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     Aging of the population has become a global phenomenon, cognitive decline is one of the important healthy problems to aged people, is the focus of attention of many researchers curently.Extreme form of cognitive decline is dementia. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) refers to the transition clinical state between normal aging and dementia or Alzheimer disease (AD).
     With the rapid development of the biological-psychological-social medicine model, persona-lity factors in the disease in the growing role of attention. Studying the relationship between per-sonality characteristics and cognitive is important in the cognitive decline even MCI prevention, the early pre-clinical prevention and early warning are important.
     1.To determine the demographic differences in personality characteristics, Relations of personali-ty characteristics and cognitive memory hierarchy in the aged population and analyze socio-demographic factors.
     2.To explore the influencing factor in the outcome of the conversion to cognitive decline and the MCI subjects with different personality characteristics.
     Subjects and methods
     1. Subjects
     We cluster-randomly selected 2,000 people from 60 to 89 years of age participated in nine co-mmunity in Taiyuan. In which males are 735 people whose average age are 68.10±3.20 years old, females are 1136 people whose average age is 71.21±3.04 years.
     2. methods
     Cognitive use Wechsler Intelligence Scale,Binet intelligence test, Hiskey-Nebraska Test of Learning Aptitude. Personality factor use Cattell's 16. Selecting MCI use MMSE,ADL,GDS. MCI diagnostic criteria for DSM-IV is based on the United States in the mild cognitive impairm-ent in neurological research standards and the findings of this research group previously develop-ped. MMSE scores of following four times equal or higher than a level of cognitive decline in that group, a total of 283 people; the control group with the community, age (±1), gender-consistent,1:4 match.
     Statistical Analysis
     EpiData3.0 Database, SPSS 13.0 t-test analysis of variance, Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression, Logistic regression into the analysis.Survival analysis in the cox regression model ranged from more than match the Logistic regression analysis. In addition to personality characteristics other than the variable multivariate analysis as covariates considered.
     Status of research:intelligent sex and arithmetic; dominance and arithmetic, picture arrange-ment, the term immediate memory; immutability and numeracy, the sensitivity and mapping; fantasy and episodic memory, spatial reasoning; concern with the terms of immediate memory; independence with the term immediate memory; self-discipline and the digit span, the term imm-ediate memory; tension and the arithmetic, episodic memory, the term immediate memory; "Ad-aptation and anxiety" and the arithmetic, episodic memory; "inward and outward-looking" and the arithmetic, digit span nouns related to immediate memory were statistically significant (P <0.05). Intelligent nature of dominance, adaptation and anxiety on the arithmetic, inward and outward on the digit span, the sensitivity of the mapping, dominance of the picture arrangement, excitability, fantasy sex, tension on the episodic memory; dominance, independence of the term immediate memory, fantasy impact on the spatial reasoning, both statistically significant (P <0.05).
     Case-control study:The risk factors of MCI were Liveliness(OR:1.848,95% CI:1.008-3.38 8),Openness to change (OR:1.445,95% CI:1.037-2.013). The protection factors were Reasoning (OR:0.364,95% CI:0.235-0.563),Rule-consciousness(OR:0.449,95% CI:0.275-0.732),Sensitivity (OR:0.600,95% CI:0.382-0.942).
     Nested case-control study:The risk factors of cognitive decline was Openness to change (OR:1.917,95% CI:1.066-3.449). The protection factors were Warmth (OR:0.017,95% CI:0.002-0.189),Reasoning(OR:0.308,95% CI:0.193-0.492),Rule-consciousness(OR:0.105,95% CI:0.016-0.707),Self-reliance (OR:0.197,95% CI:0.125-0.313).
     1. Personality characteristics performed in a different demographic, personality and cognitive processes interactive relationship may exist, this study provides a new understanding of clues.
     2. We Suggests that MCI research should consider personality factors with the development of biological-psychological-social medicine model,which may be good for preventing and warn-ing.
     3. Personality in warmth,Intelligent, full of ability and insight, perseverance, freedom, indepen-dence will delay the cognitive decline, MCI,or even prevent Alzheimer's work.
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