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Energy has become the critical material basis of social development ever sincethe beginning of industrial era. Energy provided continuous power support for humanbeings to progress towards industrialization, which makes energy production andconsumption the direct decisive factors of a country’s industrialization process. In the1970s, two rounds of global oil crisis alerted the whole world to realize the crucialimportance of energy on economic growth, and in the meantime, people began toaware that resource constraint may have an important effect on economic growth.Therefore, to fully understand the interdependences between energy consumption andeconomic growth is the primary and inescapable issue to confront with if we want tosolve the inherent contradictions between energy consumption, environmentalpollution and economic development. Moreover, the clarification of this issue is alsoof great significance for our country to formulate sustainable development energypolicies. The purpose of this study is to examine the dynamic interaction relationshipsand Granger causalities between total energy consumption, energy consumptions indifferent sectors and economic growth in China.
     The Nonparametric BDS test and Parametric Neural Network test approacheswere employed to test the nonlinear dependency relationships in our country’s energyeconomic system. To be specific, linear VAR system was utilized to filter out thelinear dependency relationships existing between total energy consumption, coalconsumption, electricity consumption, oil consumption and economic growth, andtest the nonlinear features of corresponding residuals. The test results indicatednonlinear dependency relationships between total energy consumption, coalconsumption, electricity consumption, oil consumption and economic growth, and thetwo test approaches yielded consistent results. In addition, the findings in this researchwere also consistent with the complicated interactions between typical factors of realeconomy, such as economic cycle, oil price fluctuation, and technical progress, andeconomic system. Based on the reasons above, simply considering the linearinteractions between energy consumption and economic growth may mask the trueresults due to the nonlinear interactions between variables. As a consequence,research on energy economy system in our country should begin to transfer fromlinear modeling approach to nonlinear modeling approach.
     The Markov vector autoregressive model results indicated that a significant longterm interaction existed between total energy consumption and economic growth with total energy consumption had an important impact on economic growth and vice versa,and the relationship between the two was consistent with the feedback theory.Moreover, the relationship between coal consumption and economic growth wasmutual interactive with coal consumption had an important influence on economicgrowth and economic growth positively affected coal consumption, and therelationship between the two was consistent with the feedback theory. Similarly, therelationship between oil consumption and economic growth was also mutualinteractive with oil consumption had an important influence on economic growth andeconomic growth positively affected oil consumption, and the relationship betweenthe two was consistent with the feedback theory. However, the relationship betweenelectricity consumption and economic growth displayed new features, that was theinteraction between electricity consumption and economic growth presentedasymmetry characteristics in different regions. In regions with optimum growth speed,the relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth accorded withthe Neutral Theory; whereas in regions with rapid growth speed, the relationshipbetween electricity consumption and economic growth corresponded to GrowthTheory.
     Nonlinear nonparametric Granger causalities showed that looking from the shortrun, bi-directional nonlinear Granger causalities presented between total energyconsumption and GDP growth; one-way nonlinear Granger causality presented fromcoal consumption to GDP growth; no significant nonlinear Granger causality wasdetected between oil consumption and GDP growth; and one-way nonlinear Grangercausality presented from electricity consumption to GDP growth
     Based on the research above, we can come to the conclusion that energyconsumption does significantly impact and support the growth of the economy in ourcountry. Therefore, the implementation of conservative energy policies will to someextent shock the development of our economy. How to stabilize the development ofthe economy under the premises of achieving low-carbon economy will be a toughissue for the government to handle in the near future.
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