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     根据PubMed中人ZHX2 cDNA序列(gi:63079684),利用Primer Premier5.0软件,设计扩增不同长度ZHX2片段的特异性引物,为便于克隆和表达,上下游引物分别包含KpnI、EcoRI酶切位点,并在下游引物引入HA-tag序列。以pcDNA-ZHX2-HA的cDNA为模板,PCR扩增人ZHX2基因两个锌指结构域(zinc finger domains)和前两个同源结构域(homoboxes,HD1,HD2),即1-501AA片段、242-338AA片段、242-501AA片段。PCR产物分别经KpnI,EcoRI双酶切,回收后分别克隆入pcDNA3.0载体。连接产物转化大肠杆菌JM109,LA平板筛选挑取阳性重组子,并经酶切、DNA测序分析鉴定,分别命名为p1ZHX2(1-501AA)-HA,p2ZHX2(242-338AA)-HA,p3ZHX2(242-501AA)-HA。
     ②Western blot检测ZHX2不同截短片段在细胞中的表达
     p1ZHX2(1-501AA)-HA,p2ZHX2(242-338AA)-HA,p3ZHX2(242-501AA)-HA脂质体法转染肝癌细胞HepG2、HepG2.2.15及非洲绿猴肾细胞COS-7,48h后收集细胞,提取总蛋白,以HA单抗作为一抗,HRP标记的抗鼠抗体为二抗,western blot分析ZHX2不同截短片段蛋白的表达情况。
     ZHX2不同截短片段的质粒p1ZHX2(1-501AA)-HA,p2ZHX2(242-338AA)-HA,p3ZHX2(242-501AA)-HA分别转染肝癌细胞系HepG2、HepG2.2.15细胞,48h后收集细胞及培养上清,ELISA检测培养上清中AFP的表达,同时western blot检测细胞中不同截短片段融合蛋白的表达。
     ZHX2不同截短片段的重组质粒各0.3μg分别与0.6μg AFP核心启动子报告质粒(phAF269)DNA共转染HepG2和HepG2.2.15细胞(各孔以pCDNA3.0 DNA将质粒补足至1μg),同时每孔转染20ng的pRL-TK,做为转染率内参照。转染48h后,收集细胞,进行双荧光素酶分析。
     采用GraphPad Prism 4统计分析软件进行数据处理,实验数据以X~-±stdv表示,各组间比较采用t检验进行处理,当P<0.05时,统计学上具备显著性差异。
     ②Western blot证实三种ZHX2片段的融合蛋白可以在真核细胞有效表达
     Western blot结果显示p1ZHX2(1-501AA)-HA,p2ZHX2(242-338AA)-HA和p3ZHX2(242-501AA)-HA转染的HepG2,HepG2.2.15和COS-7细胞中均有明显的特异性条带,而转染空质粒和空细胞的对照组均未见条带,表明重组质粒可以在肝癌细胞系和非洲绿猴肾细胞中有效表达ZXH2不同截短片段。
     To identify the functional fragment of ZHX2 repressing AFP expression and explore its inhibition effects on cell growth.
     PartⅠ.Identification of repressional fragment of ZHX2 on AFP
     1.Cloning of ZHX2 truncated fragments
     (1) Construction of ZHX2 truncated fragments expression plasmids
     According to the sequence of ZHX2 cDNA in PubMed,specific primers for the ZHX2 different truncated fragments using Primer Premier5.0 software.HA tag were included in the reverse primers at its 5 'end.PCR reaction were used to amplify ZHX2 truncated fragments 1-501AA,242-338AA and 242-501AA.The PCR products were then cloned into the vector pcDNA3.0 to construct the expression plasmids:p1ZHX2(1-501AA)-HA,p2ZHX2 (242-338)-HA and p3ZHX2(242-501AA)-HA.The recombinants were transformed into JM109,and the positive clones were identified by restrictive enzymes assay and DNA sequencing.
     (2) Western blot analysis for ZHX2 truncated protein expression
     In order to assay the expression of ZHX2 truncated fragments in vitro,p1ZHX2 (1-501AA)-HA,p2ZHX2(242-338AA)-HA and p3ZHX2(242-501AA)-HA were transfected into HepG2,HepG2.2.15and COS-7 cells respectively.Cells were collected 48 h later for western blot.
     2.The repression effect of ZHX2 truncated fragments on AFP
     (1) Overexpression of ZHX2 truncated fragments in hepatma cell lines HepG2 and HepG2.2.15
     Three vectors containing ZHX2 different truncated fragments were transfected into HepG2 and HepG2.2.15 cell lines respectively.48 h later,the medium and the cells were collected seperately to detect the expression of AFP and ZHX2 truncated fragments AFP were analyzed by ELISA and ZHX2 were analyzed by western blot using anti-HA monoclonal antibody as first antibody and anti-mouse IgG antibody labeled with HRP as second antibody.
     (2) The repression of ZHX2 truncated fragments on AFP core promoter
     0.6μg phAF269 plasmid was cotransfected with different truncated fragments of ZHX2 plasmids(0.3μg) into HepG2 and HepG2.2.15 cells,and 20ng of pRL-TK plasmid DNA was also involved in each group to normalize transfection efficiency.Cells were harvested 48 h for luciferase assay.
