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Because of their own special features such as complex functions and requirements, system integration of high degree and intensive software embedded, the probability of successful innovation of Complex Products and Systems (CoPS) is far below the ordinary mass-produced products. The failure of CoPS innovation is largely due to the integrator's poor control of the project. In addition, the proceses of CoPS innovation involves many different stakeholders, making the development and operations of project more difficult. Therefore, how to effectively deal with the relationship among various stakeholders in each stage is of great importance to the success of project. Scholars both at home and abroad have finished a lot of research about CoPS since its concept was proposed by professor Hobday. However, many of them neglected the impact of integrator's control to the project. The number of studies those about the relationship status of stakeholders is rare, let alone to the empirical research.
     Based on the document summary and interviews, this paper proposes some assumptions and tries to prove the influence and mechanism of the integrator's control(formal control and informal control) to innovation performance of CoPS(technical capacity, the window of opportunities and economic benefits) through empirical research, including the intermediary role of relationship status(diversity and interdependence) of stakeholders and the regulation role of environmental dynamism.
     We investigate many enterprises from different industries, including technology, construction, manufacturing, communications, electronics and so on. In the end, we totally obtain 395 valid samples. We perform the analysis of variance hierarchical regression models and structural equation models to test the hypotheses proposed by using the statistical softwares SPSS 13.0 and AMOS4.0, and the main conclusions are as follows.
     (1)Both formal control and informal control have a significantly positive direct impact on the innovation performance of CoPS(technical capacity, the window of opportunities and the economic benefits).
     (2)When the level of the diversity and interdependence of stakeholders are low, integrator's control(formal control and informal control) has a significantly positive direct impact on the relationship status(diversity and interdependence). In contrast, when the level of the diversity and interdependence of stakeholders are high, the impacts are significantly negative.
     (3)When the level of the diversity and interdependence of stakeholders are low, the relationship status has a significantly positive direct impact on the innovation performance of CoPS. In contrast, when the level of the diversity and interdependence of stakeholders are high, the impacts are significantly negative.
     (4) The diversity mediates the effect of integrator's control on the innovation performance of CoPS no matter the level of the diversity is low or high; the interdependence mediates the effect of integrator's control on the innovation performance of CoPS no matter the level of the interdependence is low or high.
     (5) The environmental dynamism moderates the relationship between the integrator's control and the innovation performance of CoPS: the higher the environmental dynamism, the greater the influence impact of integrator's control on innovation performance of CoPS.
     At the end of this paper, the research conclusions are summarized and the corresponding management strategies are put forward. The limitations of this paper and the future research directions are mentioned too.
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