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The benefit of subsidy defines a key constituent element under SCM Agreement with which government action may fall under the category of subsidy. It is of great importance for China to respond to countervailing investigations launched by other countries. Currently, however, the theoretical realm has not yet seen a systematic and overall research and combing of the benefit of subsides, which means no effective guidance will be given to the practical field. This article, with WTO legal texts as the underpinning, by reviewing existing WTO cases and with treaty interpretation, pragmatic research and comparison as its approaches, renders a comprehensive analysis of benefit of subsidies, in hopes of being conducive to both the theoretical and practical realms.
     This paper includes three parts, namely introduction, main body and conclusion. Introduction expounds on the raising of the issues and the thought trails of reasoning.
     The main body is divided into four parts:
     The first part is the introduction of benefit of subsidies. In this part, the definition of subsidies from both economic and legal perspectives has been analysed, followed by the analysis of the constituent elements of subsidies. On the basis of the analysis, benefit of subsidies has been defined, so as to lay a solid foundation for its differentiation from other concepts in the following parts.
     The second part, based on the method of treaty interpretation and reviewing the relevant cases, differentiates benefit of subsidies from financial contribution, discusses the benchmark of determining the benefit and distinguish between benefit of subsidies and specificity. This part serves as the basis on which the pass though of benefit will be analysed.
     The third part deals with the pass-through of benefit.The existing cases concerning benefit is categorized and reviewed in this part. Based on these analysis, the legal basis of pass-through of benefit, no assumption before investigation and how the benefit is passed through are analysed. Focus also goes to issues still being negotiated during the Doha Round.
     The fourth part advises on how China should respond to the countervailing investigations based on the analysis of statue quo.
     Based on the aforesaid analysis, the following conclusions is drawn: benefit of subsidies is the constituent element of subsidies independent of financial contribution, the relationship being the form and the effect; specificity defines the object of benefit; the benchmark of determing the benefit is market; the pass-through of benefit cannot be assumed, it depends on arm’s length transaction and fair price. China should take full advantage of the principles established by DSB in response to the investigations launched by other countries.
    [18] E.-U.彼德斯曼:《国际经济法的宪法功能与宪法问题》,高等教育出版社,2004年版。
    [1] John H. Jackson, The World Trading System:Law and Policy of International Economic Relations , The MIT Press, 1997.
    [1] John A. Ragosta & Howard M. Shanker, Specifity of Subsidy Benefits in U.S. Department of Commerce Countervailing Duty Determinations, 25 Law & Pol'y Int'l Bus.
    [2] David A. Gantz,A Post-URUGUAY Round Introduction to International Trade Law in the United States, 12 Ariz. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 1(1995).
    [3] Ivan Krmpotic, Brazil--Aircraft: Qualitative and Temporal Aspects Of "Withdrawal" Under Scm Article 4.7,33 Law & Pol'y Int'l Bus. 653(2002).
    [4] Richard Diamond,Privatization and the Definition of Subsidy: A Critical Study of Appellate Body Texturalism, Journal of International Economic Law (2008).
    [5] David Rushford, Subsidies and Privatization: Protectionism’s Integral Role in United States Trade Law, U.C. Davis Law Review (1999).
    [6] Shane Spradlin, The Aircraft Subsidies Dispute in the GATT's URUGUAY Round, Journal of Air Law and Commerce,1995.
    [7] Julia Ya Qin, WTO Regulation of Subsidies to State-owned Enterprises (SOES)—A Critical Appraisal of the China Accession Protocol, Journal of International Economic Law(2004).
    [8] William A. Gillon, The Panel Report In The U.S.-Brazil Cotton Dispute: Wto Subsidy Rules Confront U.S. Agriculture, Drake Journal of Agricultural Law (2005).
    [9] Pieter Matthijs Alexander, The Specificity Test Under U.S. Countervailing Duty Law, Michigan Journal of International Law (1989).
    [10] Christoph Lehmann, The Definition Of 'Domestic Subsidy' Under United States Countervailing Duty Law, Texas International Law Journal (1987).
    [1] World Trade Report 2006: Exploring the Links between Subsidies, Trade and WTO.WTO[R].2006.
    [2] Tariff Act of the United States.
    [3] Panel Report on United States– Tax Treatment for "Foreign Sales Corporations, WT/DS108/R.
    [4] AB Report on United States– Tax Treatment for "Foreign Sales Corporations, WT/DS108/AB/R.
