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While traditional growth theory has always focused on processes unfolding in time, the analysis of knowledge spillovers by the new growth theory therefore also implies an interest in processes that are unfolding in space: patterns of knowledge diffusion, knowledge diffusion features as well as barriers to knowledge spillovers to explain regional gaps in economic growth or income. However, what is the essence of knowledge spillovers? How to measure knowledge spillovers? Does knowledge spillovers have a significant influence on regional economic growth in our country? Upon these questions there have not been agreements from the academic community. In this paper the author uses spatial econometric model to analyze knowledge spillovers, and to present a theoretical and empirical study in its essence, measure and contributions to regional economy in our nation. It is hoped that this research will be of some value to the development of theory economy. Also, this research is expected to have a great practical significance in stimulating regional economy growth by applying the knowledge spillovers effect. In addition, it is also expected that the research would provide some important empirical evidences to endogenous growth theory.
    Firstly, the paper hackles various documents about knowledge spillovers in recent 50 years ever since Dougall proposed that notion in 1960. Then the paper reviews some research methods and findings inland and abroad about knowledge spillovers, and constructs a basic theory structure of knowledge spillovers after giving the review to some notions of knowledge spillovers, such as its definition, knowledge production, spillovers mechanism, measurement, range, and its contribution to regional economy.
    Secondly, the paper gives a systematic analysis to the basic theory of knowledge spillovers. Knowledge spillovers originates in the externality characteristic of knowledge. In this part, the paper firstly reviews references about externality characters of knowledge to give a reclassification of knowledge spillovers, differentiates some related conceptions, and abstracts its essence. To be
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