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     (3)提出基于LDA(Latent DirichletAllocation,潜在狄利克雷分配)主题聚类的网络评论知识发现的主要任务和解决方法,包括相似评论文本聚类、评论主要观点抽取、深度观点判定等方法。
Nowadays,there exist objectively two fields of public opinions. One is society publicopinion field which mainly refers to mainstream media,including newspapers,radio andtelevisions. The other is the private opinions platform which is based on the Internet and theapplications of Web2.0. During the new environment of Web2.0,there are many new formsof the communication added to the public opinion platform. The reviews on the platformhave increased rapidly due to both of the original news commentary,BBS and the newcommunications forms. The new communication methods include the tools as newsaggregation (RSS),Wikipedia (Wiki),instant messaging (IM) as QQ,micro-blog,podcast,taobao and ebay and so on. Recently the Internet users have entered a developmentplatform in which mobile phone has played the most important role. Micro-blog andcommunity also become the sources of online comment views. The new features of theinformation,which are timeless,openness,interactivity,thoughtful and grass-rooted hasbrought many changes on many aspects. People’s life has been influenced by these features.Moreover,it also changes the public opinion evolution information and the mechanism ofpolymerization. Besides the space of the public opinion spreading also has connected withthe new information features.
     Under the environment of Web2.0,it becomes important to get ideas as well as getaccess to information,while it becomes much more difficult to get valuable informationideas. There are two reasons for illustrating this phenomenon. One is that different peoplewould have different opinions in different ways. And the review ideas often mix opinionswith positive and negative aspects. It will cost a lot time and energy to capture accuratereviews information. The other reason is that the comment information from the publicopinion platform with Web2.0has been polluted by large Web reviews. This kind ofinformation is intermingled with good and bad,multifarious as well as stemming. Whereasthe traditional Web public opinion analysis technology,which mainly focused on the webpages and BBS,has limitations to make analysis about the application of Web2.0. The failureto get authoritative information affects the Web reviews and analysis of information.Therefore,it is necessary for us to carry out the research study about the Web2.0Webreviews information. It will help us to make better exploration to the hidden information inthe Web. Moreover,it will also provide support for making decisions and prediction of thefuture strategies. At the same,it will also enrich the Web reviews the theoretical systeminformation analysis.
     With Web2.0application of the public opinion platform as the logical starting point,thisthesis has carried out a deeper system research study which focuses on the Web reviews analysis models,reviews on the Web information theory,technology and methods from theperspective of topic clustering. This thesis mainly uses the methods of the integrated use oftext mining,opinion mining,knowledge discovery,LDA topic model,ontology learning,and methods of visualization technology.
     The main researches this thesis has done are as follows:(1) This thesis has made a comprehensive analysis of the reviews from home and broad andit includes hotspot and frontier as well as application progress of this selected topic.(2) Opinion mining from unstructured text is based on discovery method of aspect-sentimentrelationship,making use of semi-structured explicit view as the extracting key of aspect,sentiment polarity and relationship in comments objects,and constructing opinionknowledge base. So we can solve the problem of context-aware,which will help the wholework of opinion mining.(3) The method of web reviews discovery based on LDA topic clustering model is putforward,including similar comments text clustering and main opinion recognition and deepviews judgment.(4) From a cognitive perspective,analysis of the discovery regulation of web reviews forimplicit cognition and the discovery mode of web reviews based on LDA and opinionmining is conducted. In the educational field network review opinion mining is used as acase study,which provides valuable reference for the research of its application.
     The innovations of this research include the following three aspects:(1) The opinion knowledge base based on ontology is constructed,and opinion miningmethod based on it is put forward,which will help resolve the problem of context-aware andimprove the dynamic expansion of domain dictionary.(2) Based on the perspective of topic clustering,using LDA topic model,combining theideas of algorithm of opinion separation and integration,we proposed the method of mainopinion recognition and deep views judgment.(3) Based on the general mining of opinion word and depth mining based on topic,byincorporating domain knowledge complementary,the knowledge discovery mode of theview-knowledge-topic multi-base integration from web reviews is constructed.
