心态或体悟及伴随的情感体验,它是宗教活动的一个过程。这些体验限定在宗教活动中,并具有强烈的情感特征,是与人们平常的情绪体验不同的一种特殊体验。为了探讨宗教体验的情绪变化特征及其与生理活动的相关,研究采用自编的图片诱发情绪,用修订的Plutchik五分制情绪心境评定量表测定主观情绪体验,用多导生理仪记录被试在观看图片时的各项生理指标及脑电指标,对18名基督徒和非没有任何信仰的被试进行了实验。其中有基督教信仰且都经常会有宗教体验和没有任何信仰的被试各9名,所有被试均为大学生。对被试的主观体验、生理指标以及脑电指标进行分析,结果表明:(1)基督徒与非基督徒的主观情绪体验差异显著。(2)脑波的最大能量主要受信仰类型的影响;在脑波的时相同步性上,顶区、枕区和颞区同时出现β同步性波,并且发现β和γ波都具有类似整合性作用。(3)各脑区的激活与刺激呈现时间的长短有关。总之,基督教的宗教体验与普通的情绪体验是不同的,基督徒更多的是正性情绪体验,并在脑电波的最大能量上体现出不同程度的差异。
Religious experience is a process, and it means psychology, realization and the incidental emotion experience of human in the religion activities. And this is a special experience which has strong emotional characteristics, and is different from the human usual emotional experience. To explore the characters of the emotional changes of religious experience and the relationship between religious experience and physiological indicators, we used self note with different pictures to induce emotion, and used the emendatory Plutchik cinque mood scales assess the subjective experiences, and used the polygraph record the physiologic measures and EEG data while the subjects were watching the pictures, and took our experiment on 18 Christians and non Christians, in which there are 9 Christians usually experience the religious experience and 9 have no faith, and all of them are college students. Examination of the subjective experience, physiological indicators, as well as indicators of EEG analysis, the main results and conclusions are: (1) There is significant difference between Christians and non Christians' subjective emotional experience. (2) EEG is mainly affected by the type of faith; In the EEG phase synchronization, synchronization ofβwaves appears at the same time in the parietal, temporal and occipital area, andβandγwaves have a similar integrated role. (3) There are some relations between the activation of the brain and the duration of the stimulus. Based on these results, Christian religious experience is different from ordinary emotional experience, and Christians is more positive emotional experience, rather than non Christians more negative, there are some differences in the brain wave, too.
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