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     本文结合粤港关键领域重点突破招标项目和广东省科技计划项目(课题号:2007B050200010)“造纸行业节能关键共性技术开发与工程示范项目”(课题号:200701092),在深入分析造纸过程和造纸过程能量系统重点能耗设备单元纸机干燥部的能量流转特点,基于纸机干燥部工艺模型、干燥部节能空间和用能冲突,研究纸机干燥部多Agent能源网络的拓扑结构。在WinPAMS(PAper Mill Simulator)网络结构基础上,根据蒸汽流转过程的简单网络结构下能量和物料参数设计以及其平衡方程,构建纸机干燥部的能量和物料平衡仿真模型。研究基于扩展合同网的纸机干燥部能源网络多Agent协作用能方法。研究纸机干燥部初步能源网络各用能单元Agent自身优化算法和各Agent之间的协用能协作博弈过程,建立基于扩展合同网的多智能体用能协作规划的协调机制。在干燥部新鲜蒸汽流转的简单网络拓扑结构下,研究基于多Agent协调的热能量优化分配方法,对热能分配问题模型、基于混合非线性混合线性互补问题(mixedlinear complementary problem, MLCP)研究各用能Agent博弈协调策略及协调算法模型。得到了基于多Agent的纸页干度协调能量优化模型和热湿空气能量管理Agent组的节能优化模型。
     本论文创新点:(1)基于纸机干燥部工艺模型、干燥部节能空间和用能冲突以及干燥部的5大节能空间研究纸机干燥部多Agent能源网络的拓扑结构;(2)基于分段纸页干度协同和热湿空气协同两个节能点,研究建立了基于多Agent的纸页分段干度协调能量优化模型和热湿空气能量管理多Agent用能优化协同算法模型(3)应用混合非线性混合线性互补问题(mixed linear complementary problem, MLCP)将网络内用能单元的能量参数博弈转换为线性互补问题,并应用matlab的插件tomlab中的mcpQG命令进行优化仿真;(4)提出将分布式人工智能(多Agent技术)、系统优化技术等各项单元节能技术综合在一起的造纸生产过程能量优化调度模型。
Energy saving in Manufacturing industry is an international research focus during recentyears, and also is the national “Eleventh Five Year” and “Twelfth Five Year” priority supportresearch areas. Paper industry is not only an important basic raw material industry closelyrelated to national economic and social development, but also a high energy consumptionindustry. Therefore, the integration and optimization of papermaking process energy system isan important research area.
     The paper studied Multi Agent Energy network of paper machine dryer section, based ondepth analysis of paper process and key energy consumption equipment machine dryingsection, with the help of Guangdong Hong Kong Key Field Research Foundation Project(project number:2007B050200010)and Science Technology project in GuangdongProvince(project number:200701092)“Development and demonstration of key andcommon energy saving technologies of pulping and papermaking industry” The energy andmaterial balance simulation model were built according to energy and material parameters,based on networks of WinPAMS (PAper Mill Simulator). The optimal allocation of thermalenergy based Multi Agent coordination, the energy distribution model, the mixed linearcomplementary problem(MLCP), the Agent coordination strategy and coordination algorithmmodel were studied in the simple topology network of fresh steam flow in the drying section.
     This paper studied the optimization of Multi Agent coordination mechanism model of“three links” energy structure in the paper making process. According to energy transfercharacteristics in the papermaking process, the expression and establishment of Agent modelwhich supported to “three links” energy optimal structure model in the papermaking processwere studied, with the integration of the achievement of National973Research Project”‘three links’ comprehensive energy optimization theory and technology”, and MRPII/TOCetc. other advanced production management models. The optimal energy scheduling model inthe paper production process was proposed, with the integration of distributed artificialintelligence, system optimization technology etc. energy saving technology, to make thecomplex energy system optimization problem can be broken down and simplified, andestablish a energy system which could take full advantage of Agent characteristic and asupporting architecture for further effective integration of optimization strategy andalgorithms in the subsystem energy networks of papermaking process.
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