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     (1)分析比较了几类主要的本体构建的方法。综合各方面,本文采用Mike Uschold & Micheal Gruninger提出的方法构建旅游领域本体。在构建过程中,本文分析研究了本体概念之间的关系、概念的层次结构、概念的等价性、属性约束以及实例的等价性。
With the development of Internet and Web technology, WWW has become a tremendous information depository. However, with traditional search engines, people can’t easily find the precise information which they need. The technology of Web information extraction is appeared under this background.
     At present, the technology of Web information extraction has a lot of research. The main methods of Web information extraction are natural language processing-based and Wrapper induction-based and HTML structure-based and ontology-based. The method of ontology-based information extraction mainly uses the description information of the data itself, relying less on Web page, and ontology can provide domain concepts knowledge and relations which machine can understand, and ontology has expressive reasoning ability. Besides, in information extraction, it has many advantages using ontology. First, ontology provides a rich and predefined lexicon, which can be used as the stable concept interface for data source, and is independent of the data mode. Second, the knowledge of ontology representation is enough for the converting of all relevant information sources. Third, ontology supports the management of consistency and indentification of the non-consistent data, and etc.
     With the analysis above and the actual needs of our project, a method of Web information extraction based on ontology in tourism domain is proposed in this paper, and a model platform of information extraction in tourism of Guangxi—Tourism_IESystem is designed and implemented. The main works done in this paper are as follows:
     (1) Analyze and compare the main methods of domain ontology construction. All things considered, tourism ontology is constructed in this paper, using the method proposed by Mike Uschold & Micheal Gruninger. In constructing process, this paper studies the relation between the concept and the hierarchical structure of the concept and the equaivenlent of the concept and the restrictions of the property and equaivenlent of the individual.
     (2) Introduce the Pellet reasoner, state the SHOIQ(D)-Tableaux reasoning algorithm, study the reasoning of the tourism domain ontology using the reasoning algorithm, including the check of ontology consistency and the check of concept subsumption and the check of concept satisfiability and the check of property restrictions and the check of instance. At last, state the ontology parser using Jena, analyze ontology concept and keywords and relation and instance and etc, storing in database.
     (3) On the basis of ontology reasoning and parser, firstly, according to the characteristics of the transferring from the website to the DOM tree, state the extraction algorithm of the website text content using the keywords of the tourism ontology to locate the information regional of the pages. Secondly, state the Chinese word segmentation using ICTCLAS word segmentation tool and tourism domain vocabulary, and analyze the filtering of stop words. At last, state the extraction rules. In the construction of the extraction rules, the semantic feature of the property is used in this paper, and combining the triple.
     At last, according to the key technology studied in this paper, a model platform of information extraction in tourism of Guangxi—Tourism_IESystem is implemented. And the performance of the information extraction system is validated by making use of the Web page of tourism sites as experimental object. This shows that the method proposed in this paper is feasible according to technology aspect, and it has practical application value and realistic significance.
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