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Philosophy, in a broad sense, can be defined as the critic of notions, while, in a narrow sense, the systematic dianoesis. And both lead to the core of conceptual investigation, i.e. the concepts analysis, which, from the perspective of philosophical history, is typically represented by Wittgenstein's grammatical investigation and Gadamer's conceptual history. This is introduced by the first chapter.
     In order to find the essence of each conceptual investigation, the second chapter deals with wittgenstein's account of philosophy as a grammatical investigation. Considering the complicated, unsettled and profound thought of wittgenstein, firstly this chapter divides wittgenstein's writings into three phases, i.e. early, middle and later phases, so that we can describe the development of wittgenstein's thought clearly. Secondly, due to wittgenstein's peculiar understanding of philosophy and grammar, this chapter divides Wittgenstein's remarks about philosophy into 'philosophy as a confusion' and 'philosophy as a clarity', and the remarks about grammar into three levels, i.e. about language, about propositions and about words. Finally, this chapter expounds these remarks with the aim of illustrating the development of wittgenstein's thought about philosophy and grammar, illustrating why he understands philosophy as grammatical investigation, understands grammar as grammar about words rather than about language and propositions and at the end understands grammatical investigation as conceptual investigation, as a reason-giving style that purports to finish two tasks through investigaing the ordinary uses of some concepts:one task is to clarify the meanings of some concepts or our understanding condensed in concepts, and deepen our understanding about the world; the other is to provide strong support for reson-giving through integrating systematic dianoesis with our empirical world or life world
     Given that this dissertation is about the comparison of Wittgenstein and gadamer, the third chapter describes gadamer's exposition of Wittgenstein and especially makes a comparison between their thoughts about language games. The conclusion is that gadamer's thought about language agrees with his general understanding about philosophy or philosophical hermeneutics and also determines his understanding about conceptual history.
     The fourth chapter deals with the problem that how gadamer understands conceptual histoy as the core of philosophy. Firstly, combined with gadamer's thought of philosophical hermeneutics in Truth and Method, this chapter expounds his general philosophical positions and concerns, and shows some of the important viewpoints of gadamer's such as:lingusticity is the characteristics of the experience of human world, the essence of language is speaking etc. After this, this chapter exhausts all of gadamer's accounts about conceptual history in his writings, and then makes a detailed analysis and gets the conclusion that the essence of conceptual history is to expound the deep meanings of some concepts in some philosopher's thought, to get clear the truths or understandings behind these concepts and tap the truths that's important to the present through historical retrospection. With this, the concepts are understood and the truths are grasped. Comparing to grammatical investigation, conceptual history doesn't involve the investigation into the uses of concepts.
     Finally, according to the above analysis, this dissertation describes wittgenstein's grammatical investigation into the concept of understanding and gadamer's conceptual history investigation into the concept of language through case study at first; Then after compared and analyzed both different philosophical positions from the viewpoint of conceptual investigation, it explains their characterics and their difference caused by their different positions, and attempts to discuss the tensions between them. In the end this dissertation discusses the relationship between philosophy and philosophical history.
1 PI第1节。萨维尼(Eike von Savigney)援引哈勒特(G.Hallet)观点指出,PI中维特根斯坦对含义(Bedeutung)和意义(Sinn)的使用相当稳定,基本上他总是把含义(Bedeutung)用于语间,把意义(Sinn)用于句子,见Eike von Savigney(Hrsg):Wittgenstein:Philosophische Untersuchungen, Akademie Verlag GmbH. Berlin 2011,S.7.
    2 参见Austin,J.L:Philosophical papers, Oxford The Univ. Pr.1979, P.182.
