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Urban public art is integral to the city, also an extension and alienation to the urban space, and ti is becoming one of the priorities of urban development in the context of globalization. Under the guidance of rapid urbanization and economic development, Chinese cities have entered the era of public art. However, people still lack systematic and comprehensive knowledge of urban public art. On this basis, from the theoretical and practical point of view, this paper seeks to explore the development trends and to build project operation of urban public art, at the same time, to predict development of urban public art in the future of China and to make feasible suggestions for project operation.
     Accompanied with the research object of library science, following induction, deduction and comparisoin method, this paper discussed the contents of four chapters by using experience of multi-domain views for reference, such as sociology, management, architecture and urban planning. Firstly, the background, purposes and significance, content, and framework of this research are discussed, as well as some related research summary. Secondly, the concept of urban public art and the relationship between urban space and it are summarized, and the significance and effect are explored. Then the historical evolution development of urban public art is systematically reviewed. Furthermore, the development trends are proposed, including integration with urban development, industrialization with economical independent, institutionalization of construction standards, and modelling of project operation. Thirdly, according to the project operation of urban public art, which is an important aspect relating to architecture and urban planning, practical experiences of advanced public art projects are analysed. The operating premise, subject and procedure are described, and the main contents are analysed, based on the operation of representative cases. And then, the operating mode is founded with the internal relations and operation. Finally, the development vein of Chinese urban public art is invited, and the current characteristics and problems are analysed. Compared to the development trends of advanced areas, the development of urban public art in the future of China is predicted. At the same time, by learning from the experience of successful projects, with the top-down decision-making patterns of urban construction in China, some feasible suggestions are put forward for the development of urban public art in China.
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