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Crude oil, as the most basic energy and chemical raw materials, is called the blood of modern industry. It plays a decisive role in the development of national economy. Especially after the World War Ⅱ, the crude oil has been excess the coal, to become the world's largest energy. For the reason that the world economy is more and more dependent on crude oil, crude oil price fluctuations are also increasingly fierce. In2003crude oil is$30a barrel. In2004, it breaks through40dollars/barrel. When it comes to2006, it is more than60U.S. dollars/barrel. In July2008, it is reached a record of$145a barrel. Crude oil price volatility is so big and quick which is hither to unknown.
     China, as the world's largest energy consumer, the consumption of crude oil grow with each passing day. In2001, China's dependence on foreign oil is only27%. While in2010, China's dependence on foreign oil is high up to54%, now is more than the United States, reaching more than55%. In theory, high dependence on foreign oil and sharp fluctuations in international oil prices will produces unexpected shock to our country economy inevitably. If the stock market is effective, the crude oil on the macroeconomic impact which bound in the stock market will be reflected. The "oil curse" is an image description of the investor to this reflects on "A stock market".
     However, the domestic scholars pay more attention to crude oil price and China's macroeconomic relationships, while little attention is paid to the price of crude oil and the stock market relationships in China. On the two market relationship and interaction mechanism of either from the financial security of the state, or from the asset allocation, risk prevention angle has the important theory significance and the practical significance.
     This paper uses the shares after the data from the mean and volatility of two dimensions of international crude oil price on China's stock market "spillover effect" of the measure. Found in the stock market during the period of flat, crude oil prices on the stock market have a significant negative impact, this shows that with the increasing dependence on foreign oil, international oil price has already become China's capital market power which can not be ignored, but also after the share reform of Chinese capital market efficiency had been improved significantly. But in a bull market and bear market in extreme cases, co-integration test and Granger test showed that the price of crude oil has no significant relationship with the stock market, the market in the two period of weaker effectiveness. The use of rolling sample method for robust test shows that, this conclusion has good stability. In addition, the use of DCC-GARCH model test shows that the international crude oil prices and the stock market volatility spillover effect are positive, i.e. a market volatility rate can increase significantly the other market volatility.
     Then, this paper begins to explore this "spillover effect" of the conduction mechanism. We were from the economic output, interest rate, liquidity and wealth transfer four respects undertook discussing, among them, the economic output and the transmission mechanism of interest rate from the perspective of the valuation of assets, liquidity and wealth transfer is from the angle of asset demand. The study concluded that: First,when the international crude oil prices increases, domestic economic output will generally fall in economic output and in many cases is the characterization of corporate cash flow. When cash flow is reduced, the stock market will fall; Second, due to the relative price system is not flexible enough, the international crude oil prices also led to the general level of prices rise, thereby reducing the residents of real money balances. It pushes up domestic higher interest rates, and the discount rate and the interest rate are highly correlated, which lead to stock value. Third,When the international crude oil prices increases, the elasticity of demand is small. Then foreign import expenditure increases, international balance of payments worsen. In the fixed exchange rate system, the balance of payments can be mediated through the exchange rate. Only through the foreign and domestic relative price adjustment, and to achieve this goal, we must reduce domestic liquidity, which lead to stock market liquidity and become tighter, pressing demand for shares and stock prices. Fourth,when the international crude oil prices increases, crude oil import country's wealth is transferred to the crude oil export country, income growth rate is reduced, in order to maintain a predetermined level of consumption, the public can choose to sell stock, leading to a decline in stock price.
    5实际上,自相关性并非完全不好,如果用于外推预测,自相关性越高反而越有利于预测,但如果进行结构分析,严重的自相关性则会导致参数估计不具有最小方差性,从而影响系数 假设检验的准确性。
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