    3 卡勒:《索绪尔》,中国社会科学出版社,1989年6月,第115页。
    4 索绪尔:《普通语言学教程》(以下简称《教程》),裴文 译,江苏教育出版社,2002年1月,第76页。笔者不引商务印书馆高名凯译本而引江苏教育出版社裴文译本,原因在于后者新出,翻译上更精准,关于这点参见:陈新仁朱晓宁:《中国索绪尔研究新阶段的基石——<普通语言学教程>新译本评析》,苏州大学学报,2004年第03期。
    5 《教程》,第110页。
    6 《普通语言学教程——1910—1911索绪尔第三度讲授》,湖南教育出版社,2011年,张绍杰译,第114页。
    7 同.上,第149页。
    8 哲学理论的说法颇为可疑。理论的典范是自然科学。其要点在于能被确证,能不断增加知识。但问题在于,理论不思,或者说不寻求理解。与之相对,历史上所谓的哲学理论,何尝真被确证,成为真正的知识?随着近代科学的发展,随着一门门学科从哲学中脱离、独立开来,哲学如今对自己的任务当能看得清楚。哲学根本上旨在寻求对道理的理解,而非建构理论。哲学与理论根本是水火不相容。用维特根斯坦的话说,哲学做成理论必错,即便真做出来了,我们也不感兴趣。
    9 论理和说理含义差不多,但论理更强调论证这层意思,而说理则更侧重对话意味。从诠释学对话的立场来说,说理一词可能更合适。但此处为凸显和理论一词的对比,将采用论理。
    10 参见Austin《为辩解进一言》(A Plea for Excuse),载philosophical papers, Oxford University,1972.
    11 如30年代初,维也纳小组曾宣布由魏斯曼(Waismann)跟维特根斯坦合作阐释后者思想,但由于维特根斯坦当时的思想正经历迅速转变,加上后来石里克被刺杀,双方最终不欢而散(该部分细节参见:瑞·蒙克:《维特根斯坦传——火才之为责任》,王宇光译,浙江大学出版社,2011年6月,第i部分1929—1941)。
    12 《关于<哲学研究>的分析性评注》是研读《哲学研究》的权威文献,但两位著者并未停止在解读《哲学研究》上,相反,以此为核心对维特根斯坦全部哲学几乎梳理一遍。目前前两卷已于2005年完成修订并出版,2009年出平装本时又依据2009年新修订的PI对这两卷作过校改。后两卷尚未修订。
    19 陈嘉映:《说理》,华夏出版社,2011年5月,第109页。
    24 Ludwig Wittgenstein:Wiener Ausgabe Studien Texte, Springer,1999.
    25 前者为Wittgenstein's Nachlass:The Bergen Electronic Edition,5 CD-ROM, Oxford University Press,2000.后者为Ludwig Wittgenstein:Gesamtbriefwechsel/Complete Correspondence. Electronic Edition. Past Masters, 2004.
    26 Wittgenstein:Werkausgabe in 8 Banden. stw 501-508, Suhrkamp Verlag,1984
    27 据说韩林合正在编译新版《维特根斯坦全集》,而且将是一个带有考订性质的版本。目前已出的《哲学语法》就有这种特色。不过由于和现在通行的德、英版本不太一致,在尚未全部出版前引用时多少让人有点无所适从,故本文涉及《哲学语法》时将不采用韩林合译本。
    28 如Moyal-Sharrock:The Third Wittgenstein:The Post-Investigations Works, Ashgate,2004, P.1-11.
    29Anthony Kenny:Wittgenstein, Wiley-Blackwell,2006,第12章The Continuity of Wittgenstein's Philosophy.
    35 AL,S.206,原文:MiBtrauen gegenuber der Grammatik ist die erste bedingung des Philosophierens.
    46 参见:H.O.Mounce:Wittgenstein's Tractatus—An Introduction, the university of Chicago,1989. P.105.
