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As one of the basic industries,electricity sector plays an indispensable in the development of both society and economy.Under the new situation of market reform,the technology,society and economy evolve,and the traditional economy system based on planning is out of date.Therefore,market reform and privatization is introduced into the electricity sector all over the world,which is intended to promote the economic efficiency, enhance the competence of power companies,and improve the power supply reliability.Then, how to maintain a certain reliability level of power supply in the electricity reform and reduce the adverse its impact on the society and economy is a problem that should be managed ahead.
     This thesis mainly focuses on the theory and application research of power supply reliability safeguard mechanism,from the perspective of economy,and therefore factors such as supply and demand are chosen as main points of the study.
     For supply,this thesis proposes a model of the optimal installed generation capacity, analyzes the asymmetric risks between under- and over- investment,and concludes the imperfections of the electricity market in reality.In addition,a dynamic simulation model is proposed and applied to the contrast between the energy-only market and typical capacity mechanisms.For demand,this thesis builds up a quantitive evaluation model of the impact of price elasticity improvement on the load duration curve,and conceives the economic distribution of generation resource in situations of supply shortage.With suitable demand side management measures,demand response to market price can be promoted,and thus the optimal allocation of resource can be achieved in coordination with the supply side.Therefore, load is managed economically,and for both the system and customers,the reliability of electricity supply is maintained,and the result of energy conservation and emission reduction is obtained.
     Based on the integration study of supply and demand,this thesis proposes a suggestion of generation-retail combination in China's electricity market design,according to the reality in China.This is because the optimal capacity mechanism is still controversial among different capacity mechanisms.Since any capacity mechanism is a purely artificial design, which is intended to reduce the price signal distortion caused by human interruptions,i.e. price caps,the generation-retail combination is a solution to generation investment and reliability optimization,for its direct interaction between supply and demand.
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