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     1、在盆栽条件下,乙草胺、赛克、氟磺胺草醚、2,4-D丁酯四种除草剂与对照相比,根段AMF侵染率和根瘤数都有一定程度的下降,菌根形成受除草剂影响比根瘤形成所受影响发生更早、程度更大、持续时间更长。在V3期土壤细菌数量下降,根瘤数普遍下降,另一方面由其降低土壤真菌数量而导致侵染率下降,进而间接引起。赛克和乙草胺对大豆根系发育的抑制也影响到根瘤和菌根形成。乙草胺、氟磺胺草醚、2, 4-D丁酯三种除草剂对V2期大豆结瘤的促进作用,而对大豆地上部全氮积累有显著促进作用,但磷含量没有明显的规律性变化。
Chernozem for this experiment, we had investigated indigenous rhizobium-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi-soybean symbiosis and indicators related by pot experiments, field trials. The main conclusions are as follows:
     1.In pot experiment, compared with the control, the roots AMF colonization and nodule number of the four herbicides of acetochlor, metribuzin, fomesafen and 2,4-D butylate, havd declined at a certain degree. Compared with nodule formation, mycorrhiza formation impacted by the herbicide much earlier, greater, longer. In V3 period, nodule number decline because bacteria number decline by herbicides, also associated with mycorrhiza formation impacted by fungi number reduce . Soybean root development inhibited by acetochlor, metribuzin had also affected the nodules and mycorrhiza formation. In V2 period, three herbicides of Acetochlor, fomesafen and 2,4-D butylate, promoted the soybean nodulation, and increased the number of nitrogen fixation, then increased the amount of total N accumulation of soybean shoot significant, but the phosphorus content had no regularity changing.
     2.In pot experiment, we investigated the seven soybean varieties: Kennong 4、Kennong 18、Heinong 35、Kangxian 2、Kennong 21、Kennong 5、Kenjian 43. In the seedling stage, different soybean varieties-Indigenous rhizobium-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi symbiosis formed a larger difference. In V2, V4 period, Kenjian 43 can form a better symbiosis with indigenous rhizobium-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, module and AM formation have a little interaction, but AM of Heinong 35 had a greater inhibition on nodules formation. In V4 period, increaseing AMF infection rate rapid inbibited nodule formation. V2 to V4 period, excepte a slight increased in the bacteria number and nodules of Kangxian 2, the bacterial number of other varieties had declined, resulting in little increase in the number of nodules or a slight decrease. The fungi number and root AMF infection rate of all varieties had a certain positive correlation; rhizosphere soil actinomycete number seemed to form a little impact on mycorrhiza formation.
     3.According to the results of pot experiment, we selected four varieties of high infection rate and better nodule formation to carry out field trials. Rhizosphere AMF spores number of Kennong 5 achieve maximum in R1, Kenjian 43, Kennong 21, Kangxian 2 in R3. Root AMF infection rate of Kenjian 43, Kennong 21, Kennong 5, Kangxian 2 chieved maximum in V5, R3, R3 and R6 respectively. Nodule number per plant and nodule dry weight per plant of Kenjian 43, Kennong 21, Kennong 5 and Kangxian 2 chieved maximum in R1, R3, R4 and R6. The other three varieties had the similar changing trend, except Kangxian 2. The peak of mycorrhizal formation and nodule formation was inconsistency of four varieties. The peak of nodule formation arrivalled before the peak of mycorrhizal formation by Kenjian 43, the others in contrary. Bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes number of four varieties all increased first decrease then. The peak of nodule number, nodule dry weight, soybean root AMF infection rate was always after the peak of rhizosphere soil bacteria number. Soybean biomass, content of plant nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, production and other indicators did not have a significant similarity change regularity with indigenous rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
     4.We soaked two varieties seeds by six regulated substances of salicylic acid, paclobutrazol, the ethanol extract of potato skin, the extract soybean seed, 5 aminolevulinic acid (δ-ALA), culture medium containing chitin oligosaccharide lipid culture medium control, and then investigated related indicators of dual symbiosis. The nodule number showed a degree positive correlation with infection rates of culture medium containing chitin oligosaccharide lipid and the extract soybean seed, but nodule number of the ethanol extract of potato skin was high infection rate low; infection rates ofδ-ALA treat was high nodules fewer. In V5 period, the ethanol extract of potato skin compared with the control, the rhizosphere soil bacteria number of the ethanol extract of potato skin increased significantly; while compared with the control, the bacteria number of paclobutrazol reduced significantly, in this period, compared with the control both nodules number declined. In V5, R3 period, compared with the control, 6 treats inhibited rhizosphere fungi number, to R6 period, inhibition of all treats disappearanced, then infection rate also increased, that showed a certain positive correlation. In R3, R6 period, compared with the control, the rhizosphere soil bacteria number and nodules number of culture medium containing chitin oligosaccharide lipid increased, shoots nitrogen content did not apparent increased, roots nitrogen content increased, which may be related to chitin oligosaccharide lipid culture medium promoting the nodules formation.
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