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In recent years, Chinese food safety crises have occurred frequently. Those events damage the images of Chinese enterprises and food industry in the international market, and have bad effects on international trade. When foreign consumers buy and eat food made in China, they would worry about food's safety and doubt the processing enterprises' honesty. Food processing enterprises are the main food producers, and also the winners of the business profit. They ought to take responsibility for assuring food safety. Therefore, the first job the food processing enterprises have to do is to rebuild the safe image for China and Chinese food processing enterprises.
     This paper analyzes the influence of modern marketing theories on Chinese food processing enterprises' international marketing, such as green marketing, crisis marketing and comprehensive marketing, and integrated them with food safety to create new marketing tactics for enterprises. STP strategy is composed of Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning. This paper analyzes Chinese food processing enterprises' international marketing on the strategic height, basing on the supplier's own condition and food safety. This paper regards consumers as demanders, analyzes how the consumers' behaviour are affected by food safety issues and lays theoretical and practical foundations for Chinese food processing enterprises to make marketing tactics. The rest part of this paper puts forward some suggestions for Chinese food processing enterprises to carry out their 4Ps marketing tactics.
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