    [5] Panel Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft, WT/DS70/R.
    [6] AB Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft, WT/DS70/AB/R.
    [7] AB Report on Brazil– Export Financing Program for Aircraft, WT/DS46/AB/R.
    [8] European Communities– Countervailing Measures On Dynamic Random Access Memory Chips From Korea, WT/DS299/R.
    [9] Panel Report on United States– Subsidies On Upland Cotton, WT/DS267/R.
    [10] AB Report on United States– Subsidies On Upland Cotton, WT/DS267/AB/R.
    [11] Panel Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, WT/DS236/R.
    [12] AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, WT/DS236/AB/R.
    [13] Panel Report on European Communities– Countervailing Measures On Dynamic Random Access Memory Chips From Korea, WT/DS299/R.
    [14] Panel Report on United States– Countervailing Measures Concerning CertainProducts From The European Communities,WT/DS212/ R.
    [15] AB Report on United States– Countervailing Measures Concerning Certain Products From The European Communities, WT/DS212/AB/R.
    [16] Panel Report on United States– Imposition Of Countervailing Duties On Certain Hot-Rolled Lead And Bismuth Carbon Steel Products Originating In The United Kingdom, WT/DS138/R.
    [17] AB Report on United States– Imposition Of Countervailing Duties On Certain Hot-Rolled Lead And Bismuth Carbon Steel Products Originating In The United Kingdom, WT/DS138/AB/R.
    [18] Communication from Canada, TN/RL/W/112.
    [19] Communication from Brazil, TN/RL/W/193.
    1 801 F2d 1308 Georgetown Steel Corporation v. United States,该案的上诉号为Appeal No. 85-2805.
    2该协定的引文全称是“Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures”,一般简称为ASCM。
    3 Black’s Law Dictionary关于subsidy的英文定义1. A grant, usu. made by the government, to any enterprise whose promotion is considered to be in the public interest. ? Although governments sometimes make direct payments (such as cash grants), subsidies are usu. indirect. They may take the form of research-and-development support, tax breaks, provision of raw materials at below-market prices, or low-interest loans or low-interest export credits guaranteed by a government agency.—Also termed grant. 2. A specific financial contribution by a foreign government or public entity conferring a benefit on exporters to the United States. ? Such a subsidy is countervailable under 19 USCA§§1671, 1677.
    10该标题的英文原文为“Definition of Subsidy”.
    13 John H. Jackson, The World Trading System: Law and Policy of International Economic Relations , The MIT Press, 1997, p291.
    16 United States– Tax Treatment for "Foreign Sales Corporations", WT/DS108.
    17外销公司是在其他国家或者美国关税领土之外的其他由美国所有的地区简历的公司。如果外销公司符合一定的条件,那么其一部分收入就可以在国内免税。具体请见美国外销公司税收的特殊措施见WT/DS108/R, Panel Report on United States– Tax Treatment for "Foreign Sales Corporations", PP.1-2.
    18 WT/DS108/R, Panel Report on United States– Tax Treatment for "Foreign Sales Corporations", P.294.
    19 WT/DS108/AB/R, AB Report on United States– Tax Treatment for "Foreign Sales Corporations", P.8.
    20 WT/DS108/AB/R, AB Report on United States– Tax Treatment for "Foreign Sales Corporations", P.9.
    21 WT/DS108/AB/R, AB Report on United States– Tax Treatment for "Foreign Sales Corporations", p32.
    22 WT/DS108/AB/R, AB Report on United States– Tax Treatment for "Foreign Sales Corporations", p32.
    25该第1.2条的英文原文为A subsidy as defined in paragraph 1 shall be subject to the provisions of Part II or shall be subject to the provisions of Part III or V only if such a subsidy is specific in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.实际上,笔者认为可以翻译成“第一款界定的补贴只有根据第2条满足专向性才受到第二部分或者第三部分或者第五部分的规制”,这样更能凸显出“专向性”和“补贴利益“之间的关系,当然笔者仍然认同文中所引的翻译。
    28 WT/DS70/AB/R, AB Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.1, p1.
    29 WT/DS70/R,Panel Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft, para2.1,p2.
    30巴西的具体诉讼请求见WT/DS70/R,Panel Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft, para3.1,pp2-3.
