1.心肌超声造影评定冠脉储备及高血压,低氧血症对冠脉储备的影响 2.应用冷冻方法制作试验小鼠心衰模型
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     结果:两种方法测得的冠脉储备有很好的相关性(P<0.05)。其冠脉储备值类似,分别为2.5和3.1倍。苯肾上腺素使血压从平均129/100mmHg增加到平均196/153mmHg(P<0.001),心率由114增加到124 beats/min,心率变化无显著性差异。苯肾上腺素导至的血压增高增加静息时的b值,降低腺苷扩血管后的b值,使冠脉储备明显降低,由2.5倍降低为1.5倍,其差异有显著性(P<0.05)。用荧光微球技术测定所得的冠脉储备也显著降低,由3.1倍降低为1.8倍(P<0.05)。氮气吸入使平均氧分压明显降低,从平均120.6mmHg下降到平均51.8 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133KPa,P<0.001),心率由114增加到116次/分(P>0.05)。CFR也明显降低,分别从2.5倍降至1.5倍(MCE,P<0.05)及3.1倍降至2.5倍(MFT,P>0.05),这是由于氮气吸入后静息时的心肌血流轻微增加,而腺苷滴注后的心肌血流较氮气吸入前腺苷滴注后的心肌血流轻度降低所致。
Background:Time-intensity curves derived from microbubble destruction/refilling sequences recorded from myocardial contrast echo(MCE) can provide parameters which correlate with coronary blood flow.The response of these parameters to adenosine(ADN) vasodilation correlates with coronary flow reserve (CFR) measured by microsphere techniques.However,no data exist regarding the effect of physiological variables such as blood pressure and oxygen tension upon the determination of CFR by MCE.
     Methods:Studies were performed in 18 closed chest swine.Low-energy, real-time MCE was performed in short axis papillary muscle view while infusing BR1(Sonovue,Bracco) at 30 ml/hr.High-energy FLASH frames destroyed bubbles every 15 cardiac cycles,and time-intensity curves derived from refilling were fitted to an exponential function as y=A(1-e~(-bt)) +C from which the rate of signal rise(b) was obtained.CFR was calculated as the ratio of b values prior to and after adenosine infusion,and was obtained during control(CON) and after increasing BP with phenylephrine in 9 out of the 18 pigs,and after inducing hypoxia by breathing nitrogen in another 9 pigs out of the 18 pigs.CFR was independently determined by fluorescent microspheres.
     Results:Adenosine produced a similar increase of CFR by MCE and microspheres(2.5 vs 3.1 respectively) during CON.Phenylephrine increased the mean BP from 129/107 to 196/153mmHg(P<0.001) and changed heart rate from 114 to 124(P>0.05).Phenylephrine increased resting and decreased post adenosine values of b(0.71 and 0.92 respectively),producing a marked reduction in CFR which was similar to that measured by microspheres(1.5 and 1.8 respectively,both P<0.05). Nitrogen inhalation decreased the mean PaO_2 from 120.6 to 51.8mmHg,(P<0.001), without a change of heart rate(114 to 116 beats/min).The decrease of PaO_2 resulted in slightly increased resting values for both b(0.46 to 0.51) and MBF(1.39 to 1.72), both nonsignificant,and slightly decreased values after adenosine:1.05 to 0.82 for b and 4.30 to 3.93 for MBF,both P>0.05.Thus,CFR decreased with hypoxia:to 1.42 by b parameter,P<0.05,and 2.5 by MBF(P>0.05).
     Conclusions::Trans-vein real-time MCE is a ideal method to assess coronary flow reserve.It is fissiable,repeatable.Phenylepherine induced hypertension and hypoxia reduces quantitative parameters of CFR derived from destroy/refill sequences by MCE.The influence of these variables must be taken into account when employing MCE to assess coronary flow reserve.
     Purpose:A standardized heart failure model was induced by cryo-injury.
     Methods:Cryo-injury was produced in anesthetized C57BL/6 mice via 10s of direct contact on the LV anterior free wall with a 4 mm Brymill liquid nitrogen chilled probe.MI was induced by coronary artery ligation. Echocardiograms of fractional shortening and LV end diastolic and systolic dimensions were made before(baseline),35d and 70d post-injury.Also in-situ contractility and ejection fraction were assessed at 70d post-injury, and triphenyltetrazolium chloride(TTC) stain was used to delineate infarction.Gs protein and adenylyl cyclase content were test in by Western method in cryo-injury mouse and compared to normal heart.
     Results:The myocardial cryo-injury scar size determined by TTC stain was profoundly large(51±1%,n=9).Echocardiographic and in situ parameters revealed a highly enlarged and dysfunctional heart.Both Gs protein and adenlyly cyclase were unchanged in the cryo-ingery group.
     Conclusion:cryo-injury created a more standardized mouse heart failure model and higher survival rate than coronary ligation did.Both Gs protein and adenlyly cyclase were unchanged when heart failure was developed.
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