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    [5]Cambria E,Xia Y,Hussain A.Affective Common Sense Knowledge Acquisition for SentimentAnalysis[C]//LREC.2012:3580-3585
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    [9]AntweilerW, Frank MZ. Is all that talk just noise? The information content of internet stock message boards[J]. Journalof Finance,2004,59(3):1259-1294
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    [11]Liu Y, Huang J, An A, et a.l ARSA:A sentiment-aware model for predicting sales performance usingblogs[C]//Proceedings of the30thAnnual International ACMSIGIR Conference on Research and Development inInformation Retrieval(SIGIR), New York, NY, USA:ACM,2007:607-614
    [12]Ghose A, Ipeirotis P G. Designing novel review ranking systems: Predicting usefulness and impact ofreviews[C]//Proceedings of the9thInternationalConferenceonElectronicCommerce (ICEC), New York, NY, USA:ACM,2007:303-310
    [13]Pavlou P A, Dimoka A. The nature and role of feedback text comments in on line marketplaces:Implications for trustbuilding, price premiums, and seller differentiation[J]. Information Systems Research,2006,17(4):392-
    [29] BAEZA-YATESR,RIBEIRO-NETO B.Modern Information Retrieval[M].Addison Wesley Longman PublishingCo.Inc.,1999
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    [34] Tsytsarau,Mikalai,and Themis Palpanas."Survey on mining subjective data on the web." Data Mining andKnowledge Discovery24.3(2012):478-514.
    [35]Liu B. Sentiment analysis and opinion mining[J]. Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies,2012,5(1):1-167
    [36]Soo-Min Kim,Eduard Hovy.Determining the Sentiment of Opinions.COLING '04Proceedings of the20thinternational conference on Computational Linguistics,Association for Computational Linguistics Stroudsburg,PA,
    [43]刘兵著,俞勇等译. Web数据挖掘(第2版)[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2013
    [45] Ning Yu. Semi-supervised learning for identifying opinions in Web content. Indiana University(School of Library andInformation Science),2011:57-72
    [47] Lu Y,Zhai C. Opinion integration through semi-supervised topic modeling[C]//Proceedings of the17th internationalconference on World Wide Web. ACM,2008:121-130.
    [48] Hu M,Liu B.Mining and summarizing customer reviews[C]//Proceedings of the tenth ACM SIGKDD internationalconference on Knowledge discovery and data mining.ACM,2004:168-177.
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    [71] Mannila H. Theoretical frameworks for data mining[J]. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter,2000,1(2):30-32.
    [85]Hu Ming qing,Liu Bing.Mining and summarizing customer reviews[C].Proceedings of the8th ACM SIGKDDInternational Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,Seattle,WA,2004
    [86]Keven.Keven s Blog[EB/OL].,2012-10-11
    [90]Yu H, Hatzivassiloglou V. Towards answering opinion questions:Separating facts from opinions and identifying thepolarity of opinion sentences[C]//Proceedings of the2003conference on Empirical methods in natural language processing.Association for Computational Linguistics,2003:129-136
    [91] Miao,Qingliang,Qiudan Li,and Daniel Zeng."Fine‐g rained opinion mining byintegrating multiple reviewsources." Journal of the american society for information science and technology61.11(2010):2288-2299.
    [92] Product Feature Categorization with Multilevel Latent Semantic Association
    [94]Zhou L, Chaovalit P. Ontology‐supported polarity mining[J]. Journal of the American Society for InformationScience and technology,2008,59(1):98-110
    [95] Surowiecki J. The wisdom of crowds:Why the many are smarter than the few and how collective wisdom shapesbusiness[J]. Economies,Societies and Nations,2004.
    [101] M.Sobel.Causal Inference in latent variable models.A.von Eye and C.Clogg(Eds.)Latent variables analysis:Applications for Developmental.1994.
    [105] LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation)主题模型算法_AriannaChen_新浪博客.htm
    [107]付玲,张晖.结合LDA和谱聚类的多文档摘要[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications,2013,49(16).
    [108] Chesley P,Vincent B,Xu L,et al. Using verbs and adjectives to automatically classify blog sentiment[J]. Training,2006,580(263):233.
    [113] Lu Y,Zhai C. Opinion integration through semi-supervised topic modeling[C]//Proceedings of the17th internationalconference on World Wide Web. ACM,2008:121-130.
    [115] Steyvers M,Griffiths T. Probabilistic topic models[J]. Handbook of latent semantic analysis,2007,427(7):424-440
    [130] Peter D. Turney,PMichael L. Littman.Corpus-based Learning of Analogies and Semantic Relations[J]. MachineLearning,2005,60(3):251-278.