    31 WT/DS70/R, Panel Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft, para9.97, p175.
    32 WT/DS70/R, Panel Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.9.112, p177.
    33 WT/DS70/R, Panel Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.9.112, p177.
    34 WT/DS70/AB/R, AB Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.157, p39.
    40第14条英文题为“Calculation of the Amount of a Subsidy in Terms of the Benefit to the Recipient”,中文题为“以接受者所获利益计算补贴的金额”。
    41 John H. Jackson, The World Trading System:Law and Policy of International Economic Relations , The MIT Press, 1997,p243。
    45 Brazil– Export Financing Program for Aircraft, WT/DS46.
    47 WT/DS46/AB/R, AB Report on Brazil– Export Financing Program for Aircraft, para.4, p2.
    48 Moreover, the Panel compounded its error in finding that the "financial contribution" in the case of PROEX subsidies is not a "potential direct transfer of funds" by reasoning that a letter of commitment does not confer a "benefit".WT/DS46/AB/R, Brazil– Export Financing Program for Aircraft, AB report, para.157, p45.
    49 WT/DS46/AB/R, AB Report on Brazil– Export Financing Program for Aircraft, para.157, p45.
    52 WT/DS46/AB/R, Brazil– Export Financing Program for Aircraft, AB report, para.4, p4.
    53 WT/DS46/AB/R, Brazil– Export Financing Program for Aircraft, AB report, para.4, p6.
    55 WT/DS70/R,Panel Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.9.98, p175.
    56附件4的标题为“从价补贴总额的计算”,英文为“Calculation Of The Total Ad Valorem Subsidization (Paragraph 1(A) Of Article 6)”,该附件第1条的引文原文为“Any calculation of the amount of a subsidy for the purpose of paragraph 1(a) of Article 6 shall be done in terms of the cost to the granting government”。
    57 WT/DS70/R, Panel Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.9.107, p176.
    58 WT/DS70/R, Panel Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.9.112, p177.
    59 WT/DS70/AB/R, AB Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.153, p38.
    60 WT/DS70/AB/R, AB Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.154, pp38-39.
    61 WT/DS70/AB/R, AB Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.156,p39.
    62 WT/DS70/AB/R, AB Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.157,p39-40.
    63 WT/DS70/AB/R, AB Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.159,p40.
    66 WT/DS70/AB/R, AB Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.154, pp38-39.
    67 European Communities– Countervailing Measures On Dynamic Random Access Memory Chips From Korea , WT/DS299.
    68 WT/DS299/R, European Communities– Countervailing Measures On Dynamic Random Access Memory Chips From Korea,para.7.189, p.59.
    69 WT/DS299/R, European Communities– Countervailing Measures On Dynamic Random Access Memory Chips From Korea,para.7.189, p.59.
    70 United States– Final Countervailing Duty Determination With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, WT/DS257.
    71 WT/DS257/AB/R, United States– Final Countervailing Duty Determination With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada,Para.87, p.35.
    72 United States– Subsidies On Upland Cotton, WT/DS267.
    73 WT/DS267/R, Panel Report on United States– Subsidies On Upland Cotton, para.7.1437,p332.
    74 WT/DS267/R, Panel Report on United States– Subsidies On Upland Cotton, para.7.1429,p331.
    75 WT/DS267/R, Panel Report on United States– Subsidies On Upland Cotton, para.7.1437,p332.
    76 WT/DS267/AB/R, AB Report on United States– Subsidies On Upland Cotton, para.408, pp.152-153.
    77 WT/DS267/R, Panel Report on United States– Subsidies On Upland Cotton, para.7.1437, p332.
    78 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Final Countervailing Duty determination With Respect To Certain softwood Lumber From Canada-Lumber CVDs,para.77,p.29.
    79 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Final Countervailing Duty determination With Respect To Certain softwood Lumber From Canada-Lumber CVDs,para.87,pp.35-36.
    80 WT/DS236/R ,Panel Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada , para.7.48, pp.86-87.
    81 WT/DS236/R ,Panel Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada , para.7.48, pp.86-87.
    82 WT/DS236/R ,Panel Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada , para.7.48, pp.86-87.
    83 WT/DS257/AB/R, AB Report on United States– Final Countervailing Duty Determination With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada ,para.99,p.40.
    84 WT/DS257/AB/R, AB Report on United States– Final Countervailing Duty Determination With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada ,para.99,p.40.
    85见WT/DS299/R, European Communities– Countervailing Measures On Dynamic Random Access Memory Chips From Korea中的factual aspects, p.2.
