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     取直径5 mm的干血滤纸片,加入含有游离肉碱和酰基肉碱的同位素内标,用甲醇萃取,萃取物过滤后直接上机分析,采用ESI+-MS/MS进行检测,数据采集采用多反应监测模式(MRM)对13种肉碱类化合物进行了检测。以美国CDC提供的质控样品作方法学验证。应用该法对277例0~13岁正常儿童的外周血干血滤纸片酰基肉碱进行检测。分6个年龄段组1(新生儿组):年龄~28天,孕周≥37周;组2:年龄~6月;组3:年龄~12月;组4:年龄~3岁;组5:年龄~6岁;组6:年龄~13岁。应用SPSS 17.0分析软件对数据进行统计分析。
     To establish a method for carnitine analysis in dry blood filter paper by tandem mass spectrometry for 0~13 years old children. In this study, we evaluated the variations in free carnitine and acylcarnitines concentrations with age, supplied normal reference range for clinic diagnosis.
     5 mm diameter of dry blood spots were punched and extracted by methanol solution with stable isotope labeled internal standards , then filtered and analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry.Sensitivity and specificity were evaluated by the quality control samples supplied by CDC of United States.
     Filter-paper blood spots were collected from 277 healthy individuals over a period of 3 months, divided into six age groups to analysis, including:1–28 days(group 1), 1–6 months(group 2),7–12 months(group 3), 13 months–3 years(group 4), 4–6 years(group 5)and 7–13 years(group 6). The concentration of free carnitine and acylcarnitines were made statistic to get normal reference range .
     The intraassay CVs of this method were 1% -13% ,The interassay CVs were1% -16%. The linearity of free carnitine and acylcarnitines were enough to the requitement of clinic diagnosis .Long chain carnitines was significantly higher in newborns than in older children (P <0.05), but the concentrations of several short chain acylcarnitines(C3、C4、C5、C6) tended to be no significantly difference. By this method,we identified one patient withβ-oxidation disorders deficiency which proved the method is specificity and sensitivity.
     The precision and linearity of the method are satisfied for free carnitine and acylcarnitines analysis. The age-related reference values are useful in the diagnosis and management of inherited errors of metabolism.
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