    [131] Pmarti A.Hearst.Automatic acquisition of hyponyms from large text corpora [C]//International Conference OnComputational Linguistics:Dr.D.E.Walker,ACL Sec,1999:539545
    [132] Morin E. Automatic Acquisition of Semantic Relations between Terms from Technical Corpora [C]//Proceedings ofthe5th International Congress on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering,TermNet-Verlag,Vienna,1999:268-278.
    [134] Nicola Fanizzi,Claudia d'Amato,Floriana Esposito.Metric-based stochastic conceptual clustering for ontologies [J].Information Systems,2009,34(8):792-806.
    [139]Carl Weter.卡爾威特的教育[M].哈尔滨:黑龙江科学技术出版社,2010.
    [141] Rudolf Steiner.人学[M].台北:洪叶事业文化有限公司,2010.
    [2] Mike Thelwall,Kevan Buckley,Georgios Paltoglou.Sentiment in TwitterEvents[J]. Journal of the American Society for Information Science andTechnology,2011,62(2):406–418
    [3] Chmiel A,Sienkiewicz J,Thelwall M,et al.Collective emotions online andtheir influence on community life[J].PloS one,2011,6(7):e22207
    [4] Cambria E, Hussain A.Sentic computing: Techniques, tools, andapplications[M].Springer,2012
    [5] Cambria E,Xia Y,Hussain A.Affective Common Sense Knowledge Acquisitionfor Sentiment Analysis[C]//LREC.2012:3580-3585
    [6] Wiegand M,Balahur A,Roth B,et al.A survey on the role of negation insentiment analysis[C]//Proceedings of the workshop on negation andspeculation in natural language processing. Association for ComputationalLinguistics.2010:60-68
    [7] Balahur A,Mihalcea R,Montoyo A.Computational approaches to subjectivityand sentiment analysis: Present and envisaged methods andapplications[J].Computer Speech&Language,2014,28(1):1-6
    [8] Das S R, Chen M Y. Yahoo! for Amazon:Sentiment extraction from small talkon the web[J]. Management Science,2007,53(9):1375-1388.
    [9] AntweilerW, Frank MZ. Is all that talk just noise? The information contentof internet stock message boards[J]. Journal of Finance,2004,59(3):1259-1294
    [10]陈博. WEB文本情感分类中关键问题的研究[D].北京邮电大学,2008
    [11] Liu Y, Huang J, An A, et a.l ARSA:A sentiment-aware model forpredicting sales performance using blogs[C]//Proceedings of the30thAnnual International ACMSIGIR Conference on Research and Development inInformation Retrieval(SIGIR), New York, NY, USA:ACM,2007:607-614
    [12] Ghose A, Ipeirotis P G. Designing novel review ranking systems:Predicting usefulness and impact of reviews[C]//Proceedings ofthe9thInternationalConferenceonElectronicCommerce (ICEC), New York,NY, USA:ACM,2007:303-310
    [13] Pavlou P A, Dimoka A. The nature and role of feedback text commentsin on line marketplaces:Implications for trust building, price premiums,and seller differentiation[J]. Information Systems Research,2006,17(4):392-414.Science,2007,53(9):1375-1388
    [29] BAEZA-YATESR,RIBEIRO-NETO B.Modern Information Retrieval[M].AddisonWesley Longman Publishing Co.Inc.,1999
    [30] Chen H. Knowledge management systems:a text mining perspective[J].2001.
    [31] Thuraisingham B. Data mining:technologies,techniques,tools,andtrends[M]. CRC press,1998.
    [32],Liam Q的专栏-文本特征提取
    [34] Tsytsarau,Mikalai,and Themis Palpanas."Survey on mining subjectivedata on the web." Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery24.3(2012):478-514.
    [35] Liu B. Sentiment analysis and opinion mining[J]. Synthesis Lectureson Human Language Technologies,2012,5(1):1-167
    [36] Soo-Min Kim,Eduard Hovy.Determining the Sentiment of Opinions.COLING'04Proceedings of the20th international conference on ComputationalLinguistics,Association for Computational Linguistics Stroudsburg,PA,USA2004,Article No.1367
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    [42] Liu B, Zhang L. A survey of opinion mining and sentimentanalysis[M]//Mining Text Data. Springer US,2012:415-463
    [43]刘兵著,俞勇等译. Web数据挖掘(第2版)[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2013
    [45] Ning Yu. Semi-supervised learning for identifying opinions in Webcontent. Indiana University(School of Library and Information Science),2011:57-72
    [47] Lu Y,Zhai C. Opinion integration through semi-supervised topicmodeling[C]//Proceedings of the17th international conference on WorldWide Web. ACM,2008:121-130.