    103 陈嘉映:《说理》,商务印书馆,2011年5月,第90-91页。
    155 Rush Rhees (ed.):Recollections of Wittgenstein, Oxford University Press,1984., P.115.
    267 G.P. Baker and P. M. S. Hacker:Wittgenstein:Rules, Grammar and Necessity:Essays and Exegesis, Willey-Blackwell,2009, P.60
    285 陈嘉映等:《语言与哲学》,三联出版社,1996年,第279-295页。
    301 陈嘉映:《语言哲学》,北京大学出版社,2003年,第185页。
    302 Eike von Savigney(Hrsg):Wittgenstein:Philosophische Untersuchungen, Akademie Verlag GmbH, Berlin 2011.S.27.
    313 Gadamer:Philosophical Hermeneutics. University of California Press,2008, XXXV.
    314 参见Chris Lawn and Niall Keane:The Gadamer Dictionary. Continuum,2011, P.160.
    315 GW2.S.12;中译本Ⅱ,第13页。
    316 Donatella Di Cesare:Gadamer:Ein philosophisches Portrtil. Mohr Siebeck,2009:S.210-211.
    317 Gadamer:Philosophical Hermeneutics. University of California Press,2008. xxxvi.
    318 参见:Chris Lawn:Wittgenstein and Gadamer:Towards a Post-Analytic Philosophy of Language, Continuum, 2004, P.26-30.
    319 GW10,S.199:“·我不敢把‘哲学’这个崇高的字眼用到自己身上,只敢试着把它用作形容词” (Ich wagte nur nicht, das anspruchsvolle Wort》Philosophie《 fur mich zu gebrauchen, und versuchte es nur attributiv zu verwenden)。
    320 参见Jean Grondin:Einfuhrung zu Gadamer, Mohr Siebeck,2000, S.18.
    321 Hans-Georg Gadamer; Edited by Richard E. Palmer:The Gadamer Reader——A Bouquet of the Later Writings, Northwestern University Press,2007, P412.
    322 Gunter Figal:Hans-Georg Gadamer:Wahrheit und Methode, Klassiker Auslegen Band 30, Akademie Verlag GmbH, Berlin 2007, S.1.
    323 据笔者的阅读观感,对理解WM (GW I)最有助益的二手文献大致有这儿种Gunter Figal:Hans-Georg Gadamer:Wahrheit und Methode, Klassiker Auslegen Band 30, Akademie Verlag GmbH, Berlin 2007这书是对WM的逐节解读,不过不像Joel Weinsheimer的Gadamer's Hermeneutics:A Reading of Truth and Method (Yale University,1985)那样局限于讨论WM本身,而往往也结合伽达默尔其他论著展开论述,对全面、深入理解WM思想大有助益。此外,还有Jean Grondin:Einfuhrungzu Gadamer, Mohr Siebeck,2000; Donatella Di Cesare:Gadamer:Ein philosophisches Portrat, Mohr Siebeck,2009.这两书总论伽达默尔思想,但很大部分专论WM,论述精到,颇值参看。
    324 GW2 S.440;中译本Ⅱ,第533页。
    325 GW2 S.438;中译本Ⅱ,第531页。
    326 Donatella Di Cesare:Gadamer:Ein philosophisches Portrat, Mohr Siebeck,2009, S.46.
    327 参见Jean Grondin:Einfuhrung in die philosophische Hermeneutik, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft,2001,S.148,中译本《哲学解释学导论》见第151页注②,更新一点的研究见"Dimensionen des Hermeneutischen": Heidegger und Gadamer, Herausgeber von Giinter Figal und Hans-Helmuth Gander, Klostermann,2005.
