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     在载荷为20N的干摩擦下, 20wt%c-BN/Yb1510E2复合材料,与Yb1510E2相比,摩擦系数和磨损率都升高,主要是由于Yb1510E2陶瓷为摩擦化学反应和粘着磨损;而20wt%c-BN/Yb1510E2主要为表面疲劳磨损和磨粒磨损。对于磨损方式主要为表面疲劳磨损和磨粒磨损的c-BN/β-SiAlON复合材料摩擦系数随着c-BN含量的增加而减小,而磨损率随着c-BN含量的增加而增大,这主要是由于c-BN与基体结合弱,在摩擦磨损的进行,c-BN含量高的试样磨损量大,与摩擦副的接触面积也大,摩擦系数随之会降低。
     添加Si粉可以显著提高B_4C的致密度和力学性能,当Si含量为8wt%时,在1800℃/50MPa/5minSPS烧结后,相对密度可以达到99.78%,维氏硬度和抗弯强度达到最高,分别为41.83GPa,654MPa。随着Si含量的增加,硬度有所下降,主要是由于生成的SiC硬度低于B_4C硬度。添加Si后复合材料力学性能提高的主要原因是:①致密度的提高;②晶粒细化;③S iC的韧化作用。XRD分析表明,含Si试样的B_4C晶格常数增大,这是由于Si取代B_4C结构中C-B-C原子链的C原子并且Si可能会进入B_4C晶体结构的空隙位置,而且置换出来的C会与Si继续反应生成SiC相。
To improve the sinterability of cubic Boron Nitride and Boron carbide, SiAlON and Si were added into c-BN and B_4C, respectively, to supply transient liquid phase during the sintering. c-BN/SiAlON and B_4C ceramic composites with high density were fabricated at low sintering temperature by SPS. The effect of composition and preparation process on the mechanical and wear properties of composites, the toughening mechanism and wear mechanism were studied.
     When the particle size of c-BN which used is 0.5~1μm, c-BN/α-SiAlON composites were prepared by spark plasma sintering. Over 70% c-BN had transformed to h-BN during the sintering at 1550℃for 5min. The added c-BN inhibited the formation ofα-SiAlON, and the role of inhibition enhanced with the increasing of the content of c-BN. On the contrary, when using the larger size of c-BN (2~4μm), c-BN didn’t transforme to h-BN during the same sintering condition. The obtained Vickers hardness of the 20wt%c-BN/Yb-α-SiAlON composites could reach 21.586GPa.
     The Vickers hardness and the flexural strength of the c-BN /β-SiAlON composites with the c-BN size of 2~4μm increased with the increasing c-BN content. The composites containing 10wt% c-BN possessed the maximum mechanical properties. The HV and flexural strength are 15.4GPa and 432MPa, respectively. It is attributed to the crack deflection caused by c-BN particles. Subsequently, the mechanical properties decreased with the increasing c-BN content due to the low density.
     Wear tests were carried out under non-lubricated condition with load of 20N. Compared with the Yb1510E2, the 20wt%c-BN/Yb1510E2 composite showed the appreciably bigger friction coefficient and wear rate. It is due to the different wear modes. The wear modes of the Yb1510E were tribochemical wear and adhesive wear, the wear modes of the 20wt%c-BN/Yb1510E2 were surface fatigue wear and abrasive wear. The predominant modes c-BN/β-SiAlON composites are surface fatigue wear and abrasive wear, their the friction coefficient decreased with the increasing of the content of c-BN, in contrast, the wear rate of the c-BN/β-SiAlON composites increased with the increasing of the content of c-BN. It is due to the weak bonding strength between c-BN and the matrix, which resulte in the higher wear volume for the composites with higher c-BN content. The higher wear colume also increased the area of the composites contacted with the friction pair, hence decrease the friction coefficient.
     The density and mechanical properties of B_4C composites increased with the increasing silicon content. The B_4C composites with 8wt% Si could obtain the highest relative density and mechanical properties in the investigated B_4C based composites. Its Vickers hardness and the flexural strength are 41.83GPa, 654MPa, respectively. Subsequently, the mechanical properties decreased with the increasing Si content, probably due to the Hv of the SiC is lower then the Hv of the B_4C. It is concluded that the improvement of mechanical properties is due to:①the high relative density;②grain refinement;③grain boundary strengthening and crack deflection caused by SiC particles. The phase composition was studied by the means of XRD. The results showed that the lattice parameters of boron carbide for the specimens containing Si were bigger than those for pure boron carbide specimen. It is due to the fact that silicon solid solute into by replacing the carbon atoms belong to C-B-C atomic chain and solute into the interstices in the B_4C structure as interstitial atoms, leading to the increase of the lattice parameters, and the SiC was synthesized by in-situ reaction between the carbon atoms replaced by the Si atoms and Si.
     Wear tests on B_4C composites were carried out under non-lubricated condition with load of 20N, the results show that the friction coefficient of the composites with the Si content of 4,6,10wt% were fluctuating between 0.3 and 0.6 as function of the sliding distance. It is due to the alternate of lubricating film and oxidized film. When the Si content was 8wt%, the curve of the friction coefficient was gentle and minimum wear rate could be obtained, its friction coefficient and wear rate was 0.2, 1.75109×10~(-6)mm~(-3)/N·m, respectively. Because of the formation of the H3BO3 and Si(OH)4. The predominant wear mode of pure B_4C and the B_4C composites was tribochemical wear.
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