    [48] Hu M,Liu B.Mining and summarizing customer reviews[C]//Proceedingsof the tenth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discoveryand data mining.ACM,2004:168-177.
    [55] T. Strohman,D. Metzler,H. Turtle,et al. Indri:A Language-model BasedSearch Engine for Complex Queries(extended Version)[J].2005
    [56] What is R?[EB/OL].[2013-8-11]
    [58] David M. Blei, AndrewY. Ng, Michael I. Jordan, Latent DirichletAllocation[J], Journal of Machine Learning Research3,2003:993-1022
    [65] RANDA.Introduction to Objeetivist Epistemology.NewAmerieanLib rary,1979
    [71] Mannila H. Theoretical frameworks for data mining[J]. ACM SIGKDDExplorations Newsletter,2000,1(2):30-32.
    [85] Hu Ming qing, Liu Bing.Mining and summarizing customerreviews[C].Proceedings of the8th ACM SIGKDD International Conference onKnowledge Discovery and Data Mining,Seattle,WA,2004
    [86] Keven.Keven s Blog[EB/OL].,2012-10-11
    [90] Yu H, Hatzivassiloglou V. Towards answering opinion questions:Separating facts from opinions and identifying the polarity of opinionsentences[C]//Proceedings of the2003conference on Empirical methods innatural language processing. Association for Computational Linguistics,2003:129-136
    [91] Miao,Qingliang,Qiudan Li,and Daniel Zeng."Fine‐grained opinionmining by integrating multiple review sources." Journal of the americansociety for information science and technology61.11(2010):2288-2299.
    [92] Product Feature Categorization with Multilevel Latent SemanticAssociation
    [94] Zhou L, Chaovalit P. Ontology‐supported polarity mining[J]. Journalof the American Society for Information Science and technology,2008,59(1):98-110
    [95] Surowiecki J. The wisdom of crowds:Why the many are smarter than thefew and how collective wisdom shapes business[J]. Economies,Societies andNations,2004.
    [101] M.Sobel.Causal Inference in latent variable models.A.von Eye andC. Clogg (Eds.) Latent variables analysis: Applications forDevelopmental.1994.
    [105] LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation)主题模型算法_AriannaChen_新浪博客.htm
    [107]付玲,张晖.结合LDA和谱聚类的多文档摘要[J]. Computer Engineeringand Applications,2013,49(16).
    [108] Chesley P,Vincent B,Xu L,et al. Using verbs and adjectives toautomatically classify blog sentiment[J]. Training,2006,580(263):233.
    [113] Lu Y,Zhai C. Opinion integration through semi-supervised topicmodeling[C]//Proceedings of the17th international conference on WorldWide Web. ACM,2008:121-130.
    [115] Steyvers M,Griffiths T. Probabilistic topic models[J]. Handbook oflatent semantic analysis,2007,427(7):424-440
    [130] Peter D. Turney,PMichael L. Littman.Corpus-based Learning of Analogiesand Semantic Relations[J]. Machine Learning,2005,60(3):251-278.
    [131] Pmarti A.Hearst.Automatic acquisition of hyponyms from large textcorpora [C]//International Conference On Computational Linguistics:Dr.D.E.Walker,ACL Sec,1999:539545
    [132] Morin E. Automatic Acquisition of Semantic Relations between Terms fromTechnical Corpora [C]//Proceedings of the5th International Congress onTerminology and Knowledge Engineering,TermNet-Verlag,Vienna,1999:268-278.
    [134] Nicola Fanizzi, Claudia d'Amato, Floriana Esposito.Metric-basedstochastic conceptual clustering for ontologies [J]. Information Systems,2009,34(8):792-806.
    [139] Carl Weter.卡爾威特的教育[M].哈尔滨:黑龙江科学技术出版社,2010.
    [141] Rudolf Steiner.人学[M].台北:洪叶事业文化有限公司,2010.

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