    328 海德格尔:《存在论:实际性的解释学》,人民出版社,2009年;海德格尔: 《对亚里士多德的现象学解释:现象学研究导论》,华夏出版社,2012年; 《亚里士多德的现象学解释:诠释学处境的显示》收入孙周兴编译:《形式显示的现象学:海德格尔早期弗莱堡文选》,同济大学出版社,2004年。
    329 Heidegger:Ontologie, Vittorio Klostermann, S.14,中译第18页
    330 同上,S.7、S.21,中译第7页、25页。
    331 同上,S.15,中译第18页。
    332 海德格尔:《存在与时间》,三联书店,2006年,第44页。
    333 同上,第14-15页。
    334 同上,第18页。引文中的理解,原文为Verstehen或Verstandnis等,中译本译为领会,应该说很贴切,有助于防止某些误解,但对本文行文可能会带来不便,因此统一改成理解。
    341 格朗丹:《哲学解释学导论》,商务印书馆,2009年,第11页。
    345 GW1,S.271;中译本Ⅰ,第363-364页。
    346 GW1,S.274;中译本Ⅰ,第368页。
    347 潘德荣认为:‘‘Vorurteil本身是一个中立的表达,它只是指在我们自己作出判断之前先在地存在着的那个判断。”据此,建议译为:前判断。参见:潘德荣:《西方诠释学史》,北京大学出版社,2013年3月,第334页。
    348 GW1,S.281;中译本Ⅰ,第282页。
    349 GW1,S.285;中译本Ⅰ,第380页。
    350 GW1,S.301;中译本Ⅰ,第402页。
    351 GW1,S.302;中译本Ⅰ,第404页
    352 在WM的前4版中,他认为“只有”(Nichts anderes als)时间距离能作出此种区分,但在1986年第5版中他把“只有”改成了“常常”(oft)。格朗丹认为,这表明伽达默尔恐怕已经意识到时间距离不能解决真前见与假前见问题。毕竟历史距离也会带来遮蔽。去掉原来问题的知识论意味,其实根本上是个警觉问题Wachsamkeit,详见Jean Grondin:Einfuhrung zu Gadamer. Mohr Siebeck,2000. S.143
    353 GW1,S.304;中译本Ⅰ,第406-407页。
    354 GW1,S.287;中译本Ⅰ,第383页。
    355 GW1,S.311;中译本Ⅰ,第416页。
    356 GW1,S.381;中译本Ⅰ,第509页
    357 GW2,S.226;中译本Ⅱ,第270页。
    358 GW1,S.389:中译本Ⅰ,第520页。
    358 GW1,S.392;中译本Ⅰ,第525页。
    360 GW1,S.394;中译本Ⅰ,第527页
    361 GW1,S.397;中译本Ⅰ,第529页。
    362 GW1,S.401:中译本Ⅰ,第536页。
    363 GW1,S.402:中译本Ⅰ,第537页。
    364 GW1,S.450;中译本Ⅰ,第602页。
    365 GW1,S.453;中译本Ⅰ,第607页。
    366 Donatella Di Cesare:Gadamer:Ein philosophisches Portrdt, Mohr Siebeck,2009, S.196
    367 GW1,S.478;中译本Ⅰ,第639页。
    368 GW1,S.478;中译本Ⅰ,第639页。
    369 GW1,S.493;中译本Ⅰ,第658页。
    371 Joachim Ritter/Karlfried Grunder/Gottfried Gabriel:Historische Worterbuch der Philosophie, Bd.l,S.788-789.
    511Jean Grondin:Einfuhrung zu Gadamer,Mohr Siebeck,2000.S.224.
    378 Chris Lawn and Niall Keane:The Gadamer Dictionary, Continuum,2011, P.20.
    379 何卫平: 《概念史的分析:伽达默尔解释学的方法与实践》, 《中州学刊》,2007年3月,第2期。
    380 Etsuro Makita:Gadamer-Bibliographie (1922-1993), Peter Lang GmbH,1995.
    385 GW1,S.17;中译本Ⅰ,第22页。
    386 GW1,S.18;中译本Ⅰ,第23页。
    387 GW1,S.19;中译本Ⅰ,第25页。
    388 GW1,S.22;中译本Ⅰ,第29页。原文Eben das hatten wir, Hegel folgend, als das allgemeine Kennzeichen der Bildung hervorgehoben, sich derart fur Anderes, fur andere, allgemeinere Gesichtspunkte offenzuhalten.