    86 WT/DS299/R, Panel Report on European Communities– Countervailing Measures On Dynamic Random Access Memory Chips From Korea, para.7.184,p.58.
    87 WT/DS299/R, Panel Report on European Communities– Countervailing Measures On Dynamic Random Access Memory Chips From Korea, para.7.184,p.58.
    88 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Final Countervailing Duty determination With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada-Lumber CVDs,para.90,p.37.
    90 WT/DS70/AB/R, AB Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.154, pp38-39.
    91 John A. Ragosta & Howard M. Shanker, Specificity Of Subsidy Benefits In U.S. Department Of Commerce Countervailing Duty Determinations, Law and Policy in International Business, 25 Law & Pol'y Int'l Bus.1994, p.640.
    92 WT/DS70/AB/R, AB Report on Canada-Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft para.154, pp38-39.
    93 WT/DS299/R, Panel Report on European Communities– Countervailing Measures On Dynamic Random Access Memory Chips From Korea, para.7.212, p.66.
    97全称是“美国对加拿大针叶木材最终反补贴税裁定”案,United States– Final Countervailing Duty Determination With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada , WT/DS257/R, 29 August 2003.
    98 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.2, p.2.
    99 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.3, p.3.
    100全称是“美国对源自英国的热轧铅铋碳钢产品征收反补贴税”案,United States– Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Certain Hot-Rolled Lead and Bismuth Carbon Steel Products Originating in the United Kingdom, WT/DS138/AB/R.
    101全称是“美国对某些欧共体产品的进口措施”案,United States - Import Measures On Certain Products From The European Communities, WT/DS165/AB/R11, December 2000.
    103 WT/DS212/AB/R, AB Report on United States– Countervailing Measures Concerning Certain Products From The European Communities, para.12, p.5.
    104 WT/DS212/AB/R, AB Report on United States– Countervailing Measures Concerning Certain Products From The European Communities, para.12, p.5.
    105 WT/DS212/AB/R, AB Report on United States– Countervailing Measures Concerning Certain Products From The European Communities, para.14, p.7.
    106 WT/DS273, Korea– Measures Affecting Trade In Commercial Vessels.
    108 WT/DS212/AB/R, AB Report on United States– Countervailing Measures Concerning Certain Products From The European Communities,para.108, p.46.
    109 WT/DS212/AB/R, AB Report on United States– Countervailing Measures Concerning Certain Products From The European Communities,para.115, p.49.
    110 World Trade Report 2006: Exploring the Links between Subsidies, Trade and WTO.见www.wto.org,最后访问时间2010年3月11日。
    111 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Final Countervailing Duty Determination With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.139, p55. Where the subsidies at issues are received by someone other than the producer of investigated products, the question arises whether there is subsidization in respect of that product.
    112 WT/DS138/R, Panel Report on United States– Imposition Of Countervailing Duties On Certain Hot-Rolled Lead And Bismuth Carbon Steel Products Originating In The United Kingdom, footnote 69,p31.
    116 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.140, p55.
    117 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.141, p.56.
    118 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.141, p.56.
    119 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.142, p.56.
    120 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.142, p.56.
    121 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.138, p.55.
    122 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.127, p.50.
    123 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.127, p50.
    124 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.127, p.50.
    125 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.127, p.50.
    126 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.117, p.47.
    127 WT/DS257/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Preliminary Determinations With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, para.117, p.47.
    128 WT/DS212/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Countervailing Measures Concerning Certain Products FromThe European Communities, para.124,p.52.
    129 WT/DS212/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Countervailing Measures Concerning Certain Products From The European Communities, para.123,p.51.
    130 WT/DS212/AB/R,AB Report on United States– Countervailing Measures Concerning Certain Products From The European Communities, para.126,p.52.
    133 TN/RL/W/112, Communication from Canada, p.2.
    134 TN/RL/W/112, Communication from Canada, p.2.
    135 TN/RL/W/112, Communication from Canada, p.2.
    136 TN/RL/W/193, Communication from Brazil,pp.1-2.
    137 TN/RL/W/193, Communication from Brazil,pp.1-2.
    138 TN/RL/W/193, Communication from Brazil,pp.1-2.
    139 TN/RL/W/193, Communication from Brazil,pp.2-3.
    140 U.S. Trade Rights Enforcement Act.

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