     (3) Dual-Luciferase reporter assays
     Following the Promega protocol,dual-Luciferase reporter assays were performed in triplicate,using 20μl of cell extract,100μl of Luciferase Assay ReagentⅡReagent and 100μl of Stop&Glo Reagent by using luminoskan TL plus(Labsystems,Fr ankfurt,Germany).The firefly luciferase activity was normalized with the renilla reniformis luciferase activity of the cotransfected pRL-TK to control for variations in transferction efficiency.All the data shown in this study were obtained from at least three independent experiments,and each experiment was established double-wells.
     (4)Statistical analysis
     The software GraphPad Prism 4 was used in the statistical analysis.Results were expressed as mean value±standard deviation(X~-±1s ).T test was used to evaluate the significance,where a value less than 0.05(p<0.05) denoted the statistical significance.
     PartⅡ.The research of ZHX2 and its truncated fragments on liver cancer cells grow in vitro.
     1.The effect of ZHX2 and its truncated fragments on liver cancer cell grow were detected by CCK-8.
     HepG2 and HepG2.2.15 cells were inoculated by 1×10~4 cells per well in 96-well plates.The next day the recombinant plasmids of ZHX2 and ZHX2 truncated fragments were transfected into HepG2.2.15 and HepG2 cells respectively.The cell grow were continued detected for five days by CCK-8 every 24h after transfection.The growth curve were drawed to observe the effect of ZHX2 and ZHX2 functional fragment on cell growth.
     2The colony formation experiments
     HepG2 cell were inoculated at 1×10~4 cells per well in 96-well plates.The next day the recombinant plasmids of ZHX2 and its truncated fragments were transfected into HepG2 cell.The cells were digested by trypsin after transfected 24h,the cell were inoculated in the six-well plates at appropriate density,after 2-3 weeks the gentian violet dyed the cells and counted the number of cell clones,calculated cloning formation rate.
     1 The expression of ZHX2 truncated fragments in vitro
     (1)The successfully construction of ZHX2 truncated fragment-expression plasmids
     Enzymes digestion,PCR and DNA sequencing confirmed that three combinant vectors, p1ZHX2(1-501AA)-HA,p2ZHX2(242-338AA)-HA and p3ZHX2(242-501AA)-HA were successfully constructed.
     (2) Expression of ZHX2 different truncated fragments in vitro
     Western blot results showed that ZHX2 different truncated fragments proteins could all express in HepG2,HepG2.2.15 and COS-7 cells.
     2.Repression of ZHX2 truncated fragments on AFP in human hepatoma cell lines
     (1) Overexpression of human ZHX2 truncated fragments repressed AFP expression in hepatoma cell lines
     ELISA results showed that AFP was suppressed by all three ZHX2 truncated fragments, while p3ZHX2(242-501AA)-HA has the stronggest repression function with the inhibition ratio 31.7%±2%(AFP in HepG2 and HepG2.2.15 cells transfected with p3ZHX2(242- 501 AA)-HA was 1386.7±193.6ng/ml and 1726.2±111.7ng/ml;compared with ZHX2-HA: 1897.4±73.1 ng/ml,1896.1±81.1 ng/ml).
     (2)The repression of ZHX2 truncated fragments on AFP core promoter
     Results of dual-Luciferase reporter assay showed that all ZHX2 truncated fragments could suppress the activity of AFP core promoter,while p3ZHX2(242-501AA) -HA has the most powful repression with the inhibition rate of 49.9%±0.9%.
     3 ZHX2 and its truncated fragments can repress the cancer cell growth in vitro
     (1) ZHX2 and its truncated fragments can repress the cancer cell growth
     The expression plasmids of ZHX2 and its truncated fragments were transfected into HepG2 and HepG2.2.15 cells.The cell growth were continued monitoring by CCK-8.The result shows ZHX2 and ZHX2 truncated fragments can repress the cancer cell growth.,while p3ZHX2(242-501AA) -HA has the most powful repression effects with the inhibition rate of 15%.
     (2) ZHX2 and its functional fragment can repress the colony forming ability of hepatoma cells in vitro
     The expression plasmids of ZHX2 and its functional fragments were transfected into HepG2 cell.The cell colonies were counted by hexamethylpararosaniline dyeing 2 weeks later.The result showed ZHX2 and its functional fragments can repress the colony forming ability of hepatoma cells in vitro,while p3ZHX2(242-501AA) -HA has the most powful repression with the inhibition rate of 83%.
     1.We successfully constructed three fusion expression vectors p1ZHX2(1-501AA) -HA, p2ZHX2(242-338AA)-HA and p3ZHX2(242-501AA)-HA,which could express ZHX2 truncated fragments fusion proteins in vitro efficiently.This can provide requirement for further study of ZHX2 function.
     2.This study confirmed that p3ZHX2(242-501AA)-HA is the minimum function fragment owning the repression function on AFP and it has the most powful repression effects.This study provided necessary experimental data for further research on the structure and function of ZHX2.
     3.This study found that both ZHX2 and its truncated fragments could suppress the cell growth and the colony forming ability in vitro which may have role in HCC therapy.
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