    411 陈嘉映:《哲学科学常识》,东方出版社,2007年,第136页。
    425 参见亚里士多德:《形而上学》,吴寿彭译,商务印书馆,1981年,第83-117页;或李真译,上海人民出版社,2005年5月,第115-173页。
    431Hans-Johann Glock:A Wittgenstein Dictionary, Blackwell Publishing Limited,1996, P.373.
    474 BPPⅡ, S.227,45节;S.228,48节;S.233,77节。
    475 BPPⅠ, S.56.245节;S.67,302节。
    476 BPPⅠS.161,875节。
    477 BT,S.190-191;《存在与时间》,三联书店,2000年,第167页。
    478Donatella Di Cesare:Gadamer:Ein philosophisches Portrat, Mohr Siebeck,2009,S.181.
    479 GW1,S.411,中译本Ⅰ,第548页。
    480 GW1,S.412,中译本Ⅰ,第550页。
    481 GW1,S.418,中译本Ⅰ,第558页。
    482 GW1,S.418,中译本Ⅰ,第559页。
    483 GW 1,S.426,中译本Ⅰ,第570页。
    484 GW 1,S.430,中译本Ⅰ,第575页。
    485 HWdP, Bd.1,S.787.
    486 GW1,S.433:中译本Ⅰ,第580页。
    487 GW1,S.436;中译本Ⅰ,第590页。
    488 GW1,S.447;中译本Ⅰ,第598页。
    489 参见G.P. Baker and P. M. S. Hacker:Wittgenstein:Understanding and Meaning, Volume I of An Analytical Commentary on the Philosophical Investigations Part Ⅰ:Essays, P.2-3, Willey-Blackwell,2009.
    490 参见:陈嘉映:《说理》,华夏出版社,2011年,第58页及第4章:“论理词与论理”。
    491 亚里士多德:《形而上学》,吴寿彭译,商务印书馆,1981年,卷(A)一,章三至章十;或李真译,上海人民出版社,2005年5月,第一卷(A),第三章至第十章。
    492 亚里士多德:《形而上学》,李真译,上海人民出版社,2005年5月,第51页。
    493 参见GW 2,S.466.
    494 陈嘉映:《说理》,华夏出版社,2011年,第62页。
    497 Hermine Wittgenstein, Fania Pascal, F. R. Leavis. John Kis:Recollections of Wittgenstein, Oxford University Press. P.157
    498 Brian McGuinness:Wittgenstein in Cambridge:Letters and Documents 1911-1951, Wiley-Blackwell,2012,P.218,第165封。
    499 GW 2,S.508;中译本Ⅱ,第621页。
    1、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Aufzeichnungen uber Logik, Werkausgabe Bd.l, Frankfurt a.M.1984
    2、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Kritische Edition, hrsg.von Brian McGuinness und Joachim Schulte, Frankfurt a.M.1989, Zweite Auflage 2001.
    3、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Tagebucher 1914-1916, Werkausgabe Bd.l, Frankfurt a.M.1984
    4、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Philosophische Bemerkungen, Werkausgabe Bd.2, Frankfurt a.M.1984
    5、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Ludwig Wittgenstein und Wiener Kreis, Werkausgabe Bd.3, Frankfurt a.M.1984
    6、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Philosophische Grammatik, Werkausgabe Bd.4, Frankfurt a.M.1984
    7、Ludwig Wittgenstein:The Blue and Brown Books. Oxford:Blackwell,1969
    8、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Eine Philosophische Betrachtung(Das Braue Buch), Werkausgabe Bd.5, Frankfurt a.M.1984
    9、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Bemerkungen uber die Grundlagen der Mathematik, Werkausgabe Bd.6, Frankfurt a.M.1984
    10、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathenatics, Cambridge,1939, ed.C.Dimond. Hassocks, Sussex:Harvester Press, 1976
    11、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology, Vol.1: ed. G.H. von Wright and Heikki Nyman, tr. C.G. Luckhardt and M.A.E.Aue. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,1990
    12、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology, Vol.2: ed. G.H. von Wright and Heikki Nyman, tr. C.G Luckhardt and M.A.E.Aue. Oxford: Blackwell,1993
    13、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Bemerkungen uber die Philosophie der Psychologie, Bd.I und II, Werkausgabe Bd.7, Frankfurt a.M.1984
