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This dissertation is an attempting synthetic inquiry of phenomenological-hermeneutical psychology and psychotherapy. Within the current context of post-modern rhetoric, and facing the methodological crisis in modern psychology, this study explores the nature, the aims, relational processes therapeutic strategies, and suitable research methods, of psychotherapy, discoursing on the dimensions of the life-world, human existence, and Being itself, trying to systematically examine the much debated theoretical problems and methodological issues in psychology and psychotherapy, and draw conclusions that may have significant implications for understanding practice and research.
     The basic task of phenomenological-hermeneutical psychology and psychotherapy is, through phenomenological reduction and intuitive knowing, by facing directly our life experiences and at the same time truly seeing the intentionality of the functions of our consciousness, thus understanding the opening-up of our life-world so that we become more open-minded and creative in planning our being-in-the-world. This therapeutic approach emphasizes authentic dialogue between the client and the therapist, between the personal life story and the cultural tradition within which the story generates its specific configuration and individualized meaning, with the expectation that transformations of attitude and narration may occur and newer possibilities can emerge out of the therapeutic process. The focus on the experiencing person within a relational meeting with Otherness and a public or interpersonal realm of meanings, clearly set the phenomenological-hermeneutical stance against the theoretical prototype of modern mainstream psychology, that is, the root metaphor of the machine, diagnostic labeling and prescriptive intervention procedures on the objectified individual person. This ontological view of the human world provides with us an alternative option other than the forced choice between modernism and post-modernism, between psychologism and behaviorism.
     In phenomenological psychology, there is no separation between body and mind, and these are not seen as two entities but aspects of the same flow of experiences. In body-mind therapy, the purpose is to integrate the difference levels and aspects of human existence and possible conflicts between them, so that they become unified as a part of the oneness or suchness of Being. Dance movement therapy, music therapy, expressive art therapy, Yoga, meditation, and other similar approaches and techniques, are viable and very promising ways of doing body-mind therapy.
     Narrative therapy is a symbolizing process in which the client and therapist work together on rewriting a self or a life story in order to re-establish some meaning configuration. The inter-subjective, transcendental expression of affects and experiences functions in the narrative flow as a facilitator for the integration of divided or broken segments of personal experiences, for the re-figuration of lived meaning, so the individual can re-arrange life paths to realize significant and ultimate values. Seen in this perspective, psychotherapy is none but a relational cultural-political praxis par excellence.
     To do qualified research on phenomenal facts such as goals, processes, relationships in a concrete social context, and meaning experienced by a living person, hypothesis testing based on behavioral measurements, no matter how elegantly performed numerically, will never be enough. Thick description, as one of the basic tools recommended by phenomenology, can be used in empirical investigations. The real challenge of research in psychology , is how to effectively shed light on the life world of the participant, letting this world be fully described and seen with new possibilities. 'Returning to the fact itself'. This slogan may persistently remind us as researchers to guard against our own prejudicial conceptions and theoretical fabrications, and return to the fact, to the origins of experiences, to correct missteps of our intentionality, thus may we keep a diligent awareness of self criticism, and hopefully never stray away from the path of truth without self consciousness.
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    ③ 许多作者把human science译为“人文科学”,从而与自然科学对立起来,这可能是因为在一些英文文本中“human science”和“natural science”往往作为一个对子同时出现的缘故。我认为这种译法需要推敲。再者,有些研究者把现象学心理学归于“人文科学(human science)”,如伍麟(2002,2006)。我们在这里需要斟酌“human science”的含义。在本文中不用“人文科学”一词,是因为我认为,一是“人文科学”这个术语本身的提法值得商榷,可能称“人文学科”或“人丈学术”更合适些。二是“human science”译为“人类科学”或“人学”更为贴切。在德语中,“Geisteswissenschaften”的意思是“心智,文化或者精神(spitit)的科学”,吉奥吉(1970)认为这个词译成英文中的“human science”是一种不太准确 的表达。所以有些使用者希望把这个术语仅限定在对心智、意识或者经验的研究上。但吉奥吉认为这种用法又未免太狭窄。对这个术语他更喜欢采用一种更加宽泛的、也更加中性的含义。在英语中,“Human”总是意指一种肉身体现的、具体的人,一种先于身心区别、主客区别的整体存在,而且是与行动和体验直接关联着的主体(agent)。根据以上分析,把“human science”理解为“人类科学”可能更恰当。同时,对于狄尔泰对科学的两种分法的表述上,由于语言上的差异以及我们的望文生义,因此也可能存在误解。对于心理学的性质,按照汉语表述的习惯,上述的问题改为“心理学属于理科还是文科”的方式提问,大概会更清楚。另外,有研究者(伍麟,2002)把现象学心理学归于人本主义心理学,我个人认为恰恰是应该反过来。
    ① Kluback, 1956, pp.52-53, 转引自Gigorg, A.(1970) Psychology as a human science. Harper and Row, New York. pp.22-23.
    ① 转引自Giorgi, A.(1970) Psychology as a human science. New York: Harper & Row. p.24.
    ② Giorgi, A.(1970). Psychology as human science. New York: Harper & Row.p.25.
    ① Makkreel, R. (1995) The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. Ed. R. Audi. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p.203
    ② Hodes, (1944). Quoted from: Giorgi, A. (1970). Psychology as human science. New York: Harper & Row. p.25.
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