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Fresh agriculture product is important and indispensable in people’s life because itis daily necessities. However, the fresh agriculture product is perishable and the cost ofcold chain transport and storage is high in our country, so the consumer is difficult topurchase the high-quality agriculture products with lower prices. Therefore, aiming atthe preservation of the fresh agriculture product and the impact of the differentconsumer preferences on the enterprise decision and by using optimization theory,deteriorating items inventory theory, utility theory, non-cooperative game theory, thisdissertation studied on retailer’s ordering policy and pricing policy for fresh agricultureproduct considering freshness-keeping influence consumer utility, and then studied onhow to promote the enterprise improve the preservation investment and coordinatesupply chain by designing contracts.
     First of all, based on the retailer who is in the perfect competition market promotethe consumer increase purchases by freshness-keeping but it is unable to change theprice to make up the preservation cost, a time-varying consumer utility functioninfluenced by freshness and price is developed, and on the basis the retailer’s freshagriculture inventory model influenced by freshness and price is developed. Then, asingle ordering model for each item and a jointly ordering model for all items aredeveloped to analyze the retailer’s ordering policies under different unit fresh keepingcost of supplier.
     Secondly, for the retailer who is specialize in fresh agriculture product and in theimperfect competition market is able to change the price to make up the preservationcost, a time-varying consumer utility function influenced by freshness and price isdeveloped, and on the basis the retailer’s fresh agriculture inventory model influencedby freshness and price is developed. Then a retailer’s pricing model are developed forboth preserve by retailer and in transit to analyze the retailer’s pricing policies andpreservation investment. Moreover, for the retailer who isn’t specialize in freshagriculture product and in the imperfect competition market, on the basis ofquality-price choice model, a time-varying consumer choice function influenced byfreshness and price of the fresh agricultures product is developed, then, based on thechange of the ordering quantity and potential market capacity, the pricing policies andinvestment for fresh-keeping of the retailer are analyzed.
     Finally, on the basis of the previous research, aiming at the issue that only aenterprise is lower motives to afford the freshness-keeping cost, how to cooperate onfreshness keeping between retailer and supplier is analyzed. In the case of preserved byretailer, because of the "preservation cost sharing" contract is only to promote retailer toincrease input of freshness keeping but not coordinate the fresh supply chain, a"preservation cost&revenue sharing" contract is designed to ensure supply chaincoordination and a "win-win" situation between supply chain members. In the case ofpreserved by supplier, two contracts called "preservation cost&revenue sharing"contract and "purchase price based on product freshness" contract are designed tocoordinate the fresh supply chain, and then the applicability of the two contracts isanalyzed. In the end, numerical example has been used to further confirm all contractshave high efficiency.
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