    14、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Bemerkungen uber die Farben, Werkausgabe Bd.8, Frankfurt a.M.1984
    15、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Uber Gewiβheit, Bd.8, Frankfurt a.M.1984
    16、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Werkausgabe Bd.8, Frankfurt a.M.1984
    17、Vermischte Bemerkungen, Werkausgabe Bd.8, Frankfurt a.M.1984
    18、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Philosophical Inversitations, the German text, with an English translation by G.E.M.Anscombe, P.M.S.Hacker and Joachim Schulte, Revised 4th edition by P.M.S.Hacker and Joachim Schulte. Oxford:Wiley-Blackwell,2009
    19、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Philosophische Untersuchungen, Kritisch-genetische Edition, hrsg. von Joachim Schulte in Zusammenarbeit mit Heikki Nyman, Eike von Savigny und Georg Henrik von Wright. Frankfurt a.M.2001
    20、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Wittgenstein's Lectures, Cambridge,1930-1932, ed. D. Lee. Chicago:The University of Chicago press,1982
    22、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Wittgenstein's Lectures, Cambridge,1932-1935, ed. A. Ambrose. Chicago:The University of Chicago press,1982
    23、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Worterbuch fur Volksschulen, Vienna: Holder-pichler-tempsky,1977
    24、Ludwig Wittgenstein:Wittgenstein in Cambridge, letters and documents 1911-1951, ed. Brian McGuinness. Oxford:Wiley-Blackwell,2012
    1、Hans-Georg Gadamer:Gesammelte Werke(1-2,4,8,10), Tubingen:Mohr Siebeck UTB(2115)1999
    2、Hans-Georg Gadamer:Hermeneutische Entwurfe, Vortrage und Aufsatze, Tubingen:Mohr Siebeck,2000
    3、Hans-Georg Gadamer:Philosophische Lehrjahre:Eine Ruckschau, Frankfurt am Main:Klostermann 2012.
    4、Hans-Georg Gadamer:Truth and Method,2nd, revised edition, translation revised by Joel Weinsheimer and Donald G. Marshall, London:Continuum,2004
    5、Hans-Georg Gadamer:Edited by Richard E. Palmer, The Gadamer Reader——A Bouquet of the Later Writings, Northwestern University Press,2007
    6、Martin Heidegger:Ontologie——Hermeneutik der Faktizitdt, Klostermann, 1994
    7、Martin Heidegge:Sein und Zeit, Niemeyer,2006.
    10、Kristijan Krkac:A Custodian of Grammar:Essays on Wittgenstein's Philosophical Morphology, University Press of America,2013.
    11、Michael Nedo:Ludwig Wittgenstein:Ein biographisches Album, Beck,2012.
    12、Norman Malcolm:Ludwig Wittgenstein:a memoir, Oxford University Press, 2001
    13、Moyal-Sharrock:The Third Wittgenstein:The Post-Investigations Works, Ashgate,2004
    14、Anthony Kenny:Wittgenstein, Wiley-Blackwell,2006
    15、Richard Gaskin:Grammar in Early Twentieth Century Philosophy, London: Routledge,2002
    16、Hans-Johann Glock:A Wittgenstein Dictionary, logical syntax, Oxford: Blackwell,1996
    17、Luise Hausmann:Wittgenstein in Austria—as an Elementary-School Teacher, Encounter, April 1982
    18、Joachim Schulte:Wittgenstein—Eine Einfuhrung, Philipp Reclam jun. Stuttgart,2009.
    19、Jean Grondin:Hans-Georg Gadamer:A Biography, Yale University Press, 2003.
    20、Donatella Di Cesare:Gadamer:Ein philosophisches Portrat, Mohr Siebeck, 2009.
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